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Everything posted by Manypawz

  1. This case holds 2 harmonicas. Dyed dark brown with hand tooling wolf design. Stamped paw prints inside case.
  2. The stamps at Ivan's look very similar to the ones that Tandy sells. I haven't bought anything from Ivan's but have purchased from some other companies in Japan and have had good luck so far.
  3. I don't like the results I've had using TanKote. I make my own balm with beeswax and neatsfoot oil. After I apply a liberal amount and work it in, I burnish it down. I've had good results taming the "fuzzies" this way. I just melt the beeswax and neatsfoot oil together in a mason jar set in a double boiler. Once it's all melted I pour it into some waxed paper muffin cups or up cycled plastic containers and then I can pop the mixture out once it has set.
  4. Good job eyeballing the size! Post some pictures when you're done.
  5. The dimensions are: 6 1/2" long (back piece) 5 1/4" wide 5 1/2" front piece I put a few pieces of leather inside the pouch before stitching to ensure there would be room for the tools. I've attached some pictures in case I didn't explain myself very well
  6. A couple more pictures. I forgot to add that I used a welt on the bottom of the pouch so that screwdrivers don't come into contact with the stitching.
  7. I made this pocket protector / pocket sleeve for the plumber that came to my rescue for a plugged drain.. I saw that he carried his channel lock pliers, screwdriver and wrench in his pants back pocket and the screwdriver had poked through the bottom of his pocket. He said that he has holes in all of his work pants from his tools. I had seen something like this before, somewhere, so I can't take credit for the idea. I think it turned out alright, pretty happy with the stitching and my progress using my new awl.
  8. I hope this helps. I used these tools only. For the soft texture on the birds bellies I used just the edge of the texture tool.
  9. Justin: I used a beveler to do the outline of the birds and branches and a texture tool for the outline of the birds belly. I can post the number and pictures of the tools if you like. Texas Lady: yes, I followed a design that someone sent me that they wanted on the journal. Ps, thank you for the kind compliment. LumpenDoodle: what a practical idea, thanks so much! I'm definitely going to do that.
  10. Thanks for the feedback and nice comments. The next design will have two straps, one near the top and one near the bottom. That way the design isn't covered and it stays centered. It's all good learning.
  11. Thanks Rohn, That means a lot coming from you.
  12. Just completed this journal. I really had fun with this design, but the next one I want to get more detail on the birds. Thanks for looking.
  13. Wow! Beautiful work. I love the colour.
  14. The pic was too big, I'll try to repost...
  15. I use this "tool box". Each compartment is remove able so you can put the hardware you are using by you on the bench. I picked this up at Home Depot
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