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Everything posted by hornm

  1. Difference between the Craftool "Pro" and either Barry or Clay's tools is that the craftool are made somewhere oversea's. Not to mention that if you don't have one of the tandy discounts they cost more on average, depending on if you have to have them shipped. Might not be much of an issue to some but living here in the states I'd rather support/buy as many American made products as possible. Please note that this wasn't meant to knock foreign products or stated in any type of political vein just what I know and or think. Horn
  2. Very nice. I really like the trim leather around the basket weave versus the standardish outline with border stamps. Horn
  3. hornm

    Shaded design

    Yes. Very cool effect. Not to mention interesting pattern
  4. Blake. The yoga mat was probably the best solution for what you have available at the moment. I put a piece of 1/4" washing machine anti-vibration mat under the 1.5" chunk of marble I got from the local (less than 100yds from my front door) marble countertop place and haven't had any issues with the neighbors. Horn
  5. Except that the shipping to Scotland for the OP would probably be a killer on the deal. Never know untill you check it out though. Horn
  6. I had to actually ad a column in my budget "Leather". Horn
  7. The only issue is that for every one of us that does care there are a thousand or so who don't. Horn
  8. Have you taken Barry's for a test drive yet? Horn
  9. I really couldn't say. I'd pm a couple of the guys in the biker gear section of the forum for a real world answer to that. Plan to try and make one or more at some point but so far I've only done one wetformed dio de las whatever "style" of mask myself. Horn
  10. I'm guessing that you are close enough to your "local" tandy to go see the leather in person. 3-4 is pretty thin but if the leather is in good shape buy whatever you are comfortable spending. I know that there will probably be other opinions but still being relatively new myself I know i've burned through quite a bit while trying to figure things out so to summarize.....whatever the wife will let you get Horn
  11. Too funny. Alway's love to see what you come up with. Horn
  12. Nice work and good choice of colors. Horn
  13. WOW! That was pretty amazing looking through the pictures from all the steps. Thanks a ton for sharing Horn
  14. If I had any skills (day or not) I'd contribute. Thanks to you, Johanna and everyone else for working on getting this resolved for the rest of us. Horn
  15. Although I didn't understand most any of this I'm glad ya'll are on the case. Kind of like an episode of scooby doo Horn
  16. Good to know about the snaps. I've got those (e)books as well. I'm trying to adjust another one of the patterns myself to make a better case for my glucometer.
  17. Any way to get a pic of what you're talking about with the stabilizer? Not quite sure I understand that part. As for the lining, 99% sure that they used contact cemtent. Haven't done many projects myself but thus far that seems to be the go-to for situations like this. Horn
  18. It looks good the only thing I would change/worry about are the snaps. I've thought that when I get more tools collected about making one for myself. Keep up the good work. Loved all of what you've posted so far. Horn
  19. I'll be checking these out when I'm not at work... for some reason the boss has issues with me "goofing" around on the interwebernet while on his dime Horn
  20. Looks good! Can't wait to see what it looks like when it all finished Horn
  21. Welcome aboard. Your work is looking good and this is the place to be to find help with leather related questions. So... What part of Oregon are you from? There's at least a couple of us here from PDX and the 'couve Horn
  22. No problem. While you're working on that what kind of dimensions are we looking at? I can start fiddling with a rough out for the pattern this weekend if I know how much space I have to work with. Horn
  23. That's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing. Horn
  24. That's cool. Never got anything like that when I was a kid Oh well. Some pretty decent stuff on your site as well. Keep up the work Horn
  25. Unless you have one of the gold or elite discounts through tandy the price may be an issue. I was suggesting more of an example as a visual aid. From looking at the 2013 catalog price guide the tandy "Pro" will be $26-27 a pop ( sorry don't remember exactly right off the top of my head). Then add in shipping unless you live near a tandy and well..... Barry's start around the $25 mark and with regular UPS ground the additional shipping ends up normally being cheaper.
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