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Everything posted by AlZilla

  1. Here's a thread I turned up on the topic. Judging by this thread, there's no notable difference and nobody seems to have any strong feelings either way. Here's the search I ran. A little scrolling through it may yield more: https://leatherworker.net/forum/search/?q=isopropyl denatured dye thinning&quick=1
  2. @sufusanta, I split this out into a new topic for you. It was just going to get lost in that older thread. Hopefully, you'll get some more attention this way.
  3. Very, very nice. I like that the toe loop strap is different but the hardware follows the theme. I don't have any single actions but I'd be happy to hang that bad boy on my wall. If it were half again bigger, I might even wear it ... 😄
  4. Welcome aboard! Very nice stuff. I'm a little envious that you were able to take actual classes. I'm in quite a rural area so nothing like that available to me. You've really been able to learn foundational skills and build on each as you go. Many of us just jump in the deep end. Leatherworking is a skill I wish I had picked up early on in life. Please keep sharing your work as you gain experience. It encourages others to improve.
  5. Welcome aboard and back to Leathercrafting. For $200, I think you did quite well. Wizcrafts speaks well of them in this post: But the good news is that you'll always be able to get your money back out of it! Sorry I can't answer your specific questions.
  6. Letters are just a challenge. A friend of mine carves them by hand and does beautiful work. I'm curious why you didn't just thread the Boss up and sew it? Aesthetics?
  7. Looks right to me. I have this chart printed out and taped on the wall behind every sewing machine I use: https://tolindsewmach.com/thread-chart.html Also, it says 31-15 on the front. I'd operate on that assumption. I'd use a small pull type postal scale and set that bottom tension to 1 ounce. It works great on domestics and, really, you're in that range in terms of thread size, bobbin and needles. If nothing else, it's a known, consistent starting point.
  8. Well, now I want to go push that button. Here's a manual for a Toyota AD3310 that has reverse, but it's electrically controlled: https://www.supsew.com/wpfb-file/toyota-ad3310-series-pdf/ Aisin is a Japanese company - maybe their 3310 is a budget version. Push that button, @Yehdhdh !
  9. I know nothing about that particular machine, but I don't see an obvious reverse. This isn't really an unusual situation, generations of sewists never had reverse. This post describes "poor mans reverse", aka just what everyone used to do anyway: I have a couple of older machines w/o reverse and it's really no big deal. Welcome to the forum!
  10. Hmmm ... Can you tell if the pulley at the top of the belt is turning? I hesitate to tell you to run it at this point since we don't know if something internal is wrong, Hopefully the real experts will be along soon.
  11. @Hinojosamaricruz1 I moved your post to the sewing machine area. A little more detail about what it's doing would probably help the big dogs when they get here. Does the motor turn over, does the machine stop suddenly, is it just frozen up, does it turn by hand? Those sorts of details will help. Maybe a youtube video and a link here?
  12. Looks better with the repair!
  13. Yeah, I did it all to be sure. It may be something with my provider, actually. I'm near the Canadian border but my wifi IP resolves to NYC. Usually it resolves to Portland, ME (still a long ways away). EDIT: And now it's working. Just took a while to get to the boonies. Which is the way we like it ...
  14. That works on the wifi but throws a privacy error. No problem for me to use the hotspot. There could be a lot of people wondering why they can't connect.
  15. 5PM Saturday and the DNS change still hasn't propagated to the frozen, far northeastern US. Having to use my phones hotspot.
  16. Interesting. Do you see where you went bleed knot / blood knot? I think leather crafting has been around so long and practiced in such widely spread out places that we'll never really have an authoritative list of terms.
  17. No, the inbox is empty. Maybe that'll resolve in time, too.
  18. On the house wifi, leatherlady.net times out. Reconnect to the phone hotspot and leatherleady forwards direct to leatherworker. It'll be interesting to see how long the changes take to propagate to the hinterlands.
  19. Solid, clean work with nice little details. I can't wait to see your future work.
  20. Hmmm. I can't get on the site with my laptop on my wifi but my phone accesses it just fine. I was not logged out, at least on the phone. I did all the usual reboot, flush cache, etc. No luck with the laptop. Any ideas? My plan now is to wait and see if it clears up overnight. EDIT: If I turn my phone hotspot on and connect the laptop, I'm on leatherworker just fine. Must be something to do with the DNS change and me being in the wilderness. I bet it clears up in time.
  21. @tbraley23, Are they leather tools? If so, maybe you'd like to post their contact information over in the Suppliers section. A quick internet search didn't turn up any obvious sources. https://leatherworker.net/forum/forum/21-suppliers/
  22. Very interesting. Another thing on my list to try...
  23. Wow. Pretty glam stuff, all the way around.
  24. Bumped into this one tonight. @Stewart, I recall that you've stopped leatherworking, but we're still enjoying your posts. Hope all is well!
  25. That may be as easy as anything. The top piece would then have to be shrunk a little and the stitching holes re-aligned. I've worked with a couple of hat patterns like this one and the hole count is critical. I've used 1/8" craft foam sheets to mock up patterns. This looks like a perfect use case.
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