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Have you tried Goliger leather Company 1-800-423-2329 ?  My last three orders of HO sides were as advertise grade A. Its a premium price but you get what you pay for.  Very friendly people and they have a close relationship with HO so they are able to satisfy there customers. Please give them a call and ask them about HO. 

7 hours ago, JLSleather said:

In the end, I don't mind paying MORE than i pay at HO in  exchange for the storage space and convenience.  But I need the leather to look like that picture of the stuff I get from HO.  I've always been clear about what I want - top shelf stuff ALWAYS.  Pretty simple to just say you don't have that if you don't have that.

Fair enough. I had a look at their new banner thing at the top about HO and that is amazing that you guys can get it even by the square foot or even just the size and shape you need ......and as you see in this picture finding the best ones can be a little tricky.;)


Here is a link to the story - https://www.springfieldleather.com/hermann-oak


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Well, I don't see those banners.  Musta turned it off good while back. DOn't remember how to put it back, nor care.  But it's a bit hard to see selling me "C" leather at $16/foot as a "favor" even if they'll cut me one foot ;)

Whatever.. apparently works for the 'hobbyist' who is not on a time table and doesn't really give a hoot if it's the good stuff.  Or more likely, doesn't know any better.  My mistake - I find myself frequently attempting to educate those who don't want to know (silly eh?).

2 hours ago, RockyAussie said:

and as you see in this picture finding the best ones can be a little tricky.;)

While I appreciate humor (really!) that looks like a management issue to me. Well done, that would show 3 piles, all smaller and more manageable.  The piles would have been previously sorted by .. oh, let's say ... the number of defects per square foot (meter if you folks prefer).  We could come up with a name for it.. like in America people might call it "grades" or some such ;)  There'd be no "digging through the pile" because all of that pile would be the right ones plus/minus a mark or two.  Just spitballin' here, clearly.


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5 hours ago, ohio said:

Have you tried Goliger leather Company 1-800-423-2329 ? 

Yeah, now that you mention it. Been a few years, I think his mother was straw boss back then. 

If I remember right, I ended up with a couple sides of "A".. I ordered ONE, and for some reason it went to OR instead of IA... tracking wouldn't even show up for days.  When I called, she sent me another one, told me I could send that first one back at her expense if it showed up. Long story cut, it did show up and it was nice leather, so I just paid for and kept it.  

Downside being, it was $300/side.  That's a 50% markup, which is a bit extreme (HO from HO is right around $200/side).  But, it was clean, firm leather, and GOOD leather at $300 is far better than BAD leather at $225-250.  That's like, we could sell you this perfectly good car, or for $50 less we could sell you this one that doesn't run :o

But we mostly got leather FROM HO, so didn't need to pay that markup.  For those times we need a piece or two, maybe should contact them again.

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There comes a time when you just have to accept that your expectations don't and won't match up with reality.  Any supplier, I don't care who, pick one, has had mistakes.  So that is a given.  I've been in the business of construction chemicals my whole career, going on 35 years now.  In that time I have come to learn that you don't judge a person or a company by its failures, but by how they handle them.  In fact, I used to roll my eyes at the rep. from United States Gypsum Company when he said, "We don't have a problem, we have an opportunity."  Yeah, it really got old.  Turns out he was right.  Mistakes are going to happen.  It is important that you deal with them properly.  In doing so, it helps to build loyalty and confidence.  Many of my most "bulletproof" customer relationships were forged in the heat of a massive problem.

However, if you have had problems and they were taken care of and then had similar problems and so on, maybe it is time to punt.  And it works the other way.  I have had to sit down with customers and divorce them.  Literally.  I explained to them that no matter what, it seems that we aren't able to consistently meet their expectations, so we would be cancelling their account.  At then end of the day, having to deal with them was a time waste and unprofitable.  Thankfully I only had to do it a couple of times, but funny thing is, when I did I got phone calls months later telling me that they were facing the same issues with another supplier and that that supplier wasn't as easy to deal with.  And so it goes.

Perhaps that is what is going on here, I don't know.  What I do know is that it would be a shame if folks were to shy away from SLC based upon the experiences of one or even a handful of customers.  If everyone posted their positive experiences (which is rare) this thread would get lost in the shuffle.

Tony has been an active member of this forum.  He is by all accounts a stand-up guy and willing to try to make things right.  His post above is proof of that.  You can't get much better than dealers willing to pay return shipping, no questions asked.  And there is the fact that RockyAussie mentioned.  Springfield Leather Company helps us all by sponsoring this site.  That is worth something.  

However, if they either don't stock the leather you desire or cannot ship an appropriate quality leather in a reasonable amount of time, then like I said, punt.  Try others.  I'll be you find the same issues over time.  If not, great!

In general, I get frustrated when people air complaints.  Especially if they haven't exhausted all remedies with the supplier first.  And even then, rather than post about it, maybe just vote with your wallet instead.  I know that some folks appreciate these kinds of posts because maybe they have been stung too, or maybe they were considering buying from that supplier.  But again, I'd hate to see folks that have never had issues walk away based upon these reviews as being indicative of their usual business practices.  

It is easy to pile on.  After a post, folks begin to regurgitate all of the issues they have had.  Late shipments, wrong color, etc.  Then a few posts later someone will chime in with, "Yeah, but supplier xxx also screwed me over".  

All it means is that nobody is perfect.  

If you are in the market for a Cadillac and the dealership only sells Chevy's, it isn't the fault of the dealer if you aren't satisfied.  So long as they don't claim the Chevy is a Cadillac, right?

Maybe that is the case here, maybe not?  When someone posts a photo of a hide, how are we to know what they ordered?  We don't.  So the information is immediately questionable.  Especially in light of the subsequent post in this thread where someone bought an economy grade from SLC and it was actually better than the hide shown.  Obviously something is wrong.  Something doesn't match up.  

Buy from whomever you want.  But when you do develop a relationship with a dealer, remember that it is a two-way street.  They want your business and you want satisfaction.  Most of the time both can be achieved, a win-win.

In the rare instances where it can't be sorted out, time for a divorce.



^^^ what Tugadude said .
Unless of course you enjoy complaining in fora.

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For my part, I have been pleased by the leather that I received from SLC.  However, I've only ordered a few sq. ft at a time, and I have called them on the phone to order and specified exactly what i wanted.  I don't care if the leather that I received came from a hide that was C grade(or whatever) - as long as the portion that I received was clear and clean - essentially A grade.  My last order I needed about 2 sq.ft. for an item I was making, and needed a couple more sq.ft. for practice(it had been awhile since I had tooled anything), and utility use - and told them so.  What I received was very good, and all but one corner was nice and clean.  It was better than I asked for or expected.  For that, I do not mind paying premium prices.  

- Bill

  • CFM
33 minutes ago, mikesc said:

^^^ what Tugadude said .
Unless of course you enjoy complaining in fora.

I have to agree with Tug also I posted a possible solution to his problem, That has been used for centuries by businesses, but as he always does just shot it down. So my new "theory" God helps those who help themselves.  good luck friend.

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wow ok so if im understanding this thread now SLC only sells the Lower grade Leather! and its not ok to complain about a company that openly admitted they sent out a bad piece of Leather and they are going to replace it because they Donate MONEY to the Group . And you guys want to Badmouth a Member of the Group who if memory serves me right use to also Donate Money. One thing is for sure you people pick your Doctors better than your suppliers or you would be Dead by now. Thats ok Doc. you screwed up on my Heart surgery but as long as we can find a solution we will be good!!!


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…. 10-4! If  a person will only accept perfection, they are in for a disappointing ride through life. The folks at SLC have been more than friendly in my experience. They make sure to send me what I describe when I place a phone order. 

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1 hour ago, Tugadude said:

If everyone posted their positive experiences (which is rare) this thread would get lost in the shuffle.

THAT"S a good idea.  Lets see ALL the great leather received from SLC.  Now, not sure WHY you want to turn it into a thread about SLC... the POINT was LEATHER on a LEATHER site.  MANY - even on this "leather" site - have no idea what good leather should look like.  So - let's go your route... SHOW US that great stuff you got from there, and then we'll ALL KNOW what good leather looks like, and we'll ALL KNOW that it should be obtained from SLC.  GREAT call -- let's do this ;)

Meanwhile, my customers KNOW that I don't "accidentally" ( or otherwise ) send them ... poo ... and then "fix" it IF they complain about it.  Some might send poop to 100 people, at 50% over cost.  95 people don't know better, so they made 50% markup 95% of the time.  SO if they "make it right" to the other 5% who DOES know better, it's not like they're OUT anything. 

Same as insurance - I've paid insurance so many years that if my car was destroyed and they replaced it they'd just be giving me back a sliver of a percentage of MY OWN MONEY.


STRANGE part here is, some people can't see somebody trying to HELP YOU.  IF somebody was yelling that you should get out of the street cuz there's a car coming, I guess some would be upset cuz that bald guy is YELLIN AT ME :rofl:

I already told that girl at SLC DO NOT send me a replacement.  DO NOT swap another piece.  PUH LEEZE do not send me more leather.  That's a done deal, and if SLC wants to remove me from their 'list' and not sell me Chaylor interiors (which are quite nice actually) and dyes and buckles.. fair enough.  Whatever.  No need to talk at length about the meter of snake hide that was actually 17" long (get it?.. "at length"), or the elephant that had so many holes you could ready the paper through it :huh:

But what you seem to ignore,... this is not about SLC.. it's about GOOD LEATHER and WHERE TO GET IT.  Does that seem like something people on a LEATHER SITE might be interested in? I mean, leather people.. not just the ones who are lonely and don't want to get out the chair and go DO something.

SO BY ALL MEANS.... Lets see ALL the great leather received from SLC.  The irony here is, had that leather been acceptable, I would have finished my coffee and been off lining and sewing that customer's order - wouldn't be here at all!


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Just now, Cattledude said:

he folks at SLC have been more than friendly in my experience.

Agreed.  Very polite, usually good sense of humor. But, I sell leather, not jokes.  Maybe that's not always true for everybody.

1 minute ago, Cattledude said:

They make sure to send me what I describe when I place a phone order. 

Do you order top grade tooling leather?  Cuz tugadude has convinced me that we ABSOLUTELY SHOULD post the great leather we got there.  C'mon... I'm VOCAL as they get... MAKE ME SAY SOMETHING GOOD ... I'll DO IT.

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17 minutes ago, chuck123wapati said:

also I posted a possible solution to his problem, That has been used for centuries by businesses, but as he always does just shot it down.

shot it down? I was the ONLY one said that's a good idea :o

But tugadude has actually come up with a better one maybe.  instead of introducing another middle man, this idea would ELIMINATE it all, right?  Everybody

  • show us the great leather they got there, and
  • tell us the STOCK number they purchased so we can all get the same thing. 

So then:

  • We'll all be using great leather, and
  • we'll have nothing to complain about, and
  • SLC will be too busy counting money to care what anybody thinks. 

WINS all around !

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JLS, with all due respect, this is the first line of your post.

Whatcha think?  Does SLC NOT KNOW what Hermann Oak "B" looks like, or do they THINK I DONT" know?   I've called and complained enough times that I just wont do it again... it's pointless and only wastes more of my time. 

 So how is this NOT a thread about SLC?  

I said what I felt needed to be said.  But from whomever you want, it doesn't make a difference to me.  If others want to follow your lead, that's fine too.

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WAIT .. So now you DON"T want to post pics of the GOOD stuff?


Seems ( reading this and other threads ) like the OP ( and all subsequent comments by the OP) was mostly about dissing Springfield..Seem to do that a lot ( dissing Springfield ) ..( in fact dissing pretty much anyone from the local hairdresser on down ) in many threads ..rather than just buy from HO..and re-order from them when stock is getting low.. 20 hides ( restock when down to say 5 ) is not that much to carry , space wise or money wise ) if business is good..For a hobbyist though it would be overkill.

Btw..your caps lock keeps getting stuck..reminds me of a very similar guy, posting style, outlook etc ( Bob ) over on "the register" ( IT site ) theregister.co.uk..needs to chill, fix the caps lock, ( the shouting in the head and on the keyboard ) ..only takes one little blood vessel to go to be drowning in medical bills..

IME, buying direct from tanneries, ( I do also buy "wastage" from LVMH etc, and trawl the brocantes etc for snake and other leathers for upcycling ) and the occasional "unusual" lambskin from Italy.. saves time, money, and any potential stress is mitigated.

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7 hours ago, ohio said:

Have you tried Goliger leather Company 1-800-423-2329 ?  My last three orders of HO sides were as advertise grade A. Its a premium price but you get what you pay for.  Very friendly people and they have a close relationship with HO so they are able to satisfy there customers. Please give them a call and ask them about HO. 

No answer just now, but it's early west coast time.  Still -- "A" grade leather, I can get just one side if i want, for $9.50-ish is the best deal I've seen in a while IF IT IS "A" grade.

goliger.jpgPic links to the site, if you're interested.  I havent' seen leather from there in a few YEARS, so not [yet] an endorsement.



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10 minutes ago, JLSleather said:

WAIT .. So now you DON"T want to post pics of the GOOD stuff?

JLS, whatever the issue is, I've finished on this topic.  I truly hope you find satisfaction and I mean that sincerely.  When things take a personal turn, it is time to fly.

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Carlos gonna send us a replacement for the piece of 3/4 oz.  A little more money, but worth every penny when your reputation is on it.  We've ordered from Goliger Leather Co. before,  good while back, but got another track for a while there.

Bill the card, put it on the truck TODAY.  That alone is worth $50 ;)


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Well, please post photos of it when it comes in.  Thanks from a newby who doesn't know what good leather looks like outside of Tandy.

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3 minutes ago, KJD2121 said:

Well, please post photos of it when it comes in.  Thanks from a newby who doesn't know what good leather looks like outside of Tandy.

No worries.  Coming from CA, so quicker to you than me, but prolly take a few days here.

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