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Everything posted by Eaglestroker

  1. I'm with katass, after seeing him rave about the results I tried it. Every personal rig I've made since is done this way - to me if gives the rig a better 'bite' without being over the top and has become the only form of lining that I offer.
  2. That looks extremely nice, I've had limited experience with the stuff. Enough to now it's had to get an edge look good like that. I love the revolver rig!
  3. I won't speak to how to price, but waiting until the order is completed to then price the order is a recipe for heartache. Ask me how I know? Been there and gotten that t-shirt. The rest just stems from how bad you want it. If it is something your serious about you'll never be truly 'happy' with the end result because you know what could be better. If you don't learn from a project your just not looking to! Good luck with it all and keep at it.
  4. That holster has been made in leather lined kydex variations, I'm assuming machine stitched before molding. That would lead me to believe that they stitched it before molding the kydex which requires getting the plastic pretty hot. I'm curious how they are able to accomplish molding without burning the leather.
  5. Thanks Jack! Thanks! If you look really closely, where the trigger guard and slide crease at the edge it's pressed out enough that it hass not taken the antique. This effect is reduced significantly with veg lined holsters but I haven't found a way to make it completely stop. Biggest thing I did to improve the washout was increase tooling depth through a 3" slab of marble and a proper Barry King maul. I use a 20oz which is overkill for these stamps and said to cause fatigue, but overkill is underrated in my book. When I look back over it there are a few places my finish work should have been better - I was rushed for a party to deliver it but that's not much of an excuse. Devils in the details!
  6. What I'd be more curious about is how it works. How do you mold the kydex without burning the leather?
  7. The serial number is a very classy touch, kudos. Great photos!
  8. I triple stitched one of my first ones too...on accident, but that's another story. Nice work!
  9. I bought one from Texas Custom a few weeks ago to try. My first one was out of spec, and seeing how it was made I tightened my dimensions up for the remake so I could get exactly what I wanted. The second attempt was much better and it sure leaves a more professional look in a fraction of the time.
  10. Just to be clear, I hand stamp all of my tooling, the Gadsden Flag pictured here is the only thing a laser has ever touched out of my hands. I do this for fun, plain and simple, and will continue to do things as I see fit whether someone looks down on me for my reasoning or not. Should you feel the need to talk down on someones work in the future for doing it in a way that you would not even fathom, please do it away from my posts. I would have been happy to have had someone skilled teach me to do this hands on but that was not and continues to not be the case. Thanks for dragging up an old thread to complain about it...back to work for me.
  11. Great rig Frank, great eye for detail. I'm betting your customer is very happy!
  12. Nice work Josh! The more you use the Cobra, the more you'll be glad you bought it.
  13. I really like the bag, great work, stitching looks impeccable!
  14. The dye is Feibings Dk Brown, cut and applied until I get the shade I'm looking for. Takes a while but you get pretty good at forcing what your looking for most of the time. After dye I buff a ton, buff it some more, oil then a coat of resist, black antique in this case, buff some more then final finish. Biggest thing is patience!
  15. Missed your banter, glad all is getting better!
  16. Thank you! It is a Tandy stamp, does just fine though. If I had more requests I might get a nicer one. Thank you for the compliments! I'm not OCD about much, but any weave we do has to match angle wise from holster to belt. That sort of thing drives me absolutely crazy! Thank you! More blind luck as it doesn't always work out, I mark my start holes so as long as the machine does its part we are close. I can thank Cobra Steve for that I guess?
  17. Thank you! Thanks Paul! It gives it a neat look, I'm glad I went with the smaller stamp. I'd be insulting a lot of folks to take that compliment, but I appreciate the words none the less Thanks! Thank you!
  18. Finished this rig a few weeks ago and wanted to share it with you folks. I have a friend that helps me in the shop, mostly because we have fun together and both find it relaxing. Every now and then we even get a rig out of it for ourselves He's been wanting to try a geometric basket weave pattern for a while and finally had the reason to do it on this project. It was for a mutual friends birthday and while I'm not a huge fan of mixing plastic with pleasure I think the rig turned out quite nice. Thoughts/critiques always welcome!
  19. Hey Ray, perfect rig for a gun in 'the' perfect caliber! Rare & worthwhile find you have there
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