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Everything posted by Phatdaddy

  1. Thank you for your time, and for sharing. Kevin
  2. I agree, not to mention with a little use and handling it will look more awesome. Kevin
  3. Agreed. like I said, I hadn't seen one before. Kevin
  4. I have never seen one of these, just wanted to share. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Rare-Leather-Craft-Quik-Change-Swivel-Knife-9-Extra-Blades-/350829063861?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51af0aaeb5#ht_4056wt_1162 Kevin
  5. Ah boo, missed the sale I guess. Cheers, Kevin
  6. I've seen similar, try buffing the dry died article more before applying the resolene (cut 50/50 with water) and don't "massage" or do cricles when applying the resolene. Just even straight strokes. Kevin
  7. Very welcome, glad I could help. I've purchased here, great quality. Kevin
  8. Post a pic if you can. I've definitely cut the leather by using too much force in the past, but I've never had leather "punch out" by stamping. Is this happening on cased veg tan? Pictures would be best. Cheers, Kevin
  9. May have been here: http://tanglefoottraders.wix.com/tangle-foot-trading#!__knife-sales-page/productsstackergalleryv21=1 Cheers, Kevin
  10. Yeah if your provider doesn't offer the service, that can't work at all. If they did it wouldn't matter if you knew the number, because you can block the "last caller". The system knows the number even if it isn't displayed to you. May still be worth calling them for options. Good luck, Kevin ps. You could always forward your phone to police station or something...(just kidding)
  11. Block it if you have call screen. Which most cell providers don't have/provide. Might be best to contact your carrier for options. If you dial *611 from your device that should link you to your provider free of charge. (Does here in Canada) Kevin
  12. My suggestion would be to look at some books, craftaids and patterns. I'm not familiar with many others, but Al Stohlmans books and patterns often tell you what tool is used for each part of the pattern. Find a few patterns you would like to try and buy the tools referenced for it. Cheers, Kevin
  13. I use mostly a razor type knife with a locking mechanism of some sort. ( I have various different ones) I may be the only one that does this, maybe not, but I hold it blade pointed toward me and cut pushing away. This is very comfortable for me and I find I have much better control. I also use a rotary for thin suede and lining leather and a "craft knife" for cutouts etc. You can never have enough knives imo. Kevin
  14. Milled Veg Tan seems to fit your description. You can see it here. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.ca/en-cad/search/searchresults/9048-20.aspx Hope this helps. Kevin
  15. As you should be, the design and finish are very good and your edges are superb! Kevin
  16. I could be wrong, but I have doubts that even with soaking the bag in tea, you will get the same(if any) results as using vinegaroon on veg tan. Kevin
  17. That pain turns to callus, then it hurts less! Kevin
  18. I don't have the softest water at home, so I buy a 4L jug of distilled water from the pharmacy (may not be necessary) and use it for cutting resolene and thinning water stains, It seems to last indefinitely(?) if sealed well. I use glass baby food jars when I can find them. I have noticed no diff after using diluted resolene or dye after as much as 4 mos. Kevin
  19. That's BRILLIANT. I did a sheath for a Buck blade very similar (if not the same) and it had such a large Bolster/Guard this design would have been much easier to get a perfect fit. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Kevin
  20. The entire piece is beautiful. Nice gift. Cheers, Kevin
  21. That is very nice! So with these; the back part of the sheath and the part with the loops is all one piece? Add the welt and front and then wrestle the sheath through the loops? Is there a welt? Kevin
  22. I live in Canada and I'm used to the Tandy store here not having the same stuff available in the US, so I thought nothing of it. I'm not sure where it comes from tbh. (maybe discontinued now since they launched the professional waterstains) I did a google search and see there is some available from ebay. Others have even used silver/gold/bronze/copper colored paint and have very good results. Kevin
  23. I've seen a number of members use techniques like this: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=66095 I'm not sure if this will achieve what you are looking for, but I thought I would link it anyway. Kevin
  24. Sorry, I was away for the weekend with the kids being on March Break. This is good news, I think this will help greatly and I will gain the confidence to use my machine. Once I can slow it down and maintain/gain some power at slow slow speeds then hopefully I'll be able to get it adjusted properly also...but that will be another story. As always, I appreciate and value all of the info offered here. Kevin
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