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Everything posted by Suze

  1. Maybe some of those "touch lights" and spray the heck out of them with some sort of bug spay. I had a chunk of material once that I sprayed the heck out of with cittronella and hung in the top of the pavilion. it was really wet when I got done with it.. bugs pretty much left us alone.
  2. I have a friend who bought a "coach" bag at one of those parties She hasn't had the reall chance to carry it becase she is on the THIRD return The first two just about fell apart in her hands when she got it. Quality is not in a "name"
  3. I like this one better
  4. maybe something a bit different between each fish coral in one spot -- weeds in another rocks and bubbles I like the hook and worm
  5. I tried this awhile ago and didn't get many answers I was wondering who is going to Pennsic War in a couple of weeks? I'm camping with Barony Flaming Gryphon in W07 I'm sure that some of you have dealers tents and I would love to come intoduce myself and say HI In Service Lady Mariassa Ashgrove APF
  6. mount them on a base upright and turn them into a lamp? ok - maybe not mount them on a base upright and turn them into a vase for fake flowers? ok - maybe not hey they do both of those things with old cowboy boots - why not an old holster?
  7. you could make your own face templates -- not hard ever done a life cast of your face? That's what a friend does - sometimes he does a whole face but most often he just does to the top of the upper lip.
  8. not to mention that Johanna told all of us that she was never moving again If she wants to live somewhere else they are going to have to move the house with her..... HI CUZ!
  9. I'm with you cuz I need a new something too and can't figure out what I want -- that tinkerbell one I found at goodwill is not what I need Think Jane might like it? How do we manage to carry so much junk around anyway? And guys get away with a pocket and a wallet and no I don't have anybody handing me stuff to put in my purse dividers that are sewed down would be nice instead of just sewed at the side of the purse leaving a big hole at the bottom for things to go from one side to the other.
  10. That first bag is a no go for me too. WAY to much effort to get into - those straps look like they have to go through the top flap before you can buckle them. I need a new purse and I don't know what I want - found a couple at the goodwill store - hate hate hate the first one (messanger bag style) one big hole and you can't find anything (has Tinkerbell on the flap-- would Jane want it Johanna?) the second I also found at goodwill - one of those ones that you see on tv that say you can fit a million pounds of stuff in one tiny bag ---riiiiight http://www.travelonbags.com/pages/XXXXX/200/283.2245.html it will work for awhile. till I find something else I might like. oh well they were cheap (and both were new with tags on them)
  11. Well Ray I am stuck here in the "heart of it all" (tourist slogan) that is Ohio Johanna and I live about 5 miles apart in tiny little towns of under 3000 people - German heritage, baby. There were several towns that all settled about 1833 from about the same area of Germany. a few miles down the road is the birth town of Neil Armstrong (and a museum) life is slow around here - Get married (optional first step) raise babies - work hard - play loose. NEVER question the fans of the high school "whatever" team. your "little place of 10,000 people" isn't so little to me. add me to the list of come visit and you will have a room. (Don't stay with Johanna -- her house is "infested" with kids and dogs and cats and a husband) I just have cats...... (I'm still wondering if going to Pennsic War is a smart idea - 10,000 people camping in about 200 acres of land.....But the classes - 972 at last count - how am I going to choose which ones to take????? -- look up www.pennsicwar.org for a sample)
  12. http://www.planetshoes.com/itemmatrix.asp?...amp;cc=Footwear I bought these shoes at wal-mart the other week --- if you look at the pic really close the top part are "sewed" onto the sole. I'll bet you could unsew them and reuse the sole for a different style of shoe. they are really comfy shoes and the bottom has a nice rubber grip sole. I am thinking about going back and finding a pair that is a bit closer to fitting than the ones I have and trying it out
  13. aren't the sponges they sell for painting on your walls - natural sea sponges? I can walk into about any paint department and find them. more expensive - yes hard to find - no
  14. since it is a sign and not something you are selling you might be OK with it -- as a sign but do yourself a big ol favor and don't go selling anything that is copywrited (even if you change it a little bit) besides you want to be know for YOUR work not "Disney's or Warner Brother's" don't you?
  15. Nice sign The only thing that I would be worried about is the Yosimity Sam Char being a copywrited design and all that
  16. Ok Caid is a bit out of my "let's learn about that" range. Thanks
  17. What Kingdom whould that be? (go fill out your profile page... hint... hint) In all the stuff that I have looked at a Baron/ness is entitled to a coronet with 6 pearls... The general populas (that have an Award of Arms) can wear one with one point of no more than an inch high.... I'm from the Middle Kingdom BTW (and a herald) (and nosy and would like to learn stuff from other Kingdoms) and Tashabear that looks great....
  18. BOOOOOO.........HISSSSSssss (but I lovate anyway)
  19. I have the free Advast running on mine (just remember if you use this one you get to re-register every year - still free though) Spyware guard and Ad-Aware works for me
  20. Ray if nothing else - put a piece of board across the bottom of the table and fill it up with nice heavy things (where that cardboard box is sitting) like some bricks or something and I am sooo jelous that you live in a house from the 15th cen. It must be amazing at night to hear the "wispers" of the centuries in your home.
  21. ahhh- if I were trying to sew something like that I would sew one side and then the other and just keep stretching the whole thing to sew the middle part But I don't know how tough that would be with leather
  22. Ok here is how you do it on FABRIC -- I would think that you will have to experiment a bit on leather http://www.wonderhowto.com/how-to/video/ho...-diaper-237731/ yes it is a diaper but the tecnique is the same for any fabric http://sewing.about.com/library/sewnews/qa/aaqa1003c.htm hopes this helps a little
  23. Thanks Ray I think.....
  24. From the non'knife carrying woman here (swiss army knife aside) I would think that just about any sheath would fail if you fell on the handle "just right" sad to say but a Darwin for sure but I agree I have seen some at Ren Fairs that look like tissue paper.
  25. Twin Oaks do what I did and put the "page" down to about 7/8 ths of your screen size and just move The whow thing over some on the moniter. Puts it back in the middle of the screen. It is going to take some getting used to.
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