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Everything posted by WinterBear

  1. That's really nice, and a clever front. Love the bookcase with the stacked books. I have an older model Kindle my sister gave me when she upgraded, and I hate the case. The first cases they made are not very good at holding the Kindle securely. You've inspired me to make my own case!
  2. Wow, look at the details. I'm completely boggled by it. Love the little crumpled piece of sheet music.
  3. Pretty! I have got to get better so I can make things like this.
  4. Happy to hear that then, I thought it might potentially be the same person, so even happier to hear that it is not. And after reading your post, I agree, you and Gary are how honest folks due business--similar products developed on your own, but approached from different angles, and you each have your own styles and have developed your own clientele independently of each other and each other's products. By the way, I meant to ask you about the burnishers I got from you. Do I need to condition the wood ever? It's dry here, really dry. Or will they pick up enough oils from the leather to not need it?
  5. I'd talk to Bruce Johnson on this forum as far as makers/brands, time periods, and piecemeal vs. sets. He sells nice old Gomph, Rose, and Osborne tools in good condition, clean, and sharp. http://brucejohnsonl...tools_for_sale/ -- he has two galleries of wooden-handled tools right now, plus some other tools. I've been very happy with the things I've bought from him. You can also watch the "for sale" forum in the marketplace, I've obtained a few good tools from other people on this forum from there.
  6. I've got to mention, I think the same guy is selling on etsy too.
  7. Hello fellow learner. A lot of the people here modify their tools, and not just stamping tools. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3935 http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=30155 http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29124
  8. Woah! Wait a minute here. This is a discussion forum, isn't it? With open access to those who make leather goods and all of those who want to learn more about it? Heck, I love learning about saddles. Doesn't mean I'll ever make one. But if I ask a question about how to do something on a saddle to help a friend make their saddle that they plan to sell, someone here will be more than happy to talk to me about it, and I value that helpfulness. Every question I've had on this forum has been answered by people who didn't have to do so, but were willing to assist my completely twitty and admittedly bumbling self. It's a nice community feeling, and I'm willing to return the favor to anyone, regardless if they know anything about what I know or do, if I can help or give them some idea of where to start. Personally, was my post valuable? Maybe, but she could have found what I gave her herself if she poked around enough or found a G&F agent willing to yak it up a bit over a gallon or two of coffee. What I gave her is neither proprietary nor a derivative work of mine. All I gave here is somewhere to start, and some suggestions. She still has to take that and work on it--verify, refine, research more, see if her idea is feasible based on those sources. I see my posts as nothing more than the information I would give a Boy Scout working on his Ev.Sci. Merit Badge, a student looking for resources on a biology paper, or a friend wondering why I wouldn't let them pick up and keep the flicker feather he saw in the park. Besides, some of her readers might get intrigued by leather and maybe wander this way? (not a contributing member yet, but I'm working on it)
  9. WinterBear


    YEah, Murphy is always hanging around, and he's got a real mean sense of humor. Let's just say you'll probably want to know if there is someone nearby who can fix the timing, or where to send it if it jams, and you'll want to know it before your machine does jam up. The good news is, as you become more familiar with your machine, timing issues are usually less of a problem.
  10. Sounds like a tailor's measuring tape maybe? They come with and without eyelets on one end, are canvas cloth or a fiberglass cloth, and run from a foot to about 108 inches (9ft) long. If so, try places that sell sewing notions (quilt and fabric stores, some hobby stores) and places that do alterations (especially for menswear, prom dresses, and wedding dresses and tuxes), and there are a lot of choices online.
  11. Hehe, sorry. I deal with some aspects of this pretty much daily, so I have a lot of information about it (and yet, I seem to have nowhere near enough time to understand it all, so have to look at just portions of it at a time to try and figure it out). All of that was just the "broad splatter-brush". The hat is a bit of a headache actually. I wonder if the group who wanted to make it are now thinking they should have started out with something a little less complicated...like coyote or bison.
  12. Check out the USFWS website for press releases and the US Justice Department press releases for information on those that have been busted for smuggling. Smuggling of cat hides especially (tiger, leopard, etc.), but they tend to be furred pelts or rugs than dehaired leather goods. In the US, with native species, it's usually lynx. Lynx are protected in most of the US, either on the federal or state level, and the hides can look very similar to bobcat hides. Some states prohibit or restrict hunting and trapping of bobcats to prevent "take" of lynx. Otter, wolf, wolverine, grizzly etc. hides are also problematic to legally have in some states, even if they were legally taken in another state or country, and may require interstate game tags at the least to being illegal to possess in the state, period. For example, otters and the state of Wyoming. Otters are not legal to take in Wyoming, but can be purchased from Washington. If I buy an otter hide from Washington to make a hat, It will need to have a tag from the Washington Game and Fish affixed to it, usually through an eyehole, the tip of the tail, or a foot, depending on if it is a whole or partial hide. I will then have to take it to the Wyoming G&F and get an interstate tag affixed (about $8 and some paperwork). The tags must accompany the skin until the hat is made and may be required to be affixed to the finished hat. While still in hide state, there are some states I may not take the hide to, even with the WA tag and the interstate tag attached. Once made into a hat, there should be no problems, but it would still be a good idea to keep the tags with the hat while transporting. Acts that you may find of use (generalized overview in parentheses): Lacey Act (http://www.animallaw.info/articles/ovuslaceyact.htm) Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (http://www.animallaw.info/statutes/stus16usc668.htm) Endangered Species Act (http://www.animallaw.info/topics/tabbed%20topic%20page/spusesa.htm) Migratory Bird Protection Act (http://www.animallaw.info/statutes/stusmba.htm) US Department of Justice: http://www.justice.gov Press releases on wildlife: http://searchjustice.usdoj.gov/search?q=wildlife&search.x=0&search.y=0&q=inurl%3A%2Fopa%2Fpr&sort=date%3AD%3AL%3Ad1&output=xml_no_dtd&ie=iso-8859-1&oe=UTF-8&client=default_frontend&proxystylesheet=default_frontend&site=default_collection USFWS: http://www.fws.gov/ Press releases: http://us.vocuspr.com/Newsroom/Query.aspx?SiteName=fws&Entity=PRAsset&PublishType=Press+Release&XSL=PressReleases&Title=Recent+Releases&PageSize=0&MaximumResults=10&Cache=&SF_PRAsset_PRAssetUDF_UDF20582_EQ=%28R9%29+Headquarters+%28Region+9%29 (will need to select region for best effect on search engine) ECOS: http://ecos.fws.gov/ecos/indexPublic.do# Bobcat, no federal protection beyond Lacey Act, but may have state protections (search NatureServe--link below--for list of states): http://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=A0HX Lynx, showing differences in status across range: http://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=A073 You might also poke around on the ICUN and NatureServe websites: NatureServe: http://natureserve.org/; NatureServe search engine: http://www.natureserve.org/explorer/servlet/NatureServe?init=Species ICUN: http://www.iucnredlist.org/ Ok, brain overload, right? Once you narrow it down somewhat as far as what species you want to talk about, where it is coming from, and where it is going, I can probably offer more specific help.
  13. Nice work, and I like your logo too. What is it a case for? What will it hold?
  14. You could always paint yourself a sign too. Eeep, that's no way to go into the holidays. As for the advice, take it with a grain of salt?--I can't follow it either. Maybe I should make it a resolution or something. In any case, cheers, and here's to another year successful painting! I had a peek at your facebook, and the stuff is fabulous! I think I like the koi most.
  15. WinterBear


    Hi Helmut. When speaking of sewing machines and timing, timing is the order and speed the various processes of the machine occur. Such as when the feed dogs move, when the bobbin moves, then the needle punches and when it lifts, when gears turn and stop and what direction they turn in, and when each of the threads is looped, moved, pulled, or tightened. Out of time means something is out of whack, so everything goes goofy and the stitches are bunched or not locked, or the durn machine simply won't stitch at all and may even lock up and seize entirely (gee, I seem familiar with this problem, don't I?). When it's out of time, some adjustments are needed to get everything working properly again.
  16. A comment on your "quality" over "quantity" desire and people who seem to be impatient: For all handmade goods and services, some customers might need a reminder that They can have a good job cheap, but it won't be quick (i.e., meaning you'll work on it as time allows). They can have a quick job cheap, but it won't be good (you'll slap it together, but the quality will most likely suffer). They can have a good job quick, but it won't be cheap (you'll have to work overtime, and possibly turn down other orders, and will therefore charge accordingly). I've seen caterers, florists, tailors, jewelers, leather workers, gunsmiths, portrait painters, quilters, hairstylists, and others have the sign with the points in their workshop/store/booth, etc. as a reminder to their customers and themselves. It's also a good reminder to the artisans not to sell themselves short either, as there will be some people who will demand the moon and want it now, and will try to pressure the artisan for a good quick cheap job--but once they get it, they are likely to demand it again and again (or they tell their friends, and the friends will demand it from you). Customer service is one thing, but not every customer will appreciate someone bending over backwards for them. Best to save your efforts for those who will, like a good customer who is in a bind. As a friend of mine keeps telling me, "'No' is a complete sentence. Just 'No'. Not 'No problem', or 'No, but...'. It is ok to tell people 'No', especially when other commitments, obligations, or your own free time, family life, or sanity is involved." I need to listen to that friend more.
  17. 2-D & 3 D Stamps.pdf Whoops, sorry capsterdog. The attachment didn't attach. I'll try again.
  18. WinterBear


    You can recess a strong magnet flush on one side of the table once you have it built (not the top). It makes a dandy place to set a needle for a minute when the phone rings or for keeping a steel straightedge handy but out of the way.
  19. Maybe these will help? I think this is WyomingSlick's list of the 2D and 3D stamps. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=50099 The attachment is what someone sent else me. It is a listing of the Tandy stamps, the year they were first available, and whether they are still "active" or not.
  20. What does one stuff in a bench weight? Sand? Lead shot? Steel shot? Pea gravel? .....does it matter what you use?
  21. I had some elk hide that was stretchy that I managed to cut. I put some low-stick masking tape on the back of the leather (flesh side), covering it all, and cut it-- hide, tape and all. I then carefully picked the tape off the back, using the end of a pin to lift the tape off. I also had to sharpen my blade a lot (I now have a dedicated blade for this), as the tape's gum and paper can much things up and the paper dulls the blade fast. I'll forewarn you, picking the tape can be a pain in the butt, but it might be worth it to get useable lace from otherwise waste pieces, or for when you want your lace to match the bag. I don't know how it will work on deerhide, as I find it more stretchy and softer than the elk hide I was working with, but you might try it on a small piece and see if it will work for you?
  22. Hi there, and welcome. You do some nice work. It looks like you've maybe already seen some of the masks made by the users leatheroo, Mrs. Barry Hicks, Banwell, and SnappingDragon, and I'm sure you'll find some of the other great maskmakers here to be of inspiration as well. For armor, take a look at the work these users do, if you haven't seen their stuff already: hivemind, Prince, Daggrim, and Eldorado. (Not intentionally leaving anyone out, so if someone wants to hop in and show more masks or armor, please do)
  23. WinterBear

    Search Stamp Boar

    Do you mean the Craftool stamp #8406 (pig)? I only see that one on ebay any more as it was discontinued. There is currently one on the US ebay site. http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEATHER-CRAFT-3D-STAMP-8406-PIG-VINTAGE-CRAFTOOL-USED-/270873477629?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f115141fd
  24. Ouch, dang. With that long of a wait, Springfield really should mark them as backordered. I couldn't tell from the website that they weren't available. Sorry for wasting your time on that.
  25. Hi there. Have you tried Springfield Leather? They have the Chaylor-Fenneli trifold interiors in black and natural, and they have pretty fast shipping. http://springfieldleather.com/Chaylor-Fenneli-Interiors/product/23579/Interior%2CTrifold%2CCF%2CBlk/
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