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Everything posted by hornm

  1. Welcome aboard for another Portlander. electrathon(sp?) does quite a few classes out at the Tandy on 132nd & Whittaker. He's got a belt class this weekend. We also do "project group" on the first Saturday's of the month, no charge just bring something to work on or questions etc.. Horn
  2. What electrathon said. I'm next to the Holgate/Milwaukee ave intersection myself. Horn
  3. Nice job. What leather did you use? Other than the pig of course. Horn
  4. Welcome aboard. Luckilly you are close enough to Seattle that you have a pretty decent selection between Tandy & MacPherson. Additionally there is the PSLAC guild up there you could look into. Horn
  5. That's pretty cool. What are the dimensions of the stamp? Horn
  6. Basically whatever the thinner in the Clear-Lac is, is like paint thinner. I've got both Clear-Lac and Wyoshene (same thing technically). The "obnoxious" smell that they produce is like a Xylene or Toluene(sp?) type thinner. Basically you applied something that is going to "melt" the thin coat of acrylic paint that you put on. If you can spray the Clear-Lac over your paint job that might work since it wouldn't be rubbing across the paint causing the disolved portion to "travel". I couldn't say though as I pretty much stay away from the acrylics paints because of the terrible job I do with them Horn
  7. Barry King also makes them. They're on his website. Horn
  8. Mostly dust and debt... and old shaving gearlike straight razors, brushes, scuttles...... Horn
  9. I just saw Barry and his tools recently at the Pendleton leather show. Not quite in the market for a poly sledgehammer quite yet but I did get a 10(ish) oz last year.Picked up a decent handfull of new stamps from him this time around. Great guy to deal with. Very pleasant guy even with a hoard of people pointing tools at him asking questions simultaneously. Horn
  10. http://dmtsharp.com/sharpeners/folding-models/diafold-serrated/ The link is straight to their product page. I got mine off amazon for cheaper but YMMV. Barry King also carries them, they're listed on his edgers page. Horn
  11. hornm

    My Latest Barstool

    Slick work Mike, Keep it up!! Horn
  12. Pretty cool. I made mine out of a small cutting board that I cut in half. Ended up with 2 (wich is good because I loose things constantly). Horn
  13. Thanks for putting the pattern together and sharing. Always looking for new ideas for wallet designs. Horn
  14. Nicely done! I really like the look of that. Horn
  15. You could find another brand of diamond hone or just find a synthetic or nautral wetstone. If you go to the synthetic/natural then then go for something like a 4000/8000 combo.The only real advantage to the DMT is that they are fast cutting and won't dish out on you. but for most of the steels used any of the previously mentioned natural or synthetic will do the job. If you are working with the blades from Paul / Leather Wranglers then you'd want to lean more on the diamond stones. After all that.. you'd still want to go to some sort of finisher though to put a silky smooth final polish at the edge.. I'll stop with that before my OCD tendencies kick in. Horn
  16. That's pretty awesome. Thanks for making my morning Horn
  17. Aaron, Whats the participant count up to? Horn
  18. With just a couple second look in the video who know's? Since it's on youtube I'd ask your question in the comments for the video and see if you have any luck getting a reply from them/him/whomever. Horn
  19. Wish I could be there. Give everybody my best. Horn
  20. Yes, Nice Work! Thank you for sharing. Horn
  21. If I'm understanding the question correctly. It would depend on what the bags are going onto. A pattern for motorcycle saddle bags will be set a certain distance apart while a set for a horse would be wider, or narrower depending on where they are supposed to sit. If you are just randomly creating a pattern without a final location in mind then best of luck to you. If you have the final location... measure it and see how low you want the bags to sit. Sorry but that's the best I can come up with. Hoping to make a set sometime just haven't gotten 'round to it. Horn
  22. Welcome aboard. If you haven't already you should check out the Emerald Valley Leathercrafters Guild in Eugene. They have a FB page. Good bunch of people. Horn
  23. Agreed. Not to mention just a great all around guy. Horn
  24. To summarize again.... You are talking to the wrong people at the shops. The place less than a block from me puts a pile every so often in their driveway for folks to have a go at. You aren't supposed to rummage through their dumpsters but that's where I got my first piece from. Sunday's are good for that but you didn't hear that from me Horn
  25. They have them here in Portland at the Oregon Leather. That's where I got mine. $5.95 ea. shoot me a message if you want me to grab you one. Horn
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