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Everything posted by LilRay

  1. The guy I'm making it for is 5'9", so he's right at average. Stocky build but by no means a giant. I'm not so much worried about waste as everything will be lined, and I could use any extras other places. What are average dimensions of a single shoulder?
  2. Can someone tell me the average length of each of the four straps in a shoulder holster harness? I'd like to find out if I can cut them from a single shoulder before I order leather. Thanks!
  3. Look at it this way, if you ARE a Ford dealer, Ford has just mailed you a letter stating that in order to sell their trucks, you have to sell a minimum of 10 trucks per month. Otherwise you'll be limited to one truck per month. But you can have as many of our cars as you want. It's not a wholesale vs retail thing to me, it's a customer service thing to me.
  4. They're not looking to lose any accounts, they're banking on forcing you to pay retail and you buying from them anyway. They're hoping that their profit will rise even losing a few wholesale customers from the additional profits that they make on retail. I have one of their burning shoes that I bought used, and I never would have paid new. New price on the item was way too expensive. Just my take.
  5. Still available?
  6. Good grief at the gall of folks. I'm looking for a machine and don't have much money but I would never make such a statement to someone. But if you wanna get into a bidding war, I'll offer you $106.00. Bahahaha! :D God bless, Ray
  7. PM sent. God bless, Ray
  8. STILL AVAILABLE? God bless, Ray
  9. Sent you an email. God bless, Ray
  10. Sewing lined guitar straps (both suede/leather), For what it's worth. God Bless, Ray
  11. Quick question, I hope :D God Bless, Ray
  12. Area code 406 is the state of Montana. God Bless, Ray
  13. Are any of these left? God Bless, Ray
  14. Thanks Mike! Back to learnin'! God Bless. Ray
  15. Mike, I've noticed that ragged line, going through pictures of things I've stitched. Is there a way of guaranteeing uniformity without pulling the needle back out? I mean should I kold the first thread a .certain way or push the needle a certain way or what? Gotta learn someway. God Bless, Ray
  16. Thanks Kevin. Consistency with the awl is where I'd bet I make the majority of my errors. Try stitching with a hand that won't always do what you'd like. LOL! :D God Bless, Ray
  17. Hey everybody! Few quick questions to help me improve my hand sewing. First things first I'm a southpaw so my stitching may or may not need altering from that. I use a clamp, and I face the finished side to the left (grain right). I stab the holes with my awl like is recommended in Stolman's hand stitching guide (///////) and stitch toward myself. Being a lefty, would I have more uniformed stitching if I stab the holes like this (\\\\\\\), or stitched away from myself? Probably a silly question but, I'd rather learn. :D God Bless, Ray
  18. Sam, I've been considering building a "semi portable" tool station out of one of HF's Tool Carts. Essentially a mechanics toolbox/chest on wheels. The lid area has ample room for loads of stamping tools, and I thought magnet would be easier to install compared to drilling wood. And I can always add more magnet as I need. I'll post pics as I get enough dough to start the idea. God Bless, Ray
  19. Quick question. I know most use wood blocks to hold their stamping tools, but has anyone ever used magnet? Would this harm the tools in any way? God Bless, Ray
  20. I know nothing much of sewing machines but I ran across what someone called an "automatic" walking foot. What exactly does this mean, and what differences would an auto have over standard? God Bless, Ray
  21. LilRay

    Techsew Ga5-1

    Where in the country are you located? God Bless, Ray
  22. Nice belts! Do you cut the ends by hand, or do you have a clicker? God Bless, Ray
  23. LilRay

    For Sale

    Just an FYI brother, there is a dedicated classifieds/For Sale forum here too. You've essentially placed your post in the wrong place. But before you get any valid response, you'll need price and model info at a minimum. God Bless, Ray
  24. Good grief! Google is your friend. Some folks need to learn to Say hello before they spend money. ROFL! God Bless, Ray
  25. Johanna, I'm looking around trying to learn, and I just joined flasah. I got to notice that the South Central Guild sponsors them so I thought to see about joining the Guild. However both this link and the link on the "Leather Guilds" page sends you to a Chinese website. I don't know if the guild is changing sites, or if the site is active. But I thought I might bring this to your attention. Sorry if this is already known and I'm unaware. God Bless, Ray
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