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Everything posted by Rayban

  1. I need to find a supplier of 3/4" leather rosettes, unfinished, no slots. Might there be someone who has such a clicker die that could stamp some out of my scraps??
  2. I've heard guys say..."never use a pen to mark leather" but I've never heard why...
  3. They'll be here....I already have dye on my hands from a little touch-up job this morning.....I'm anxious to see your work, how ya doing with the pictures??
  4. Welcome r......I don't own a machine either and probably never will...although my hands cramp up some from time to time...fortunately, I don't plan on building any saddles. Don't feel like you have to make your gift something real elaborate...just some little something done by your hands.... At the deadline, all names on the list will go into "the hat" and drawn at random...name number one will send to name number two...2 will send to 3, and so on...the last name will send to the first. Have fun.
  5. me too,
  6. I'll also ship across the pond....
  7. I don't believe it needs to be secret, besides, communication tween the two will be necessary to get address, etc.
  8. May I suggest there be a random type drawing of names, at the deadline, to determine who sends to whom, as opposed to going by the order in which they signed up?
  9. PJ...that won't be the last item you'll ever have to scrap and start over....it's a shame you may have to waste that nice carving, but it's been good practice too. IMO, you can save that sheath by tapering the stitch line up closer to the mold line nearest the knife handle. Yes, it will look like you "saved it" but it will still be functional. The most important thing is that you've learned by it. To this day, I can make a half dozen sheaths that turn out just fine, by my standards, then mess the next one up just cuzz I took my eye off the ball...it happens.
  10. I don't believe there's anything wrong with getting it good and wet again, molding it, then dying it again. Sure you're gonna get your hands full of dye run off....but you can still get the job done. Nice carving BTW.
  11. I'm sure you're right Ben, but i have to stay true to my practice of learning everything the hard way.....besides....I've tried researching stuff on this site, and always get distracted by coming across so many other goodies of interest, I forget what I started out to look for....
  12. I came across these folks while looking for wine/grapes patterns. Meant for wood carvers, but you'll see that you can use em too. Check it out. http://www.carvingpatterns.com/
  13. Tina...all I found....although it was pretty early this morning...was two sections of dyes...one had bright red, green, yellow, etc. for shoes and stuff....and the other was tabbed " Leather Dyes"...I take it that is what's meant by their pro dyes...they had all the tans, russet, browns, etc..... I've already heard back from them with an order confirmation, thanks for your order, etc. If those don't work I may just start ordering W&C drum dyed tan sides for now on.
  14. Tina, thanks for the link...I just ordered a couple bottles. I've grown weary of the inconsistency I've been experiencing with my local source. I'll report back after I've used some. R
  15. Thanks Daryl, Rick Garcia PO Box 134 Samaria, MI. 48177
  16. Rayban

    Wine Carrier

    Frog....hope you don't mind that I'm ripping off your idea...wine making friends of ours are moving away and this would be a perfect gift for them....I was all caught up with the notion that the carrier had to have a top on it and couldn't figure that out....now I see that it looks great w/o a top. I won't attempt carving like yours...my mermaid would turn out fat and ugly.....but grapes, I may try. Great looking job...thanks!!
  17. Why don't you guys send me your stamping for the little collection I've started?? Thanks!!
  18. Randy...I've been discussing a derringer holster with a buddy who asked if I would make him one...I've sent your post to him to see what he thinks....I believe it's a pretty cool idea. Tex Jack....don't know about Randy, but for me the saying holds true....you can take the kid out of Texas, but you can't take Texas out of the kid..... Rick, in Michigan, by way of Comfort, TX.
  19. Marlon....what's your take on Fiebings alcohol dye and their oil dye.?? What's the difference in the results? Which do you prefer and why? Thanks...I know I''m asking a lot so early in the morning. R
  20. Marion, seems like common sense has prevailed in your case, as with Billy P's story. As for the Staples guy....or was it a girl??.....Bitch slap comes to mind.... K-man.....oh, never mind.....
  21. That seems like an awful small fish in a very large pond to be suing over.....I refuse to believe that an organization would go that far without at first issuing a cease and desist type of letter. Sorry, I just don't believe a judge in his/her right mind would even entertain hearing such a case.
  22. I would echo what Luke has said....besides, you could have finished the project b4 you hear back from them.....
  23. Have any beer ya don't need?
  24. Another good reason for it is to find out if anyone close by wants to go halvies with me on a side of W&C 8/10oz chestnut carving leather because at Christmas time I'm trying to hold on to all the cash I can, but W&C is having a sale!!!!!!!....I could deliver it to the nearest mutual saloon myself.
  25. Excellent idea Rhonda!! I'm all for it.
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