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Everything posted by Rayban

  1. I would suggest to make sure your awl stabs are at the same angle as you go around the curve....like this ///////////////....... Also concentrate on the stabs being perpendicular to the surface of the leather.... You seemed to get it right on the right hand side of your picture.....but it looks like you just took your eye off the ball on the left side......
  2. Do the best you know how to do.
  3. You don't need to know about my 70's years or my time in the big house, right???
  4. I wish you guys wouldn't make light of such a serious matter as filling out your profile...some folks here may not exactly lovate....
  5. I didn't realize ya'll felt that way...so I done did mine too
  6. Rayban


    Thanks Ben, I'm gonna order me one as soon as I get back from the Blade Show, if I have any $$$$ left.
  7. Sounds to me like Gray Ghost and Red Beard is a marriage wait ing to happen.....
  8. Rayban


    Thanks Tomcat, that'll work for me....
  9. Here tis...www.greyghostgrapics.com
  10. Red Beard, sounds like what you need is your own makers stamp...you could easily have a scull to your design incorporated into it. You would be talking $35-$50 probably.....I'll see if I can find ya the link to a source used by several folks here at LW...or you could search "makers stamp"
  11. Rayban


    Steve, please let me know if you find one.....I love his blades and I want to get another one, but I really don't need another $70 haft.
  12. Rayban


    I wondered that same thing when I decided to buy his awl blade.....common sense kinda kicked in and I decided that only his hafts were gonna work properly with his blades..... I bought both and don't regret it one bit....he'll stand behind both....if you use his blade in another haft and things don't work out.....???? What would you do?
  13. Glue all the way to the edge...if glue seeps out over the edge, just sand it off before burnishing....
  14. Nice site Ray, and of course even nicer leather... When I grow up, I wanna have a shop just like yours, full of adult refreshments. RG
  15. Let us know when you have your New Opening Under notso Grand Managment.
  16. And you done right!!! Looks very nice, good job..... ...ya know, that horse aint's gonna like it tho, if it smells like cigarette smoke.....
  17. Jbird my Man!!...great piece of craftsmanship....oops...did you craft that or make it by hand or at home....oh well, let's not go there again....but I really like it and looks very strong and sound... My only question, it's not really meant to be for concealed carry right? ....with the strap crossing in front like it does...
  18. Nice bag...I ain't showing it to my wife, she would challenge me to make her one just like it, and ...well....it might start a big fight....
  19. I leave em nat'l...if you dye them, always the chance dye could rub off against the pantolonees.
  20. My vote would be to glue then sew the latigo to it....it will withstand sweat mo betta.
  21. I don't believe a "custom-leather-maker-to-customer" relationship is quite the same as a JC Penny, or Cheap Tickets......or any other nationally known company you order online from..... They took interest in your work in the first place, which is why you did something for them. I think it's a good idea to shoot them a "howdy" note now and then with maybe a picture of your latest project they may like to see, or maybe just directing them to your web site. A newsletter format is a good idea too....it's called marketing, any business should have a marketing program.
  22. I hope she wasn't too disappointed....tel her I'll make it up to her....I had an emergency home repair to do, then guys stopped by with beer.....you know how that one goes...
  23. Somethings I guess I'll never understand.....
  24. Good job, and a lot of work.....I hope your efforts were rewarded.
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