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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. That's a beautiful holster Bruce. Very inspiring for those of us who a new to this game. Bronson
  2. I like the finish I've been getting with Feibing's Tan Kote. Bronson
  3. Here's my latest effort. It's a belt snap OWB holster for a compact 1911. There were a few firsts for me on this holster: first time dip dyeing, first holster formed with press pads, first two-tone holster, first compact 1911 holster, first holster with uni-directional snaps, and first 1911 with a retention strap*. *You'll notice the distinct lack of a retention strap on the holster. I had to cut it off because the placement was a little off and the snap interferred with the safety in the cocked and locked position. So now I'm left with a regular holster with two holes in the body shield where the snap and the rivet holding the snap reinforcement used to be. It was the first one of this pattern and it's for me so if I make any more I'll just delete the strap altogether. Specs: Zach White 7/8 oz. leather Feibing's medium brown, diluted 3:1 with alcohol and dipped 3 times with some dauber touch up. Reinforcement and straps are Feibing's USMC Black. Snaps are uni-directional. http://www.flickr.com/photos/29310638@N07/4289025514/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/29310638@N07/4289027200/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/29310638@N07/4289031960/ C&Cs are, of course, always welcome. Bronson
  4. I've had the best results with using my oven. I set it on the lowest setting and hang the holster in there for about 20-30 minutes to dry. I tried a heat gun/hair dryer before and completely ruined a holster that I let get too hot. I've read out on the interwebs where people use watered down PVA to stiffen leather and have wondered if that is what Brigade is using http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/department/Liquids/2540-130.aspx Bronson
  5. Thanks for that, the cheapest I was able to find the Press N Snap was $103.00 from Rochford Supply. It looks like you'll save me a couple of dollars (their shipping is cheaper too). I've got a die on the way and I'll try it out on the Press N Snap at work. If it works out I'll get my own. Thanks again guys, Bronson
  6. Aaahh, thanks for that. It was very helpful. I'll have to double check the brand of snap tool we have at work and then order some dies. Thanks again. Bronson
  7. Right now I'm using ....well more like attempting to use, a hammer and the little post and anvil dealy to set snaps. These do not seem to be working well with the one way snaps I have. I do have access to a Press N Snap style setting tool at work but the one way snaps will not fit on the dies that we have. Does anybody have any, relatively inexpensive, suggestions for tools for setting these snaps? Depending on price I might be able to get a set of dies that I could take into work and set all my snaps there while I save for my own Press N Snap but I really have no idea where to look for one way snap dies that will work on the Press N Snap. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bronson
  8. A handy tool to have around is a screw cutter. I went to the local hardware store and picked up a wire crimper/stripper that also has screw cutters on it. It looks like this... With one of these around if the screws you already have are a little long they can be easily trimmed to the correct length. Just be sure to put the screws into the cutter from the front (printed) side of the tool. Bronson
  9. All good points Jeff and your input is appreciated. It seems where I went wrong was to use the same weight leather that I normally use and then add a lining on top of that. As a hobbyist I'm looking to stock as little leather as possible, usually just one single or maybe one double shoulder at a time. Thanks again, Bronson
  10. If you look at the specs from the respective manufacturer websites it appears that the Kimber may be nearly 1/4" thinner than the CBOB. I say "may" because the Kimber specs list it as the frame width and the Dan Wesson specs just list "width" so I'm thinking their dimension is the slide. http://www.kimberamerica.com/products/pistols/crimson_carry/Ultra_Crimson_Carry/ http://cz-usa.com/products/view/dan-wesson-commander-classic-bobtail/ Bronson
  11. Thanks Lobo. I wasn't ignoring you, I've been out of town for the holidays I should have given more information ...yes it was a folded style holster and I'm using 2-3 oz veg tanned leather. I'll have to give the stretching trick a try because I wasn't happy with the bunching I had at the front of the holster. Thanks again, Bronson
  12. That is what my bladesmith friend would call a "subtle variation in the hand-crafted product." Bronson
  13. Anybody willing to share any tips on how to adjust an existing pattern to accomodate adding a lining? Do you just move the the stitch lines the thickness of the lining leather, or are there some other tricks? I've already scrapped one holster and would prefer not to scrap another one Thanks, Bronson
  14. That looks great to me. My Dan Wesson CBOB would be proud to ride in that (that's a hint by the way ) Bronson
  15. Here's one that's very similar http://www.knifekits.com/vcom/product_info.php?cPath=41_56&products_id=1323 Bronson
  16. Oh, and if you know anybody who gets Maxim magazine ask them for the Harbor Freight coupons that are often inside. A guy at work always brings me his since he doesn't use them, they are usually good for 20% off. One thing about that little 6 ton press is that it will only accept a 10" wide plate ....just so you know. Bronson
  17. I have this 6 ton press from Harbor Freight http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=1666 If you sign up for their email updates they'll send out coupons and I know my local store will let me stack coupons on top of sale prices. I think I got mine for around $60 + taxes when all was said and done. I've got the rubber pads from McMaster Carr ...it's a little cheaper if you get one 24"x12" piece instead of two 12"x12" pieces. Now all I have left is to get some steel and have the press plates welded up. Bronson
  18. We've got some rust remover at work that we use to get rust stains out of fabric. The main ingredient is lemon juice. Bronson
  19. I'm not an IWB guy but I know a few people who clip the gun over the top of their pants and under the belt. The one IWB holster that I have uses Kydex clips that I made. I did have to remake them after I got a double thickness gun belt. Bronson
  20. I've been having good luck with the technique I got from one of Stohlman's books. Even up the edges, bevel, dye, then burnish. I seem to be gettting a better result burnishing an edge that has been wet with dye than I do an edge that has been wet with water. Don't know why that is but it sure seems to be the case. Bronson
  21. It is generally considered a no-no to store a gun in the holster. Bronson
  22. http://www.zackwhite.com/product.php?productid=17760&cat=503&page=1 This leather was recommended to me by Boomstick. I'm just a hobbyist and am not making any money at this yet but I wanted something a better than the junk I had. I just received it and am working on the first project. So far it is a dream to work with compared to the Tandy stuff. It does have some marks and graining in it but that doesn't bother me. If I wanted a completely smooth and characterless holster I'd make one out of plastic. The flesh side, however, is worlds better than the Tandy leather. Bronson
  23. Looks nice to me. Were you going for that effect in the dye or did it just kinda happen? Bronson
  24. Thanks for the quick replies. You've given me some good ideas. Bronson
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