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Everything posted by TimKleffner

  1. Mark Nice pair of spur leathers. I bet your son in proud. Happy tooling Tim
  2. Travis Howdy, Hope to see ya at Sheridan in May Happy tooling Tim
  3. Scott What kind of chaps are you wanting to make? I buy my working chap/ chink leathers from Sheridan Leather, just call Luke or Vandy for prices. I'm currently working on a pair of bull riding chaps and priced around and bought from Hide House. Hide House leather was 4.25 a sq foot. Both places have been very helpful Happy tooling Tim
  4. ME TOO! I called the Sheridan Best Western, and was told they are booked completely for the week. I too called Mill Inn and was able to book my stay for $55 a night. That's a whole lot less per night than the Holiday INN. See Ya'll there Tim
  5. Bill I was introduced to Bee Natural oil about 6 years ago and find that it does not darken my leather much unless I over oil. Even after 6 months I find that it leaves the leather far lighter than neatsfoot oil Happy tooling Tim
  6. Hi Shehog I got my brass spots from Standard Rivet company 1 800 367 4838. They're got all sizes and bunches of shapes Happy spottin' Tim
  7. Rybord I think that the blue color is a coloring used in the plastics mixture. You may want to call the company and ask that question and give us a note back Good luck Tim
  8. Ross I'm skeptical too! My thoughts on the butter is it would bring in the cock roaches and they would /will devour everything in site. I just made mention of it only because I saw a thread on oils used and butter was one of them. Glad you caught that. Happy tooling Tim
  9. Howdy Luna If your using veg tan leather , after the tooling or molding , some type of oil needs to be put onto the leather. Over the years neatsfoot oil has been used. I've used neatsfoot oil, olive oil, and have been told by others here they have used vegetable oil and even butter; the oil is a natural lubricant and preservative. Lexol, is a blend of ingredients that is typically used on chrome tan leathers ie upholstery type leathers. Lexol interacts with the leather and the chemical process, and does a very good job. I currently use a product called Bee Natural Saddle oil on my veg-tan projects after I've finished my tooling. Just a reminder, a little bit goes a long way. Happy leather work Tim
  10. Mark Nice work thanks for posting the pics Happy tooling Tim
  11. Ricky Nice work and I like the color of the seat. Keep up the good work Happy tooling Tim
  12. Bear That's a wonderful notebook. I agree with you and everyone else that the muted colors make the piece 'a stand-out'. Keep up the good work. Happy tooling Tim
  13. Clay I heard the same thing. I'm hoping that if everyone calls, We'll get the classes back. I believe that the classes taught by Master / Senior leather crafters/artisans are an important part of the show. If we can call and let him know we 'the students' of the show support the classes, David will get the message. Thanks Tim
  14. Greetings All If any one is interested in attending the Sheridan Leather Show in May, PLEASE, contact the Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal and inquire about the calender of events i.e. classes throughout the week. PLEASE call DAVID REIS at 715. 362. 5393 and ask for a schedule. They can also be contacted via their web site www.leathercraftersjournal.com . If you have given any consideration about going to Sheridan and attending any classes, PLEASE PLEASE call and make your intentions known. Happy tooling Tim
  15. Hive Nice work. What time period and country is the origin. Thanks for posting the pics Happy tooling Tim
  16. Timoooooooo Keep up the good work Happy tooling Tim
  17. Hi All It's all looking great. glad I could help. It's all great. Happy tooling Tim
  18. Mark As always, you've got good ideas put onto leather. Nice work. Happy tooling Tim
  19. Elton I have to agree with everyone, A tool maker is born! Nice work. What size wood lathe are you using there? and what brand? Happy tool making Tim
  20. Troy Good piece. You've got some good clean simple lines going on. Elegant in a simple way. Happy tooling Tim
  21. Russ Nice chinks good for working in. Happy tooling Tim
  22. Ray Thank you for posting those pics. It's pieces like that , that keep me doing leather. There's something to be said about making items that can be passed thru generations. Great! Thanks for the pics Tim
  23. Al Real NICE . I like it. Thanks for posting the pics. Hand or machine stitched? gotta know. Happy tooling Tim
  24. Frank Nice work. Thanks for posting your pics Tim
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