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Everything posted by Jimnx

  1. Lost Mojo - Reward if found!

    1. Jax


      if you find yours please see if mines with it :)

    2. WScott


      try the "Adult Section" for ideas

  2. Beautiful leather work, very impressive, nice attention to detail, the custom box makes a great package complete.
  3. Just got a template from Black River Laser

    1. Jimnx


      That was a big thumbs up BTW

  4. You have a skill and dedication to perfection, and it shows in your work, very nice I only wish I could produce the same results. I look forward to seeing more of your work. All the best Jimnx
  5. Awesome, I love the combination of bold colours & textures, they just seem to work well together. ACE !!
  6. This makes an interesting read http://www.bowndesigns.com/blog/2006/09/07/inking
  7. Interesting read Bree, thanks for sharing your results. I will remember this the Bree Frog tape method.
  8. You make those two contrasting colours work really well together, I love how the pink cayman give it that virbant edge, the lining looks sweet. Very Cool !
  9. Very nicely done, I can't think of any other way to better protect your tools, I have mine loose knocking against each other or still in there plastic wrapping. The wood blocks okay but take up too much room. Thanks for sharing, I must attempt this sometime & tidy up my work bench! ) Jim
  10. Awesome!, I like the contrast & the way the scene projects out of the frame.
  11. Jimnx

    My other passion

    Wow, I really like it, its amazing that you have been able to capture the detail & realism with only a few colors.
  12. Awesome, I hope your friend appreciates the effort you put into making it, its inspiring to see an idea take shape & bear fruit, the end result looks fantastic!
  13. Amazing work of art, what an brilliant imagination you have. I loved your blog, some very wonderfully unique masterpieces.
  14. Hi Catherine, I found this site helpful for a list of singer operator manuals www.bootmaker.com Jimnx
  15. Jimnx

    Last work

    A Very beautiful work of art !
  16. I love it!! such a unique item, and the colors are so vivid. Awesome.! A lotta love must have went into that work!!
  17. Happy Birthday Jim, Thanks for the tips you gave me on lacing my wallet and the feather tutorial.± It was great to meet you here in the UK. All the best!! Jimnx
  18. I have the same problem, I usually just sponge it on but this smears the dye especially when two colours overlap. Airbrushing does a great job but clogs up real quick even if I lower the air pressure, watering it down didn't help me either, and made it too wet. I would also be interested to hear what others have experience with this method.
  19. I am a big fan of Bob Basset, truly exceptional Leather Art !! I love the Gothic style and Dragon Art.
  20. Jimnx

    modeled mask

    Fantastic.!! I love the way the dragon leaps out of the mask.
  21. Hey Like the Skulls and the aged look.!! here's an old pattern you might find useful.
  22. Whats to criticize ? Its Fantastic..!!!! Love the design and the colour really brings it out adding real depth, !
  23. Jimnx

    Byzantium girl 2

    I Love it !! You have a great method Bobocat !!
  24. Flawless , outstanding, very smooth and clean. I like the colouring. I hope I get to be this good one day!!
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