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Everything posted by Rayban

  1. I've worn this belt for at least 15 years. I didn't make it, it was a store-bought gift....and I wear it regularly, I bet 3-4 times a week.....you can see that the single line of stitching has held. So while in theory, sewing across it may weaken it...IN THEORY!!! , it's not something you have to worry about in a belt.
  2. Pat, Stitchers will be along shortly to help you with that.... Stitchers...I have a 200 needle on, and was running 277 thread top and btm......
  3. "...I know it's not much of a war, but right now it's all we got" Chesty Puller
  4. Fred, just my 2 cents....I've been using DAP Weldwood Gel formula contact cement, and it works great. You can get it at Lowes or Home Depot and comes in a few different size containers.
  5. Thanks again Stitcher, and all... It is the Mercury-120-1....tonight when I get home I'll check the size of the needle and I'll try using your thread combo .....I like 277 on top because it pretty much resembles the size I use to hand stitch. But I've also been using 277 in the bobbin too. I've copied your helpful tips and stuck them into the manual... R
  6. Stichers, it's this Chinese knock-off of a Singer K45 as I understand it....I'm using 277 thread (?) and i don't know the needle size but is about 1/16" thick. Most of my work is two or three layers of 8-10oz. It seems to be working well enough for me... but my main concern is the affects of glue on the machine/needle, etc. Will the glue gum up the needle, hence the thread, bobbin, etc??
  7. Thanks to this thread, I decided to get a chunk of Osage, a six pack, and get over to my friends' house who has the mother of all wood lathes....and this is what we turned out. It works GREAT!! I will add that the $38 asking price in Rosewood is a great bargain!!
  8. I have always glued my work together prior to hand stitching....now that I am learning to stitch on my machine....is it a no-no to glue? Will the thread/needle/anything else I can't see get all gummed up and so on.....making life even more frustration while learning the machine? Thanks for your comments. R
  9. Same thing....
  10. That must be for when you're on a really hot date, huh?
  11. I've been asked to carve a Dogwood Bloom into a piece, and have been sent an outline sketch of one, but I really don't know what a finished one looks like. Does anyone have a finished one to show?? Thanks!!
  12. The rotary ones shouldn't turn any faster than 1750 RPM's right? 3500 would be too fast?
  13. Hey Tom...I've been sitting here sipping on beer waiting for the pattern...getting pretty wasted!!
  14. I'm from Texas...but there's too many X's there....
  15. Nice job...looks great!!
  16. I also say good first attempt....other than getting the stitching closer to the contour of the gun, I would suggest rounding off those sharp corners a little. They will take some knocks and get dog-eared after a bit.
  17. Fred, I just bought a knock-off of the grey Singer in Barra's picture....nice shop BTW Barra!!......the problem you were describing is one common to just about any sewing machine. Sounds like you worked it out and that's good...but my point is that if you ever get stuck with a problem it's usually something simple and even Aunt Mable across the lane who has been making curtains and clothes for the children for about 80 years can probably work it out for ya. So don't be afraid to ask most anybody who knows how to operate a machine. My brother is a tailor, as my Dad was....I wanted nothing to do with it, but I was around machines all my life, which means nothing here, cept my brother can't wait to get over here to play with my new toy. Every now and then he comes across a project where he needs a machine like mine. I'm having a problem when I go from one layer of cow and suede, to two layers of cow and suede on the same project, in this case, a knife sheath. The stitch is different from one to the other and my bro is gonna show me how to fix that....I hope.
  18. Very nice...great design and layout.....and craftsmanship. Question, I'm not a biker nor have I ever covered a seat....how well does the lacing hold up over time? I see most bike seats are done with lace, I just wondered how it holds up after constantly rubbing your legs across it. Thanks. R
  19. When making a knife sheath it's not uncommon to have 3,4,5,6 layers of 8-10oz. I find it impossible to get the edges aligned just right without sanding before burnishing. The belt sander works wonders.....just go slow, it can burn the leather!
  20. Gotta get this, only $40. I use it to make knife handles and leather work. I have the same situation you are describing ALLLLLL the time...this makes short work of it. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/disp...Itemnumber=2485
  21. Very nice work Taco! Looks like you're very handy with your stitching machine. I just got myself a Black Berry but wouldn't buy the case for them...too darn expensive....I'll have to make me one today...film at 6 !!
  22. Hope ya'll don't mind me for getting back to topic.... Thanks for the CraigsPAL tip....sure beats the heck out of searching all the surrounding areas, etc.
  23. I hope to follow your footsteps someday Lobo...cept for the Rush/Hannety part, had my fill of them. Anyway, good luck!!
  24. I would say any fixed blade knife sheath should have a welt, but without seeing what the knife looks like, I couldn't address the question regarding the snap or how to keep the knife from falling out....any chance of a picture of the knife?
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