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Everything posted by Timd

  1. Try this, Hilly. I got this link from someone here, i haven't bought from them yet...http://www.timcocorporation.com/productlis...e=1&catID=5
  2. That, Sir, is too cool!! Keep up the good work.
  3. Awesome. I really like the blending of designs.
  4. I am just amazed. Very clean, very sharp.
  5. Yet another lefty here, and I have to go along with Holly and say my favorite is carving, especially the decorative cuts. I don't get much call for traditional carvings, so when I do, the decorative cuts are like icing on the cake.
  6. Quitting was what led me back to leatherworking. I made my mind up that I was going to quit on my 46th birthday, since my Dad was 46 when he died from lung cancer. I started plotting and planning about a year before, and was trying to figure out what to do with my hands, when my Mom brought over a box of stuff from my old bedroom. Inside was the tools I used when I was 14-16, the famous basic seven. The lightbulb went off above the head, and after googling Tandy, the new addiction was born. It's still not easy sometimes, but I just tell myself that's something I used to do. I made a concious effort to put away the money I used to spend on the 2 packs a day I smoked, and it has gotten me a new lawn mower, dishwasher, and this weekend I pick up my new bass boat!! I have to say the benefits of quitting far outweigh any cravings I still have. My wife is still a little sore at me, I didn't tell her until the last minute, and she felt she had to quit with me. She's much happier not smoking but every now and then I get a growl...lol It is very doable, Joanna, just adopt the mantra "that's something I USED to do" take deep breaths(very deep sometimes) and keep truckin'! It's been almost 3 years for the bride and I, and it's still getting better.
  7. The time stamp on your first post is 3:22 AM. At that time I was sawing some serious wood! lol
  8. Well, when you post things in the middle of the night, some of us tend to miss them....lol. Looks good to me, I like the camo leather.
  9. That's it!! I've had it!!! Who wants to buy my tools?! lol.....really sweet, Beez! Definetly an inspiration.
  10. Timd

    Western Fonts

    Try this: Desperado's Font Gallery http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4743/fonts.html
  11. try here, Tiffany-http://www.archivalsuppliers.com/prodinfo....number=402-BARB
  12. Zack White leather has 'em....http://www.eleatherworks.com/home.php?cat=...on=0&page=2
  13. Russ, do you have a source for new ruby blades? I bought a box of old tools that had one in it,and I really like it, but was advised on another forum that the ruby was prone to falling out, so I stopped using it. I have to agree that it cuts alot nicer than ceramic, but to me ceramic is the way to go, since I can't sharpen steel blades worth a damn.
  14. I fought with steel blades for some time, gave up and bought a ceramic blade. The first time I put it to leather, it was ALMOST like the skies opened and the angels started singing!! I don't think I'll be using anything else.
  15. Hidecrafters has tons of instructional videos that are reasonably priced. Thier website is down, but if you call them,888-263-5277, they'll send a catalog. I also noticed you're from PA. Where abouts? I'm just north of Philly.
  16. Timd

    Mars Oil?

    Tiffany, this is the only thing I found, not sure you'd want to put it on your leather............http://metapot.com/Mars-Oil-Wicca-2-Drams-2dr-p-3312.html
  17. Beez, your work is just out-frikkin'-standing! Certainly gives me inspiration.
  18. Timd

    the best leather

    Can I ask what W&C is charging? The price list on their web site is from Feb.'07
  19. I have to be honest, I'm addicted to this site!! There is so much talent and expertise here, I'm constantly checking new posts. Sometimes I think I'm here more than working leather anymore.Definatly my favorite site on the 'net.
  20. My wife's a seven year survivor of breast cancer, so I make these out of my scraps, sell them for 5 bucks apiece, and donate the money to breast cancer research. the bracelet I saw in a store at our local artists colony for $45( yup, $45), came home, pulled out the bag of latigo scraps and a sam brown button..... Don't have the heart to charge that much though.( man, $45)
  21. On another forum, The late Verlane Desgrange Had a tutorial on making a slicker. I made mine out of 1/4" plexi-glas, The handle is made of a marine grade polymer we use at work.
  22. Something I've learned... Every time you look at that seat, that spot will be the only thing you see. Before you go any further, show your customer the seat. Make no mention of the spot, see what his reaction is. I can almost guarentee(?) he won't notice. It does blend pretty well, I had to look a second time to see it( guess I should read the text first...lol) But if you're not happy with it, nail it to the wall as a reminder, And start over(ugh!).
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