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Everything posted by sinpac

  1. You had. I still have This poster is the same one I had as a kid. My Dad had it in his attic and he reunited it with it. Of course I re-framed it. Back in the day as you know we used thumbtacks.
  2. I built a new leather shop in the north end of the basement. More pics
  3. I have a sheet that is 4' X6' 1/2" thick that I found in a dumpster on a construction site I am working on.
  4. The only thing that had to be substituted the fastener. The original would have been a U.S. Army embossed snap. I could not find any of those so I used a vintage lift-the-dot military snap.
  5. Nevermind I see Kevin from Springfield has them.
  6. If you please I would like a copy as well. Thank You, Chris sinpac@sbcglobal.net
  7. Good afternoon Folks. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get bar snaps. Tandy use to sell them and of course they are discontinued. Thank you, Chris
  8. Sounds like you need a long distance dedication via Casey Kasem. The wallet looks good Chris
  9. You don't sharpen a hair tool blade.
  10. I have used it. I do not use the applicator that come with it. I shape a foam brush and get more control. Chris
  11. I am looking for the cutting pattern. The picture is from Ebay. I just need a copy of the cutting patten. thank you, Chris That pic is from Ebay. I just need the cutting pattern from the craftaid. Thank you, Chris
  12. Good Afternoon Folks. I am looking for a pattern for the "Lady" wallets. Does anyone have a pattern they could share or a place I could get the pattern? Refernce book? Thank you, Chris
  13. Two on the auction site http://www.ebay.com/itm/321270975228?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 Chris
  14. The said tools came with 40 other stamps that had no letter prefix. Thanks for the link
  15. Good morning Guys and Gals, Recently I ran across 12 Leather stamping tool that do not have any kind of manufacturing marks or numbers. I did a side by side comparison with some of my pre 63's and the are identical in ever way. My question is was there a time the Craftool Co. never put markings on there stamps? Chris
  16. Great story Sharkeyfinn, I like the look of the cat and I might suggest making your swivel knife cuts deeper. It will give you more depth to your carving. Chris
  17. Catalog #90 Fall & Spring 1962-63 Catalog #90 Fall & Spring 1962-63
  18. Found these in a old Tandy catalog.
  19. Sorry guys I have no history on these.
  20. Can you guys tell me what these are? TIA Chris
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