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Everything posted by Phatdaddy

  1. Take your time, try to have your process planned and visualize the end product. Other than that, read read read, practice practice practice. Post what you come up with whether you are pleased with it or not and let the group offer suggestions where warranted. Good luck and have fun!! Kevin
  2. Have you tried contacting "Bighousedaddy"?
  3. When I was trapping, I'd use fine dry sawdust on the fresh furs/hides when fleshing. It helps with some friction to pull off the flesh and also makes cleanup easier. I also found the straight fleshing knife was better than the draw style.
  4. I love when that happens, right place, right time, right equipment! Thanks for sharing Kevin
  5. No problem, and thank you, I get a little nutty sometimes :D Welcome to the forum! Kevin
  6. Here is a small how to on posting pics here. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=15122 I'd suggest saving your pics as .jpg and around 640x480 resolution (my opinion)
  7. And that's with the tapered one I assume? Makes sense. Thank you
  8. Is there a technical reason for a straight cylindrical or tapered head? Thanks again, Kevin
  9. Thank you all. Appreciate the guidance. Kevin
  10. I will more than likely be purchasing a maul from Beary in the very near future. There is only one concern, I have never used anything but the cheapies from Tandy (the ones with the yellow poly head) I do find them a little on the light side. I'll likely only be able to pick up one weight for now, but i'm unsure how to best decide on the weight. I only have Tandy as a resource and don't know of anyone else in my province that I could test out their mauls etc. Any suggestions? Thank you, Kevin
  11. I've not used it but there have been other threads on coconut oil. Just search "coconut oil"
  12. Love the seat! Good for you getting back up and running so quickly.
  13. I was just browsing ebay this afternoon and came across this, I thought maybe one of you collectors might have interest. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/US-ARMED-SERVICES-LTD-ED-CRAFTOOL-LEATHER-STAMPING-SET-/400237098601?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5d2ffd7669
  14. post a pic of yours and I'll take a look. I just got a whack of conchos and haven't sorted through them yet. I do know that they are relatively old. Kevin
  15. KT - Johanna moved your original thread. Some people including myself have responded. Here is the link - http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=33957
  16. VERY nice! You must have the patience of a saint...
  17. I'll be honest I haven't used it yet, because it's not available anywhere around me and I haven't got around to ordering some. I believe that your dyeing and at least one coat of your favorite sealer should be on and dry before you use the antique paste. I could be mistaken. Kevin
  18. Very sad news, I am really inspired by his work and value his feedback and quidance. He will be missed. My thoughts go out to him and his loved ones. Kevin
  19. The best part about them as they are all safely tucked into acid free magazine sleeves and all are in very good condition and each still have the pullouts.
  20. Thank you all for looking, it was a very fortunate find. The story is bitter-sweet. I regularly do a search for "leather tools" "leather stamp" "leather craft" etc. for local ads on classified sites, very rarely anything comes up. Last week to my surprise I got a local hit, it only read "leathercraft items for sale" so I responded. Then a short time later I got a reply with 7 attachments, which were itemized lists. I was at work and couldn't view the lists on my phone well so I waited until I got home. Once I actually got to review the lists, I immediately asked what the asking price was. I waited a day and no response so I called. During this call I learned that these items belonged to the woman's husband who had passed away 5 year prior. She went on to explain that she wasn't (mentally) able to part with them before, but now she was going to be moving to a smaller apartment and wasn't able to store them any longer. She told me that she had no idea he had so much stuff until she had to sort through it all after his passing. (I immediately related to that, as I'm sure my wife doesn't either) Long story short, we had a great chat, I gave her the asking price, and I believe we were both very happy the items were going where they were. Aside from the few tools that were in the stuff that I received, I believe his tools went to someone he had known. Kevin
  21. Ya it was a mother load alright. That is probably close to half of it. I wouldn't be surprised if every issue of Make it with Leather and Leather Craftsman magazines are here, a stack of doodle pages 3 inches thick, a number of unused kits, huge stack of pattern packs and the largest rubbermaid container i've ever seen full of various buckskin and lace.
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