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Everything posted by Rayban

  1. Rayban


    ALSO....I talked to a fella out West who has been making saps/jacks for 40 years, mostly for reenactors. He also makes them with short handles to use as a massage tool. I tried the one pictured on my above post on my wife, and she said it works great...she said:
  2. Rayban


    I just made one recently for a fella who collects them...
  3. Looks great...I've been wanting to do a "six pack" like that for pocket knives for some time now......thanks for the inspiration!!
  4. I'm picking up my machine from these guys today....I feel like a kid at Christmas. They are in Ohio and have shelves and shelves of machine heads and parts. Worth a try. Sewing Machine Sales Service and Supplies. 800-449-0835 Darren will probably answer. Good luck.
  5. That looks great. I see stitching on the front pocket, but is the main compartment held together by just the leather lacing? If so, that's an In-Jean-Yes design!!
  6. Try Google "chaps" or "chaps and chinks". They are all made basically the same, so Tandy patterns will help you there.....just the embellishments can be endless if that's what you're looking for.
  7. Great job on the tutorial....I like it lots!!
  8. Thanks...kinda what I thought, what I've always heard called a pouch sheath.
  9. I'm not sure I know what a "tube sheath" is, I've never heard one called that. Anything like a pouch sheath? Got a picture of one?
  10. Following the tutorial on this forum I quickly put a nice edge on this knife and started using it right away....I'm liking it! I used it lots already, including to make this new home for it....
  11. Lookie what came in the mail today....a friend on another knife forum heard I was whining about one so he had this one from an estate sale or something......and sent it off to me.... No stamping or makers mark, but looks like good ole carbon steel to me.....now if you'll excuse me I'm off to the sharpening tutorial.... Thanks for your support...
  12. That's the real deal.....I couldn't do a digital overlay if my life depended on it... Specs: Canon Rebel Digital, stood on top of the picnic table, took one last swig of beer, aimed, and shot.....flash went off too for them bright highlights....I guess..... R
  13. I spoke with him tonight, he's got a 2-3 month waiting list!!
  14. I use it for most all my hand stitching, I like the rustic look of it...
  15. I made this one from cocobolo, it's 5" long by 1" wide.
  16. I would encourage him to buy a new belt, keep the one he has now so that when he gains all the weight back, he won't skip a beat, then you buy the skinny belt back from him at half price. How can anyone in his right mind refuse such a deal?? P.S....my Dad was a tailor, and when guys brought in pants to have him take them in at the waist because they had lost weight, my Dad would purposely leave the access material intact so when they gained it back, he would have material to let back out...he never told the customer he was doing it, but we always saw them come back...
  17. Thanks for ya'llz responses, looks like the 45K is the machine I'm looking for.
  18. I make a lot of knife sheaths that often require sewing 3 layers of 8-10oz. together, sometimes 4 or 5 layers. The seller of this machine, who claims he is now using it, told me there would be no problem with the projects I do.
  19. Thanks Luke, the guy who has if for sale told me it would work for what I want it for...I thought I'd better check with others.
  20. Is this machine suitable for working with leather up to 1/2" thick? (4 layers of 8-10oz.) What is a fair price to pay for one in good working condition? Thanks for your help! RG
  21. Rayban

    latest case

    Very cool cue case...ccc?? I wouldn't dare carry that into the pool halls I sometimes frequent up around here......I'd have to have you make me a waist band with lock, ankle strap, and a .45 auto on my other side. But that sure is purty!!
  22. DAP Weldwood-gel formula, yellow in color....I don't know how you can do any better.
  23. I get nothing but helpful service at my local Tandy store...I wonder if your attitude has anything to do with it???
  24. Johanna, are raffles allowed? Say I donate an item worth $50, ten spots go up @ $5 each. $$ goes right to you via check or PP. Winner is picked by a state lottery daily pick 3 drawing, so the whole world can see which is the winning number. Watcha think?
  25. How did you get a saddle in a lap-top case????
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