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Everything posted by RedCliffsLeatherwork

  1. HI everyone, I would really appreciate your opinion on this dilemma. I had a stain accident, which ended up splashing a few drops on some of my finished items. All of them have a top coat so I am hoping I might be able to get the black stain off. I have used Nail Polish remover before to get stains out of leather, and was thinking this might work? Have any of you had this problem before, If so how did you fix it? Thanks in Advance...
  2. I might consider getting some Satin Shene from Tandy, or where you can find it, it is a top coat designed to give more of a matte finish, not glossy.
  3. From the picture it looks like it very well could be 3 wraps. Also, If you just pull the first and second one tighter, they will be less noticeable.
  4. Hi, Today I am looking for any of you out there who may have an extra of any of these leather tools that you just aren't using any more. Id love to give a new burst of life to an old tool rather than buy a brand new one! I'm looking for the following: Size 1 or 2 Edge Beveler ( size 1 preferably) Rotary Hole punch A stitching pony ( I know it's a long shot, but if someone has upgraded and has one sitting in storage, I'd love to make use of it.) Various sizes and styles of modeling spoons Any of the more "fancy" basketweave tools ( I have the older more traditional basketweave stamps, but ive seen some really cool geometric stamps lately) If you have any of these, please let me know, I would like to buy them off you. TIA Kenner
  5. Hi, Today I am looking for any of you out there who may have an extra of any of these leather tools that you just aren't using any more. Id love to give a new burst of life to an old tool rather than buy a brand new one! I'm looking for the following: Size 1 or 2 Edge Beveler ( size 1 preferably) Rotary Hole punch A stitching pony ( I know it's a long shot, but if someone has upgraded and has one sitting in storage, I'd love to make use of it.) Various sizes and styles of modeling spoons Any of the more "fancy" basketweave tools ( I have the older more traditional basketweave stamps, but ive seen some really cool geometric stamps lately) If you have any of these, please let me know, I would like to buy them off you. TIA Kenner
  6. I would second the calfskin. I tried sheepskin for pockets on my first wallet… terrible, way to stretchy and flimsy. Then I went to thin veg tan calfskin and I really like it. However if you are just lining something then the sheepskin is great, it adds almost no thickness and bends with the other leather well.
  7. Hi all! I have been using a ruby swivel knife blade that I got from my grandpa for about 2 years now, and amazingly, it has lived up to its claims.. i haven't noticed any decline in its sharpness. Now, I recently got a new fine detail blade from Tandy, and i want to know how to keep it sharp. I do have some jewelers rouge that I purchased way back when i started. If there is already a thread discussing this, then if you could give that link it would be great! My main questions are: 1. How often do you strop the knife? 2. How do you determine when it needs to be resharpened? 3. When it needs to be resharpened( as opposed to just run over the strop) how do you actually do that?
  8. I know this is the same age-old question of how to price your leather goods, but I want to get your guy's opinion to get me in the ballpark. Each takes me about 8-10hrs to complete. They are all hand tooled, stitched, and made with all genuine leather. I'd love to know what you would price these at. What would you consider a fair price? Thanks Kenner
  9. How much would you be willing to pay?
  10. Hey everyone, just looking for some help here. I need a zipper for a custom project I'm doing. Where is the best place to get a heavy duty zipper?
  11. Very nice! @benlilly1How do you sell them?
  12. @Hags How do you make the quilted design? I've wanted to do it, but didn't know how.
  13. Is this still available?
  14. Is this still available?
  15. I bought half of a hide of very thin (2-3oz) veg-tan to make wallet interiors out of. (i.e. the card slots etc.) I want to dye it a nice rich brown before using it. Can I try to dye the whole thing at once, that sounds very hard... Or I was just planning on dyeing each pocket piece individually. What are your recommendations for an even coat? Dip dye? Dauber, Sponge? If you dip dye, how do you hold the piece, because wherever you hold it, it seems the dye wouldn't soak in? All advice would be appreciated!
  16. Would you consider selling just a small bundle of 5-7ish? @Rossr
  17. Is this still available?
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