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Tree Reaper

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Everything posted by Tree Reaper

  1. Can you work with lighter leather, change the design, or make a wooden form to fit inside the wet pouch?
  2. A belt sander and a jig would probably do a few at a time, taking only seconds.
  3. Welcome to the forum Laurie. That's the sign of a leather worker!
  4. I haven't done it but I would try to use varsol then alcohol then a little contact cement thinner and then the contact cement. Let the leather dry between stages. Try a piece of scrap leather first.
  5. That's a beautiful carving but I would have thought a duck or a game bird might be more appropriate. Nice work just the same.
  6. I checked both blue gun and ohio and no mention of a smaller clip specifically for a 1 1/4" belt. They all seem to be for 1 1/2" belts and larger.
  7. My hands hurt just looking at that. Beautiful work!
  8. That was hand stitched but you probably could use the machine then trim the excess off. You might even be able to hammer the seam flat.
  9. You can make your own from plastic. Cut out two discs, rivet or use a chicago screw, you can glue suede or leather on the plastic to cover it prior to riveting if you want to hide the plastic.
  10. Does it have to be leather to leather or can you glue the leather to a lazy susan?
  11. This is what the butt joint seam looks like on the bottle coolers I make.
  12. If the holster is off the table you have more clearance and can use the standard plate with the dog. With the table on the holster is sitting on a slant due to the thickness of the holster.
  13. billy; How so?Are you using the table when sewing holsters? I haven't used the holster plate yet but I was thinking of removing the flatbed table to allow room for the holster without fooling with removing the dog. Kevin.
  14. Randy; Make it like a dice cup without the bottom. Make a mitered joint and stitch it, a butt joint works too.. You can use a bottle for the form while you stitch. A curved awl would work the best. Kevin
  15. I don't see why they couldn't be made and adapted to fit our machines, I bought the narrow slotted plate from Bob but have yet to try it, I would feel more comfortable using the machine with a feed dog.
  16. I've had mine for a year now and I'm getting better with it all the time but it helps to use it on a steady basis if you can. The only thing I don't care for is the large opening in the plate . It would be ideal if they had an optional plate with a smaller opening and a small feed dog to go with it.
  17. If you have a Tandy Outlet, they have it as well. You could copy a pattern and tool it also. https://www.google.com/search?q=crocodile+skin+pattern&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=3k&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=PsokUc3pKYaKrAHnuYHwAw&ved=0CDAQsAQ&biw=792&bih=432
  18. http://www.etsy.com/listing/121813729/vintage-craftool-co-usa-8346-wild-turkey
  19. I would have thought the sharpies would bleed in untreated leather.
  20. Yes, That's what they do but mine didn't work. Does the fluid run down the outside of the stick or is it suppose to saturate it? After pressing on the point a few times the stick broke on the one I bought. I even replaced it with a wooden tooth pick and tried sanding it down to let the fluid run down the outside of it but it didn't work as well as just pulling the stick out and applying the fluid. The tooth pick just didn't hold enough fluid but now my modified pen tip works like it should have in the first place.
  21. Just in case you didn't know , you can buy it already embossed.
  22. The ones I bought have a wooden stick in them plugging the hole preventing the fluid from coming out so I thought maybe you pull the stick out and scribe with it but that became a pain so I melted the tip out of a spent ball point pen, ground the ball off and it works now.
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