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Everything posted by Rayban

  1. If you're just learning on Tandy leather, I doubt you would notice any difference tween W&C and HO.....so why not just try them both and decide for yourself?
  2. Rayban

    Ulu Knife?

    I mentioned using one to cut leather with on here not too long ago, and with the response I got from some, you would have thought I was a real dirt bag......but I decided to make up my own mind about it......I use it mostly to cut long cuts....no small intricate cutting. And since I got a pretty good edge on it, it works good. It just won't be as versatile as a "real" head knife. Note: I bought a pair of scissors from Tandy about 10 years ago, and til recently when I was gifted a head knife, it was all I used to cut out patterns. Now with the head knife, or this Ulu thingy, I make my cuts about half way through the thickness of the leather, then finish cutting it with the scissors...because I just got these scissors sharpened, cutting this way is a breeze for me.
  3. Smaller repair jobs is basically why I'm looking for something....can you name one or two of such products?
  4. I've often wondered if there was such a product out in the market.....an epoxy that could be used to repair leather work.....have a rubberized/stretching characteristic, and if it were clear, could be mixed with dye to match the work. It could be used for small repair jobs, fill-in uneven gaps, etc. Is there such a product out there???? Thanks, R
  5. I did this to a set of saddle bags about ten years ago and there are still pretty stiff....first off the leather was 10oz.....when finished with construction, but before applying any oil or conditioner....I got them good and wet with hot water, then stuffed them with crumpled up newspaper then set them out in the sun to dry. In this case I used Tandy's Super Sheen to finish....don't use it much anymore except on black dyed stuff....and to this day they are still pretty stiff. I would expect, however that if the bag is used regularly, it will break down some in time.
  6. Hey Matt....I think I met you once at the Tandy store in Westland..you had one of your seats hangin on the wall for a while?? Hi Dale...I'm way down-river....down lake actually, by the Ohio line....but in the Metro area daily. I've been harping on Keith at the store to get a "club" going...I guess "guild" is kinda a bad name(??) Watcha think? Rick
  7. Josh, good show!! I've been thinking of doing that to a rig I recently made....but for .22 rounds, I haven't exactly been looking forward to it....I believe I could live through your method however.....what do you think of doing the loop business on a separate piece of leather, then when it's done, sewing it to the belt? Badge....so when you're done, you see bullet, rivet, bullet, rivet, and so on? Try saying that real fast six times.
  8. Rayban

    diamond point awl

    Marlon, as long as I'm visiting year old posts today...there is a small brass pin in my now ruined awl that if I kept it facing straight up when I stabbed, the awl holes would always be at the same angle. maybe scratch a groove...got scratch awl??.....for a reference point on the haft.
  9. Rayban

    diamond point awl

    This is an old post I see but the tip is timeless...I came across it while I was searching for stitching awls for sale.....I wish I had seen this post before my awl rolled off the bench and hit the concrete floor tip first...I wouldn't be in the mad scramble to find a replacement TODAY!!!!!! First thing I'll do when I get it home is to do what Bruce does to his.
  10. Nice job...looks good a solid. What are the dimensions?
  11. Here's mine, with the compound I use....it's called Green Compound, go figure. I just glued some 8-10oz. to some laminated wood, drilled a hole in it so I could hang it on the wall. I can't think of anything I would change about it....I also glued some anti slip rubber to the bottom of it....Yours are sure purtee.
  12. Pleeeez...show us...me anyway....the insides so I can see how you attach the note pad...and also, what size pad does it work with?? Themz cool. Nice work.
  13. The biggest problem going on when someone gets to ranting, especially politics lately, is if they go on about what a lousy Prez. we have....they feel they are only voicing their opinion, so that makes everything they say all right.....what they don't stop to consider is that they may be offending everybody who has different views. I'm sure it's happened many times over.....all is cool when we share our leather work pictures, and agree on the same sewing machine......and " oh, how I love how you did that...."...but find out they have different political views....that changes things.....
  14. I not only concur....I agree!! Those sharp corners will dog-ear if you don't round em off.
  15. I say don't do it...like someone else said it above somewhere...there's a forum you can go to to rant about just about anything....why use this one?? True story....I was frequenting a forum where...you know how it is....you kinda get to "know" folks, like em, have fun....all is cool. Then I found myself in a room with them that I wish I hadn't walked in to....and I saw what they had to say about Obama....Jesus.....porn.....etc......it wasn't the same after that. The other side of the coin....if that password is needed to get into yours...I'll know to never bother with it.
  16. ...."apology for such a lame gift"....if the man would have given her his car he would then get ripped for being lavish in such hard times......can't win...... I say the originator of the idea should make it.....wouldn't want to Bogart on his idea would we??
  17. Hey Pete...show us a picture of what you send the Queen....
  18. I have found that I don't have to press the leather against the burnisher.....just hold it to make light contact with the wheel for best results. BTW...I started with a 2" sq. block so by now the grooves are about 1 1/2" in dia. turning at 1750.......I just dampen the leather with water....sometimes lick the small spots, which is why I believe it to be a good idea to keep my mouth moist ....usually with Bud Light.......and like the post above, I don't always get the same results with the same effort.......it's an art form right??
  19. Brent, I agree, cocobolo is way cool....
  20. The cocobolo seems to work better...also, my edges don't have to be all that shiny, or what some would call slick, to work for me, so I guess it comes down to a subjective thing...... Also, someone else on the forum has been making them and selling them at about $40 each, which after making a couple, I can attest to that being a good deal.....sorry I can't pass on the link just this minute....someone else will be by any minute now to help out......so i don't feel like I want to compete with him.....he makes em out of rosewood, I believe, and that's about as good as it gets.....
  21. Shelly, I have the one in post #6 sitting around and I doubt I'll use it now that I have the recent one. It has to attach to a 1/2" arbor however....let me know if you're set up for that.
  22. Good reasons to have a rounded tip[ instead of a pointed one......pointed one with take a beating and get dog-eared in time......and rounded one takes the drama out of the stitching.
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