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    Leather work

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Sheaths, holsters
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  1. Beautiful sheath! Very artsy design and I love the lacing. Luck friend!
  2. DocJrzz


    A little of my work..
  3. Sam Andrews has a great method for sure. I use scalpels with #11, 23, 25 blades. Far superior to exacto blades. Cheap, super sharp and made for cutting flesh. Can be stropped for even better results.
  4. Beautiful!! Just beautiful.... Genius!
  5. I use scalpels.. Heck, that's what they are made for. Far superior to xacto blades and can be stropped for long life. And cheap! I ordered the plastic handles from amazon. The #11, #23, #24. #25 blades work great!
  6. Thank you! A buddy wanted a left-hand sheath so he could wear his sidearm during hunts...
  7. Left hand sheath for Pig hunter knife...
  8. Guitar Kyser Capo holster
  9. Another beggar for the template please! Will post completed rig.. Thank you!
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