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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Hey Frank, those look really great. I'd love to see pics of the back side where the holster mouth transitions into the belt loop if you've got 'em. Thanks, Bronson
  2. I would LOVE to see some pics of this setup if you've got them. Oh, and for the OP if you haven't yet picked it up Al Stohlman's book "The Art of Hand Sewing Leather" is a great resource. It will show you the techniques you'll need to get you started. Bronson
  3. That's what I did...works just fine. POCKET HOLSTER Bronson
  4. Did a quick search and they seem to have a decent rep. so I bought it. Thanks for the tip. Bronson
  5. Thanks but as a hobbyist that's a bit out of my price range. I appreciate the info though. Bronson
  6. Bottom pic, right side is what I'm looking for. That looks very nice and, I suspect, out of my price range. Would you mind sharing what you paid for it? Bronson
  7. I don't own a Kimber so this may not apply but I've do own an officer's size 1911 with the reverse bushing. I started out using the bent paper clip thingy until it was pointed out to me that I didn't need it. Now I just grab the guide rod from the end at the barrel link and slighty compress the spring and it all just lifts out of the gun, bushing and all. Bronson
  8. Anybody know a U.S. source for a half-round knife....or maybe it would actually be a 1/4 round knife Anyway, it is a round knife with only one point. I found a British supplier but would rather not deal with international shipping and none of the searches I've done either here at LW.net or Google have really turned up anything. Thanks, Bronson
  9. Are you guys buying exotics in various colors or are you dyeing them yourselves? Bronson
  10. Very nice. I really like the rose bud on the end of the belt billet...that's a nice detail touch. Bronson
  11. Fritz, your work is always so clean and elegant and this newest one is another fine example of your skill. Beautiful sheath and beautiful knife. Bronson
  12. I believe Jeff from Boomstick Holsters tried one (table top holster press) and he said it was completely useless for leather holsters. Bronson
  13. The execution is very well done, on both knives and sheaths. My only concern with the sheaths would be the pointy bits. I have a feeling that over time these will most likely begin to bend and dog-ear and this will take away from the good work you've done. Bronson
  14. I usually move my stitchlines 1/2 the thickness of the part of the gun that is nearest the stitch line ....does that make sense? So the stitch line at the top of the slide will be farther away than the stitch line at the trigger guard, because the slide is thicker. Here's the last one I did using this method http://www.flickr.com/photos/29310638@N07/4288287785/ I've been wearing it since I made it and for the last week while crawling around doing plumbing work on my house and it is nice and secure. Bronson
  15. Al Stohlman's book "The Art of Hand Sewing Leather" is well worth picking up. Bronson
  16. As always a beautiful sheath. I particularly like the design of the back side/belt loop. Bronson
  17. I find that coming up with the design and making the pattern is most of the fun for me in holster making. Bronson
  18. I tried it on some scrap and it looked good. I didn't get any pics and I've long since thrown it away. I've also read of dying while the leather is still slightly damp with water. Bronson
  19. Did you use this one? http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/department/Tools/Punches/3052-00.aspx?feature=Product_7 If you want to stick with the punches you might try these: http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/department/Tools/Punches/Chisels/8066-00.aspx http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/department/Tools/Punches/Chisels/8065-00.aspx Bronson
  20. I'd be willing to guess there's a T-nut sandwiched between the two layers of the holster wing. Bronson
  21. This should fix it http://www.flickr.co...57606586066759/ Bronson
  22. That's what I did with my Ruger GP-100. I had to go back and shorten the strap since it wasn't tight enough to actually provide any retention. I also added a tension screw just below the end of the crane which helped. Here's the holster before I made the above adjustments. http://www.flickr.co...57606586066759/ If you look at mine you can see that the strap falls a little shy of the junction of grip/trigger guard. I think the closer you can get to this junction the better your retention is going to be. Some forward cant to the gun will also help. Mine is a straight drop holster and if it was tipped forward a little it would've provided a better angle for the strap. Bronson
  23. Thanks for the kind words guys. If I make another one I'm thinking that if I extend the sweat shield a little higher I can move the snap up a little and still get good retention and not interfere with the safety. I suppose I could also leave the sweat shield alone and just make my stainless snap reinforcement plate a little shorter .....duh Bronson
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