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Everything posted by Harag

  1. Thanks Cyber, I've only got a set of Acrylic dyes at the moment and I mixed them with an eye dropper, wasn't sure if doing the same with oil dies would work. When I got my acrylic dyes I made a sort of color wheel grid thing mixing two colors, think I'll have to do the same with the dies I get, I was just wondering as I can't afford to get all the colors just yet. Thanks for confirming that brushing on the oil paint is fine - all the videos I've seen have been with either wool or cloth. Pity about no white die, guess I'll have to try the acrylic paint. Many thanks
  2. Hi all I've been asked to do a dog collar with the name of "GENERAL" on it, taken from the program, Dukes of Hazzard. I'm new to leather work and just about to order my first round of oil dyes this coming week so I was having a look at them and notice they don't do an orange (link below), so I was wondering what colours would I need to make the orange, and HOW do I dye the collar that colour? http://www.leprevo.co.uk/photos/dye-chart-oil.htm Also once I dye the collar that color orange, how do I make the carved wording Black - I'm guessing brush paint the oil on the carved letters. Is this right? I've also notice that there is no WHITE oil dye - How do I do White? Will Acrylic paint white be ok on top of the orange dyed belt? Any help / advice is much appreciated.
  3. Try the casing tutorial, see if that helps. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=19121 I'm new to this but have tried the above tutorial and just simply wetting the leather with a sponge, I get far greater results from "casing" it overnight, and i've also noticed I can tool for longer. When I simply wet the leather, I noticed I had to wet it again after an hour or so, casing it I didn't have this problem.
  4. I initially ordered a B935 from my supplier but they didn't have it in stock at the time, so got the B936 to try. I like it, but I think I might prefer the smooth one. I'll put it on my next order and hope they have it in stock. I was just initially wondering if that was the smallest one available. Still learning...
  5. Hi I asked the same question about neatsfoot about a month ago when I was placing an order, the responses were basically "get the pure". Which is what I got. Though I've not had need to use it yet.. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=47642
  6. Thanks Nige, When you say dixons do you mean this website: http://www.josephdixon.co.uk/
  7. Thanks Nigel, I've not seen the video yet (watching it tonight when I get home) but I;m sure it's excellent as your other stuff is. What would also be helpful would be the sharpening of other tools, Hole Punches, Thong cutters etc (unless you have them already in this one).
  8. I was wondering the same when at the weekend I was trying to cut out 4 inch round shapes for coasters. I had a Stanley knife and cut in straight lines, this made the coaster jaggered which I had to then sand down. Would they have been a better way to cut these?
  9. Many thanks for that, Understand better now, will have to have a go at some point to see what it looks like close up. B935 - Great, I bought the B936 as my supplier didn't have B935 in stock. Wasn't sure if they were any smaller ones or if I was on the right track.
  10. Quick question if I may... What is Dry brushed? Also, when you bevel, which tool did you use for the small areas, I've got the basic starting bevel and found it's too large when I've tried doing some celtic knots. So looking for a new bevel - they are so many to choose from.
  11. Hi all, this has been an interesting topic, but one question when you say "always lengthwise" I'm not sure which way you mean. I bought just a shoulder the other day, so would that be from the left to the right - the widest part?
  12. Really nice dog & harness. Possible for some more pictures, and possibly a pattern?
  13. Sorry to bring up an old topic, but I was wondering if anyone has the "Maverick Wallet Pattern" or the "Premier Wallet Pattern". I would like to make some of these and can't seem to find any decent patterns. Thanks
  14. Murry, Would you mind sending me the template you made? Might have a go at this next weekend and still learning how to do templates and order of making items. Thanks
  15. Wow I would love one of these one day... Very nice work Nige.
  16. I clicked the first image without reading the post, loved it and thought it was painted on. then read your post. WOW you must have some patience. Excellent work!
  17. I like the flasks. I picked a flask up like that from a charity shop recently to have a go at making something with it. Not made anything yet, still learning.
  18. Wow, very good end result. Where do people find customers like these? What leather did you use to make them with?
  19. Very nice for your 2nd attempt, I'm no expert (only done a few hand tooling) but the belt loop could do with smoothing down on the flesh side - some tan kote perhaps? Have you seen the Ian Atkinson videos on YouTube? He has some excellent 1.5 hr vids on there for sheaths. - don't forget to donate to him if you find them useful. Keep up the good work.
  20. Very nice, I like the idea of using the lacing for the sides rather than stitching with thread.
  21. Nice dog Collar - what leather did you use and what lining?
  22. Cyber, thanks for the information. Will look into the latex at some point. When I said block out acrylic. I was planning on painting my tooling first, then apply resolene on top of the paint then do do the antique. You mention apply it using a sponge, but I take it a brush will be ok to apply over the paint. I've also read about cutting the resolene so plan on doing that when I get some. Looking forward to playing around with it this weekend.
  23. I agree, I like the Black and white look, glad your customer likes it. Renee - do you cut your resolene 50/50 with water? Also how long does it take for each coat to dry? I'm hoping to use resolene this weekend to block out Acrylic paint & antique stain and not sure how to do it yet.
  24. Nice, what tool did you use on the horse for the hair?
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