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Everything posted by Timd

  1. Thanks, Tina. I looked in Weaver's online catalog, they just have the size.guess I'll have to bite the bullet and and order a few 1 1/4's.
  2. Guessing is getting expensive. I need both brass and nickle rings with an outside diameter of 1 1/2". I ordered 1 1/2" rings from 2 different suppliers, and it seems they're sized to the inside diameter, because they're actually 2" rings. So..... I ordered 1" rings, and they're only 1 1/4"outside! What size do I need to buy? I'm afraid if I get 1 1/4" rings they'll be 1 3/4 or something. Help?
  3. I've had the same can for about 8 years now, don't use it much, but it's still kicking.
  4. Add my vote for Never-Dull. It's what we used on my ship, worked well.
  5. Art, i was looking in the frozen meat case at the supermarket, and they had cow tongue, for 14.99 a pound!!!!!! Filet mignon was going for 9.99 ! As for my favorite non-typical, there's a guy who lives up-state that makes pickled deer heart. Man that's good.
  6. The wife and I at Niagara Falls. One at the top, one at the bottom.
  7. Well, here's a liiiitle light, I just recieved a 2008 price list. I know, it's september, but... Inside was a flyer with some pretty good deals. I for one don't mind talking to my suppliers on the phone, so I'll keep throwing them whatever I can.
  8. Tashabear, I just got Fiebing's leather sheen spray, and it seals acrylics really well. I don't know about weatherproofing, but it puts a real nice finish things.
  9. I agree with Luke. I just called on saturday and ordered some stuff, got most of it, some was discontinued. Ron was very helpful.
  10. That's a mighty fine piece of head scratching there Bear!
  11. There's a pattern in Al Stohlmans "How to Carve Leather"
  12. Quick and simple:http://www.wickett-craig.com/
  13. Very cool, Holly. I wish I had that kind of patience!
  14. A while back, they sent me a new price list, along with a catalog with the prices removed. I've made some purchases , nothing big, and I'm happy with them. I really like thier Pro-Tools. I for one will stick with them, gotta help the little guy.
  15. I'm with Ryan. I see guys like Jim Linell, Peter Main and others even doing thier signatures really small, and I have problems doing it big, with a swivel knife. Throw us a bone, ElVaq!
  16. I haven't shaved since 1977, and while i've never applied for a suit n' tie job(I'm a wood butcher...) I don't think my beard has cost me any jobs. Now back in my wild days as a welder, my long hair was a problem for some, but that was then, and now I'd look silly with a pony-tail...lol
  17. There's a free downloadable pattern on Tandy's website. It's for an address book, but I've adapted it to a purse. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/IMAGES/daisy-400x652.jpg
  18. Timd

    Guitar Pick Guard

    What^they^ said!!
  19. Thanks ChaChi. I hope that's not the case, I'd like to see others work.
  20. Here's a set of plans: http://www.ubuilderplans.com/?q=node/10
  21. Roger, yet another holy $%*t seat! They keep gettin' better 'n better!
  22. Thank you all. Tom, it seems the original post for this purse was a victim of the crash. It was my first attempt at celtic knots, and a blast to do.Here's the original pics.
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