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Everything posted by Billsotx

  1. I thought the same thing and figured y'all might too. I've done that cowboy before, now I've got to try him again. Nothin' like a picture of the real thing!
  2. Welcome Larry! What's the name of the famiy business? Is it still around? You're in the right place, these guys are like a leather encyclopedia. I just lurk and learn. They're amazing!
  3. Hoyden, Where's a good source for webbing for leashes and collars? And thanks for sharing your KEWL stuff. Do you have people collars in the adult section? ... lol! ... just kiddin' ... K-9s only ... my Border wears leather and chains ...
  4. Stohlman Art on Ebay Ok ... we'll see if this works. Cool! ... another day not wasted ... and I'm just getting started . Oh, we got extra rain. I brought the dogs in and opened the gates to let the water out.
  5. Just sell them "Bick4" it's a nice finish and it'll take care of them. It says on the label on the backside of the can that it is know to cause cancer in California, as well as, birth defects and other health problems. Does Al Gore live in CA? Luckily the rest of us are safe ... lol!
  6. This ebay auction on a Stohlman piece is worth looking at, I think! Item 120145190014 Jo, one of these days I'll get you to show me how to do a link to things like this because that one is about two and half miles long. Y'all stay dry.
  7. I think you just used the term blue and didn't mean it literally, but we got the picture. Under the parkerization is Glock's tennifer finish - 69 Rockwell - it's hard, I think that's what $hobby was referring to. Parkerization has been around a long time and it will rub off the Glock but the tennifer will not rub off. Tennifer doesn't blue well but there's lots of new stuff and it could be blued. With each passing day I learn that I know less. Regardless, you will be hard pressed to damage the finish on that Glock pistol if it's factory. It may pick weird marks and stains especially where softer metals rub on it, not to mention other materials. One way to clean that rough textured surface if you should mar it or stain it while you're working on it is with a pencil eraser. That works well on cleaning parkerized finishes. That said, one should not store guns in leather holsters or cases in my experience. I'll go with Jo on satisfying the customer, she's paying the freight make what she wants as long as you're not negligent with design, etc. If the pistol sticks to the liner, spray it, the liner, the whole holster, heavily with silicone spray, then shove the pistol in it and work it to shape it, then let it set for 24 hrs. Remove the gun let it set another 24 hrs. and it should be good to go. You've just broke it in for her and added a thousand draws to that end. You should test the silicone on a scrap, but you know that. I've not seen the spray damage or discolor leather on any kind. I've sprayed a thousand + holsters with silicone to stop whining about holster break-in and sore shoulders and arms during our transition from the revolver to the pistol. I think John Bianchi turned me on to this procedure, or maybe it was Neil Perkins - one or the other, it's not my invention or idea. I've done all my duty gear and plenty of others like this for quite awhile - since the 70s - both chrome and vegetable tanned, don't matter. I make my belt loops on my gear as tight as Dick's hat band because I want the gear to stay put on the belt; when a customer complains, "Too tight!" I suggest they get a can of silicone spray and the ones that call back say, "That stuff's magic!" ... Bruce Johnson shed some light on this awhile back but no one seemed interested ... I guess it was a can of silicone spray in his rearview mirror. We he speaks I listen. If you're molding and details your holsters do that SOP and after it dries and you've got it finished, spray it well and shove the pistol in and let set 24 hrs., etc. Cops (ol' cops ... lol) have used silicone to slick up holsters for a long time. Jordan, Askins, Skelton, Cooper, Williams and other gun writers all mentioned it for slicking up holsters at one time or another.
  8. Thanks Johanna. You told me before, I think, but I was forgetting to hold down the Cntl key. I got it zipped up. He does have dial-up. It was 4395KB. I'll keep the pdf thing in mind. BTW, can you change a pdf to Word?
  9. How would one compress a large MS Word file so it can be emailed?
  10. Was it really a dog collar or did you just tell them that? ... lol!
  11. I rough 'em out like Go2Tex, 'cept I rough it out with the head knife. Give me some practice and I only have to maintain one knife. I'm lazy! The more one uses a tool, in this case the head knife, the better (s)he'll get with it. That ol' repetition is the "mother-of-skill" thing! ... my way, may not be the right way.
  12. Norm also makes a mini version that chucks into a Dremel; that is only 1 groove but it will work well in a varible speed Dremel. I have the same drill model that Bruce posted a photo of and it works fine. All of Norm's tools are top notch.
  13. Welcome! Gettin' crowded here, another scot ... lol! Check Puget Sound~ Co-op web Rawhide Gazette, link below. Go into the Pulic Index. They've discussed book binding more than once. Go with time on your hands. There's a wealth of info there. At the least I think you'll get good ideas. http://www.pslac.org/ http://www.pslac.org/public/01_jan07.pdf
  14. Kevin, What about the frog like used on the old military leather slings? Brownell's has them, stout ones, if you think that'll work.
  15. Thanks for all your help. Monkey is does plug into the wall and Johanna I caught that copy, not move. I got the thing this morning and I just got done with it. I think I copied all my stuff. In the morning I'll look at it again. I couldn't figure out how to schedule it, it's supposed to be programable so it will back-up on X day at X time etc., etc. but I didn't figure that out yet. There's a tutorial on their web but they charge for it ... duh! I think they got all my money they're gettin'. Gonna go pick on the ol' flattop for awhile. I need a mental enema ... lol Again, I appreciate it.
  16. Hi Kate, Thanks for the note. So just get a ext. HD that'll plug to a USB and when it boots or whatever it's called, I just drag files over to it and that's it, right?
  17. If I look for an external hard drive to back-up my files, say from Best Buy, what do I look for? I've looked and after talking to the sales staff I known I don't know nothing about this. I've got an HP w/XP home ed. On the back of my machine is a vacant port labeled serial, there's another that's vacant with a little 3 point tree like symbol (USB or UBS or whatever I guess) and on the front there is a vacant serial port and two vacant SOBs with those same little tree symbols. All three look like they'll be easy to kick and break. Yeah I know move the thing to a more inconvenient place ... lol
  18. You got that right Bruce. I'm glad to see Mark showed up over here. As per his signature, "He is a true artist." http://www.azcentral.com/guitarmania/guitars.php?id=10 Howdy Mark!
  19. Duncan's is a source for dummy guns http://duncansoutdoor.com/customs.htm . They're aluminum and they'll custom make one if you're willing to wait. Brownell's has good prices on Ring's.
  20. Where might you be in Texas? San Antonio here.
  21. Don's right. I'd cover the trigger guard. I'd also relieve the rear portion enough that you can get the correct firing grip while the gun is in the holster. Step 1 of a smooth presentation is a firm and final firing grip; it begins in the leather. Once the draw starts one should not readjust the grip. We should have to milk, juggle or fumble with the gun in mid-presentation. A poorly designed holster will lead to habits you probably don't want, and in the worst case scenario can be dangerous. A good design will allow access to a correct firing grip.
  22. Johanna, Thanks for these additional tips. The character thing you posted has also helped with some coding w/o having to do all that clicking to get a symbol. I was writing a document when I asked about the Spanish and I just used Alex's suggestions. It worked ok. Well back to FP; I'm gettin' there girl. Talk about duh ... lol, but it's coming along. later, Bill
  23. Thanks for all your replies. I'm not familiar with video cards or chipset. I'll take the thing to a shop and get it done. I appreciate y'all sharing advice with me. talk later . . . .
  24. How can I determine if a new flat screen monitor will work with my machine? I've been looking at 17" and 19". Sales people have done nothing except add to my questions and have no answers. My computer is about 7 years old - HP Pavillion 520c if that worth knowing. Came with Win. XP; the HP monitor is a CRT - Pavilion mx70 if that may help in the determination. I would appreciate any advice you guys can give. I'm hoping to get a little bigger surface and font size that easier for ol' eyes, but I may be barking up the wrong tree. Oh, one sales guy told me that a wide screen would be so distorted it would be unreadable, another told me that could be adjusted, but I'd only be using about 15" of the screen. - I should have said that I'm not really intrested in the wide screen, but they kept taking me to them.
  25. Ohio Travel Bag is a good source on t's but Lowe's and Home Depot have them. You can bend the tips over as mentioned or you can nip them off if they're too long. If you cut them maintain the same angle so that you end up with a sharp prong just like you started with. Sorry about the delayed response. I forgot to tag this thread. What's this in the left window - . . . ah, eye C . . . foo foo ....
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