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Everything posted by Phatdaddy

  1. Hi Everyone, I have never been able to master this, but now I've been asked to make an article with a lot of stamping. I have recent Tandy alphabet sets in all sizes and I can't get over how poorly aligned and square these things are. I've been practicing on scrap and I can't seem to get a consistant straight word regardless of how much care or time I take to "align" them. I really want to do this project for the guy as I admire the sentiment of the gift, but I'm worried with all the lettering he's asked for that I won't be able to make something I'm proud of. Anyone able to share their success? Kevin
  2. I think it's great, loads fine and fast for me, the slideshow is fine too as long as you only move slightly off of center to the left of right. I like it.
  3. That was my immediate thought too. Here's what I recalled seeing when reading your post Tinneal. http://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/p-1419-door-hanger-pattern.aspx Kevin
  4. Patrice, I really like this, very clean and the dye work is beautiful. Kevin
  5. I think they are great! I have a number of skulls throughout my tattoos and I think they are very suited to leather gear as well. While I can't explain it over all, I just wanted to support it! To each is their own!! Kevin
  6. My first thought is that the original poster is using latigo type lace and the perma lock needle. I could be mistaken.
  7. I have to say, they look nothing alike! Way to go, it looks great. Kevin
  8. Today i picked up 8 Kelly Tool Co. Midas Stamps and theres some dye and "other" stuff on them. I want to clean them up, they have a gold like finish on them and I don't want to harm them. What is safe to use to clean off the dye and whatever other crud it may be. Thank you, Kevin
  9. Threw me off for a moment, I clicked the pic before I noticed your initials. My immediate thought was this looks a lot like KT's work, your username is different. I like it a lot, i really like the black highlights/antigue in the tooling, and also the stitching, especially on the sheath. Kevin
  10. Very cool. I like it a lot, can't wait to see if complete! Kevin
  11. Hey guys, I've just plucked a small set of deer antlers from the ant hill (they do a lovely job at cleaning) and they're all washed up. I want to try and mount them to a plaque and do the covering with leather. I'm still in the research stage, but curious if you all could offer any tips and tricks. Thanks and have a great day. Kevin
  12. wow, what a find. Congrats. It really is a beast.
  13. ya that's exactly what i was looking for thank you. Kevin
  14. Max could you post a pic of the other side, more specifically the stitched area? Those are both Very Very nice. Kevin
  15. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Lot-6-Decorative-Antique-Leather-Stamp-Tools-Various-Sizes-and-Designs-/310346912693?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item48421e13b5
  16. I use one, I bought it under the same reasoning you mention. The cost. It isn't comparable to an air brush. The spray is very intense and wide. That being said it's just OK for spraying large pieces. If you try to do the sunburst sort of look with it you basically spray the paper your project is on and let the irratic over spray hit the project. It is messy and very wasteful. I did it to a sheath I had posted here. I'll see if I can find the link. *found it http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=50454 Kevin
  17. While you are getting a price on the shipping for him could you possibly get a price on shipping one to me. I'll PM the details. Thank you, Kevin
  18. Thank you all for the suggestions i checked the ones out at Tandy, they are quite different from the ones I have seen like the Hidecrafter ones. I didn't pick them up yet, there's a big store sale on Friday, I may then.
  19. Very impressive! I really like the design. I'm still too intimidated for a project of that size as of yet, very inspirational. Thanks for sharing, Kevin
  20. I see there have been some topics on these before, however, I was curious if the ones that Springfield sells are the exact same as the ones on the Hidecrafter website. Further, the pics that each of them have on their websites don't really suggest the impression is as good as the impressions I see in some of your work. I'd really like to get a set of these, looking for any info. Thank you, Kevin
  21. Awe that sucks! It will make a beautiful gift at least. I really like it. Kevin
  22. I still haven't done that...I do know however, the box that I was tucking my receipts into is too small now. Oh well, you can't take it with you! Kevin
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