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    english saddle making instructor

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  1. What thread did you use to replace the girth/ billet straps. You have to use the right one. Someone’s life depends on them as to the knot. There is no special knot. I have worked with many saddlers and advise some of the largest saddle making companies across the world. I have seen hundreds of saddlers tie a knot At the end of the day it’s just a knot getting the panel tight. Is more to do with. How it is pulled up. You also use a masher to knock the panel. As you pull. I would imagine a hammer could do a similar job. I’ve never had to try that When you get to the end It should already be up tight. Just tie a big knot. Try and hide it as to lining up the panel. If you look at the gullet on the front of the panel. Next to the flocking. You will see a line of stitches. Near the stitches. You will see a small nail hole on both sides Pull the panel up into place. Put a nail in each hole. That will hold the panel in place as you stitch. Make sure you take the nails out When you finish
  2. Acrylic paint. It’s about a £1 for a tube from Poundland or if in the USA a dollar from dollar general sometimes it is a little thick. Add a drop of water. Give it two coats. Should look good
  3. I am a English saddle maker and instructor As said above. Horse equipment involves safety. Not using the correct leather or thread can be dangerous. You could make a lead rein This is basically a dog lead. It is a straight piece of 4mm leather with a dog clip. Use a size 12 or a size 3/18 thread to stitch. i have about 70 videos on you tube aimed at beginners. There may be some items on that For you and your daughter to make my website is www.uksaddlery.com. And my you tube is uksaddlery. If you need a little advice you will get my email on my website. Where in the world are you. I may know someone near who may be able to advise you
  4. A big Canadian fan of your videos. Keep up the fantastic work and love your sense of humour in them.

  5. Before I became a saddle maker . I was a shoe repairer. Long time ago. When we cut the soles we wet the knife. This made it easy to cut. Truth be told we wet it in our mouths, Far to lazy to go to the sink to get water,
  6. Pittards sell a waterproof grippy leather. You can deal direct with them
  7. Jcuk has posted a link to one of my sharpening videos. I thought this might also be of use
  8. People have mentioned where to get the leather. My only add to this is. Stirrup leathers are a safety item. There for. I would only hand stitch them. The thread I use is a size 8 polycotton core spun thread. There are other threads. Just make sure it is thick and strong enough. The leather i use is 5mm thick. Shame your so far away. I do a one day stirrup leather course for £75. And you get to keep your leathers
  9. I have tips on hand stitching and a few beginners items on UKSaddlery YouTube
  10. I’m in the uk and everyone I know makes saddles. Then again that’s because it is my trade
  11. Another thing that works instead of pearl glue is pva glue it is called white glue in some countries put it it on the edge let it dry for a minute or two then rub. This gives you a shiny edge and holds the fibres down
  12. It could be the thread you are using When I teach I always have the students stitch with white thread. This is so that they can see their mistakes it is rare that they get the thread dirty the thread we we use in the trade is a poly cotton core spun
  13. The top grain will be stronger if I was making a pair of stirrup leathers I would not do a blind stitch. A bag will be fine unless you plan on carrying heavy weights in it I could show you pictures of a 50 year old saddle where the stitches are intact ant the leather on the seat has worn through. This is a different piece of leather from the one with the stitch.
  14. The pictures above show the leather not going through the top grain. This will still be a strong stitch. I use a stitch called a backing stich on English style saddles. This does not go through the top grain. We put a lot of stress on this when pulling it onto the saddle tree. The stitch shown in the pictures will do the job. A box stitch will also do it. My hidden stitch done in the UKSaddlery video might top be the stitch you need
  15. What at thickness of buffalo do you have and what price?
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