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Everything posted by Saddlebag

  1. I've seen this before and it appears the finish may have been removed.
  2. It appears to be a Simco. I have a rope of this era and they style is identical, just the finish differs. These are tough saddles, made with all the best materials at that time. Even the hides were thicker.
  3. If you look closely at the fender there's a repeat in the pattern-probably stamped cowhide. Many makers sold saddles with minor flaws to retailers without the maker's name which allowed the retailer to add the business name.
  4. Superb workmanship. I have a set of 8 conchos that would have been used on a saddle of this era.
  5. Bona Allen was one of the premier makers of plantation saddles.
  6. I rode a saddle identical to your's only not a Porter for 5 hrs and it was the most comfortable saddle I've ever ridden in.
  7. Saddle owner finally resorted to liberal amounts of dish detergent it wasn't worth anything the way it was. It helped so at least her pants aren't oily when she rode it.
  8. I used to work in restoration and there's a fine line that separates' restoration from rebuilding as far as historical value is concerned. With this project It appears you'll be doing almost a full rebuild.
  9. Kids saddles were always sold with hoods and the cinch appears to be original, typical for ponies. My catalog from about 1960 sold these saddles, with a back cinch that matched the front. I recall seeing these in use but never with the back cinch. It was called the Carnival Special and was meant to fit Shetlands. Sold for the princely sum of $34.95 back then. I know they date back into the early 50's maybe earlier than that. A saddle was a luxury back then so kids rode their ponies bareback.
  10. I am putting this out to anyone who's had to deal with this. It's no longer a roughout.
  11. No ring shanks yet. What's the trick to removing them? Nail pullers for horse shoes? The saddle with all the staples, none were blued so were starting to rust. They were one on top of the other. Removal of these added new words to my vocabulary. If I hadn't detected a big lump under the skirt I wouldn't have known about all the staples but I had to investigate. Someone didn't bother skiving the stirrup leather to an even thickness and where it wrapped around the tree it was 3/8" thick. There was no way to get it to move without releasing some of the tension from the skirt. Owner had complained of horse's sore back. Small wonder.
  12. It's been a while, can you show us how the jockey turned out? I'd have experimented with a patch but doing a baseball stitch the all the thicknesses where it tore. This brings the edges together very nicely. If the stitches are uniform distant out from the rip and from each other it does a nice job.
  13. I'm going to say the first saddle for sure is a kid's saddle. The second I'm inclined to go with a kids as well because of the size of the stirrup leather.
  14. There are many look alikes or knock-offs in today's jargon. The plantation was used on gaited horses. Those aren't the original stirrups.
  15. I had did new skirts once, and once it has remained. My big old Pearson does a great job when it comes to refleecing skirts.
  16. The concho and strings may have been put there for saddle bags or maybe even a medicine bag. Is there one on the off side? This is one saddle I'd put the hose to if it didn't rain. Then give it a good soaping.
  17. Pics didn't show on my computer.
  18. I've set more than one dry saddle out in a good rain for a few hours. While the leather is quite damp it gets a good soaping. No hurry to oil it until it's set for 5 days. It may get a second cleaning which helps rehydrate the leather and then it may get oiled while the leather is still damp. Warmed oil is used. It is checked daily and more oil may be added as some areas will really soak it up and others not so much. When I'm satisfied it sits for another 5 days to give everything time to penetrate as deeply as it's going to. Saddles get caught in the rain when ridden in and it's good for the leather.
  19. I've soaked them and used cotton flannel strips to hold them in position, without removing them. "Everybody wants a cheap fix!!"
  20. I'm wondering if it was an early lady's saddle to accommodate a larger derriere.
  21. I used metal plates and screws on a Ralide tree. It lasted a long time after that. I was told Bondo works on Ralide trees.
  22. Can you show us a pic of the finished product?
  23. I'm going to have to make a pony. I made my own Sailor's Palm for pushing needles thro. A new Canadian penny with the maple leaf nicely stops the needle from sliding across it's surface as I push.
  24. You had me wondering too.
  25. I agree with Joe. I had trouble looing at the pics as an ad that takes up half the screen would show up. When I tried to X it out, it took me to their website. By manipulating the images I was able to see them. I just realized something. The saddle is stamped Great West Saddles, not Great West Saddlery.
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