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Everything posted by LNLeather

  1. Do you think a Facebook page helps with your sales?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Double U Leather

      Double U Leather

      I gotta jump into this fray. My FB page has gotten me tons of orders. I've run a few advertising campaigns on it to target my exact customers. It doesn't cost much, and it goes right to the people I am selling to. I think I've got like 2400 likes, and I've probably gotten at least 50 orders from FB. That, combined with my website, combined with word of mouth, has me almost busier than I want to be. I'm quoting new orders 12 weeks turnaround time. Hope my 4 cents (calculati...

    3. LNLeather


      Thanks So Much for your comments Double U Leather. No battle here (I don’t think) just folks with different experiences and ideas. Good to hear you’ve had great success – for good reason of course… Your work is of the highest regard. We have lots to learn from you about what to do to succeed and how to conduct our business.

    4. LBennett


      most of my sales have been thanks to FB allowing me to meet more people and get my work out where more people can see it.

    5. Show next comments  15 more
  2. Burnishing & Beveling with a Bone Folder - making Christmas decorations with small inside corners where a slicker wont fit.

  3. I just got an order for a hat band. Can anyone suggest what thickness the leather should be?

    1. zoomer56


      2-3oz. That will give you enough for tooling if you like.

    2. LNLeather


      thank You zoomer56

  4. Amazing work - This is leatherwork done by a Master here!
  5. Totally amazing - chair and Leatherwork! Your work is impeccable and I love it!
  6. Wow, Very Nice! They are both great but I Love that Skull!
  7. Love the smell of the Leather in the workshop...

  8. Sorry - there are a couple of Bear's around here and I was just trying to help. You seem to misunderstand and react negatively a lot and that caused me to go and find this, and again I do hope it helps. You’ve probably heard sayings like: “It’s not what happens that matters but how you react (to what happens) that matters” ....... the above sayings refer to how we deal with, manage and react to what happens in our world. here is the rest of the article
  9. That's the website for Barry King - not the Bearman... Here is the link to BEARMAULS and you can contact him from there Hope this helps
  10. I know we all have different ways to measure leather thickness but I decided to make my life a little easier and ordered a nifty little guage from Black River Lazer http://www.ebay.com/itm/HANDY-GAUGE-LEATHER-OZ-GAUGE-CRAFTAID-LEATHER-CRAFT-/130978443726?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e7eec71ce

    1. hornm


      I have one of those. Very handy for figuring out what is what after you cut off the chunk of hide that the weight is marked on :{

    2. lightningad


      hmmm - i hold the edge against my ruler - seems to be fairly accurate!

  11. LNLeather

    The 7 Chakras

    I really like your idea.. Nice work!
  12. Heheheh Great picture - thanks for the laugh. Gotta love that cat! Oh, and Grrreat bag too. Very clever bag holder. Do you drape a sheet over that ?
  13. HI, wow you sure did your homework girl! I'm usually not into skulls, but I sure do like yours.
  14. Sometimes a mistake can be a great discovery, sometimes it’s Really Not……..

  15. L O V E my Tippmann Clicker - I have had it now for 5 years with perfect performance. It hasn't broken down once....

  16. WOW that's nice - beautiful work! Grrreat edges too!
  17. Verrry Nice! Original and Realistic - great eyes!
  18. Ray South - Love the new Logo - Pretty Cute!

  19. W O W ! Fantastic work/pyrography! I'd like to see a clearer shot of the great design around the top rim or is that Mexican braid/lace? Do you have a website where you sell these? Change the design, or not - I love the design as it is. Awesome, just Awesome!
  20. UP waaaay too late, I have so much I want to do... no time to sleep.

  21. I guess all of us that like to sun tan our leather have the same problem. I couldn't find enough solid information/answers to your question about special lighting and found that the cost to experiment was out of my $ range. What I have ended up doing is just leaving what I want to sun tan on trays on a table that gets the most light and just leaving it there till the leather is the level of tan that I'm looking for. From my experiments it seems that the leather can get tanned even through the clouds... It just takes longer.
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