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... and what I did to it this afternoon....



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LOL, I wish I had a cat to blame it on. At least you get side benefits with cats. They keep you keyboard warm, right? No, it was aaaall me.

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After dumping a bottle of Tan Coat on myself and an almost empty bottle of black dye across my work table, I started putting an Irwin Quickgrip clamp on the bottles to make them more spill resistant.

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Snubby, that idea is pure genius. I'll definitely do that next time.

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I can't take credit for it. My wife thought of it. She just said, "so, put a clamp on it."

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Oh my! I have fought with dye and lost my battle as well. The only good thing about it for me was that it was out in my garage where I airbrush my items. An entire Quart bottle of Fiebings bit the dust.


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yikes! I've had a few close calls but nothing like that. So sorry.

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lol...how can someone so skilled with a needle be so careless with a bottle of dye? A cautionary tale for all of us!

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i knocked a full bottle of tan kote all over the floor yesterday lol

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Thanks for the sympathy, guys - we are still in the process of taking a sander to it. Fortunately, my husband was very philosophical, longsuffering, and helpful.

Gafer, what are you doing with your mess? I hope your floor was concrete, at least. . . and not your dining room floor. ;)

LOL, Boyce, I have a history of clumsiness in my past. I was magic with a broom - I could knock things off of shelves without even being close. At least, that's what it felt like.

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i just cleaned it up with paper towels and come up right it was on a wooden floor so not too bad

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I make model aeroplanes, the plastic kits. It's quite common to make a base or frame of wood and set the bottle of liquid glue into it, to prevent that sort of thing

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At least you're the woman of the house. Speaking as the man of a house I can say that if any of us had pulled something like that swift and terrible retribution in the form of a crap storm of Krakatoa proportions would rain down upon us...

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Gafer - Glad it wasn't too much trouble. I had mixed my dye with lacquer thinner, so it was almost like it froze with the impact, because it evaporated off so fast. I barely had time to smear it around before it was dry.

Zulu - yes, I guess I'm surprised it hadn't happened already. Two years on the dining room table is a pretty good stretch without a catastrophe.

tboyce - Yes..... you are so right. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have gone out to the shop, got a sander, and starting working on it like my husband did.

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I can see a new work space in the future and an oriental rug for the dinning room. On my bench I have a piec of styrafoam with a hole the size of the dye bottle cut init. WHen I have an open bottle of dy it sits in the block of styrafoam. Very dificult to knock over.

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Ohhh Monica - My heart sank when I saw the pic!
I've spilled a few, but on tile (The grout is still discolored).

My spills are mostly a bright red color...as in bloodshed.

I take pics of all my owies, and now have quite a portfolio. haha!

Send us a pic after cleanup and final "repairs". And God Bless your darling husband!!!!

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The clamp is a good idea ,thank your wife....I usualy drop my bottles in a mug.

My wife says, "You're welcome, I shall strive to continue to be brilliant for you and your friends on the forum."

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LOL, you guys are funny.

CamanoRidge - Styrofoam sounds about my speed. Or... better yet, a mug in styrofoam, with a clamp that clamps the whole mess down onto the table. I guess that might be overkill.

Hobbihorse - if the ink I spilled was blood red, I might have been tempted to leave it there and call it a conversation piece! "Oh yeah, that was Uncle Bob. He didn't like my lasagna. He's not with us anymore."

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Surely not ?

Im sorry for your mishap Monica.

I appreciate your honesty though, and because of it ,

thanx go to those who posted remedys, Thanx All ! ------------- Wild Bill46


Wow! Cool! Not everybody can have a Jackson Pollack in their "studio."

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LOL, Harvey, too bad I didn't think of that before - I dare say I would have left it there.

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Hey Monica,


Works for me.

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