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Everything posted by TimKleffner

  1. Randy I like it. I like the color combination Happy tooling Tim
  2. Scottish I've use Acrylic Resolene for years. I mix the AR with distilled water 60% AR / 40% water. I still get some wash, but not as much as with straight AR. Black dye is terrible for washing off, but I don't get blotching of color. Try it on some scrap leather Happy tooling Tim
  3. Howdy Will Glad to see you here. It's been a while since Sheridan show back in 03? 04? Where's Ann???? Happy tooling Tim
  4. Timooooooo What color did you use on your letters? Some of the dyes will wash when NeatLac is applied. For me, when I dye my lettering, I use dark brown or chocolate. I have noticed that even med brown washes a bit and I've gotten uneven shades. I dye my lettering and background, oil [let set for 8 hrs] then NeatLac. I let it set till the next day. I'm with Ross, if you have any wash at this point, you can re-apply your dye [sparingly]. Then I antique then apply TanKote. I'm done then. You may want to try different colors and applying NeatLac on some scrap leather. Nice piece Happy tooling Tim
  5. Bob As always WONDERFUL work! ! ! ! Keep posting those pics, I've got something to strive for. maybe in my next tooling life. Good luck in Elko Tim
  6. Kathy As I get into figure carving, you suggested Peter Main's spoon? Where can I get one and how much? What brand tools do you use for your figure work? When does your class start in Sheridan? Happy tooling Tim
  7. Robert Glad to see ya back doing leather. If you bought the tools at Tandy , Austin, I bet you could talk to the guild members there and they would help you out. I think asking wouldn't hurt most they'll say is YES I'm down in Corpus Christi Happy tooling Tim
  8. Bruce I really like that hair on inlay. That inlay always give it such an elegant look. Thanks for the pics Happy tooling Tim
  9. Howdy Guys I talked with Luke and Vandy at Sheridan Leather. Luke told me they will be carrying that craftsman grade shortly. I think Luke said something about $90 a side. There should be some real good deals as the Sheridan Show gets near. Happy tooling Tim
  10. Timoooooooooooooooooo nice work. keep it up Tim
  11. Hi Kathy Glad to see ya here. Nice work. Glad you posted the pics. I'm gonna try my hand at some figure carving classes, all my horse heads come out looking like a mongrel dog. See ya in Sheridan. Happy tooling Tim
  12. Mike I agree with Storm, you've got both going for ya. Good looking knives and good leather work. Welcome aboard and keep up the good work Tim
  13. Damon , I'm down here in Corpus. I could use the road trip. Let me know what your schedule is like I'd be willing to meet ya at MOBUD Give me a PM Happy Tooling Tim
  14. Wonderful work . Thanks for posting the pics. I'm always amazed how leather is used by the members here Happy tooling Tim
  15. Laughing.... Ross you missed a decorative cut! L o L snort snort .. my side hurts now Great work Tim
  16. TimKleffner

    Tapadero Lamp

    Bob I have to say it's your best work that you've posted yet! I hope it sells, I would hate to see it next to my lamp up in Sheridan. I wouldn't have a snow ball's chance next to yours! L o L Did you ever figure out what your gonna ask for it? Thanks for the post WONDERFUL! Tim
  17. 2 stitched 1 laced with Mexican round
  18. From the album: Simple Knife Scabbard

    © © leatherworker.net

  19. NICE Boots! I'm glad you posted those pics. Happy tooling Tim
  20. Steve Nice work as always. I sure like your work. Thanks for sharing the pics Happy tooling Tim
  21. Ross, I sure like that saddle. I like your combination of roughout and smooth. I'm with Bob, I like those graduated circles. Give it a nice look. Keep up the good work Happy tooling Tim
  22. Ed, I can't find my invoice, I bought some Coats thread from Comar USA . Give a call to Ferdco and ask them for the number. Ferdco is one of the Coats distributors and they sent me to Comar. I just bought some colors from Comar back in 09. Talk to Cheryl at Ferdco , tell her Hi for me. Good luck Tim
  23. Kate That is wonderful work. Thanks for posting your steps. Happy tooling Tim
  24. Swivel S I don't know what kind of swivel knife and/or blade your using right now. I spent the money and bought a Henley knife. I really like the Henley knives and blades. I have started doing some figure carving and the best blade for that is the angle blade. Henley's blade is thin ... thin. it measures out at .040. I bought 2 blades, the one at .040 and a custom blade that measures .055. Luis Henley is a wonderful man to work with. give him a call 318.631.3545. If your doing a lot of Celtic patterns a good angle blade will pay for it self. Good luck, Happy tooling Tim
  25. O N I don't know what kind of swivel knife your using. I spent the money and bought a Henley swivel knife and a 1/4 blade. When you put a mic to the thickness , it measures .075. I do just a bit of figure carving, I use a 1/4 angle blade that mics out at .040 and a second blade that mics out at .055. As you get farther along in leather work, do your self a favor and purchase a high end swivel knife / blade. There's several out there to choose from. Happy tooling Tim
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