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Tree Reaper

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Everything posted by Tree Reaper

  1. If you contact the manufacturer they can tell you what works best with their product.
  2. Here are a few ideas ... https://www.google.com/search?q=images+for+rattlesnake+belts&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=kZH&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=XSFHUZmxOqX52AXn8ICwCg&ved=0CDQQsAQ&biw=884&bih=482
  3. Stitch a good earth magnet to the back of the holster.
  4. That looks like a lot of work! Good look'n lid, nice job.
  5. For a small project like that a little over one full arms length,maybe one and a half. Start with that and see how it works out. With the saddle stitch more can always be added.
  6. SRT is easier to set but if you want to make this maybe make it for 5/8 rope so 1/2 inch has some wiggle room. You can use 5/8 rope around something round like a wheel rim to wet form the shape or a piece of plastic conduit that you can heat and bend to the shape you want and wet form over that. or just buy the rings and make your own
  7. I have sharpened these by hand starting with a file, then a stone,emery and then finish them off with polish on a felt wheel on a dremel. The ones I sharpened are sharp!
  8. It's that simple but who uses that over a friction saver? I made one years ago and used it once, maybe.
  9. That's the thing! Two layers of 3oz. suede is a lot different from two layers of 1 1/2 oz. pig skin. You'll have a difficult time with two layers of 3oz. suede and a glovers needle.
  10. Harness needle, Tandy 1195-00 Waxed nyltex or linen thread Saddle stitch http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/hand-stitching-video.aspx
  11. If I'm sanding cedar wood without a mask I choke immediately, when I sand leather it doesn't affect me, at least while I'm sanding but you should always take precautions and wear a mask when doing any type of sanding to protect your lungs from the fine dust.
  12. I've tried all that Bob, I'm trying to stop the drip from my beak now, if I can stop that then the cough should stop. I also have a corticosteroid that I'm using. Cedar dust is also a big problem for me.
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