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  1. Welcome.
  2. I use Golinger Leather Co. A grade is A grade not Tannery run of Herman Oak leather.
  3. Yes, the leather is being pulled upward in the video when the knot is being formed. If all the timing is good then i think more foot pressure is needed to hold the leather in place. Or the feet are not touching the leather at all times allowing it to move slightly out of alignment in relation to the other stitches. Just my guess.
  4. Have you tried Goliger leather Company 1-800-423-2329 ? My last three orders of HO sides were as advertise grade A. Its a premium price but you get what you pay for. Very friendly people and they have a close relationship with HO so they are able to satisfy there customers. Please give them a call and ask them about HO.
  5. Take a look at the products here might be of some help, let me know if it of aid. https://www.advleather.com/index.html
  6. Just queries, did he send you a catalog with specification like weight options or pictures? What else does he make?
  7. I would be interested in the hand tools too. Can you send a list and or pictures of what available? Thanks
  8. Thank you for sharing you patterns and knowledge. Its just unbelievable haw many mistakes and screw-ups I make even with excellent instructions. So how long is this leather learning curve? Funny how every mistake makes us better and more confident the next go around.
  9. Congratulation, on your CB4500. You are going to really like the speed compared to hand sewing.
  10. Hey, spurdude101 did you get the lite spring? And how do you like it? I'm just curious to see what you thoughts are and did it solve the issues you have? Thank you OHIO
  11. There is a lighter spring available for the CB-4500, I got mine from Toledo Industrial Sewing just give Bob a call. My CB-4500 original standard spring was marking leather at the end of adjustment, and still had extreme downward pressure leaving tracks on the leather. I learned of this lighter spring on this Leather Worker forum, not sure where it was posted.
  12. Those slots do look small, like they might be for a smaller strap that ties to the waist belt.
  13. Moser leather in Hamilton, Ohio, they are the only one I use so far the number is 1-513-889-0500, this should be the cell number of Jim Cox the owner, he is the only person I deal with ( old fashion service )  Nice 

    1. ohio


      Ok. Thank you, I'll give Him a call.  The shipping is a added expense, if thing check out I could end up going there and picking my own sides in person that would be very cool field trip.  Is he a import dealer or are they making there own?

      Thank you again.

    2. utah leather

      utah leather

      he said all his hides are US so good luck on your field trip, I will be ordering some shoulders from him soon 

  14. Can you tell us who your supplier is in Ohio?
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