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Everything posted by scottyslife

  1. Hi bitta, 

    I just read your reply in the shoe vs boot polish post. I take it your not a fan of sno seal and it not the first time I've heard bad things about it. What would he your recommendation for a good snow proofer fora Michigan winter and a good polish to keep my doc Martin's looking like new?




    1. Bitta


      If your Docs are a high shine boot, then Angelus or Lincoln wax polish since you're in a colder climate, For oil tans, Meltonian cream polish.   Sno Seal is processed with petroleum products according to their MSDS sheet so it's not as bad as some as some of the stuff that's loaded will silicone, but for a good weatherproofer, I'm a fan of Obenhauf's LP.   You can get Obie's from their website or most Cabela's carry it in their shoe dept.  Angelus you can get from their www.angelusdirect.com website or even Amazon.  Amazon or www/shoeshineexpress.com for the Meltonian and the Lincoln.  Just make sure your Docs are leather - a lot of them aren't these days :(

      For a mirror shine, buff with girls' microfiber tights...they are heavier material than womens and will work up a really nice shine quickly as long as you do multiple thin coats and don't buff off all your wax.  Never heat wax polish with a flame...it burns off the conditioners in it and will dry it out.  


    2. scottyslife


      Thanks for the info I've been lazy with the weather proofing so far this winter and with the foot and a half of snow out there last time I looked it's time. Last year's is still hanging in there and the polish doesn't have a scuff on it, well to my standards I'm picky, but I'm willing to bet your a perfectionists. I'm sure I could be too but I really don't need one more thing to be obsessive about thanks for the info when I get supplies and get them looking good I'll let you know how they turned out.




  2. Carson, those shoes are impressive no matter how long you have been at this! Regards, Scott
  3. Agreed, a very nice bag Regards, Scott
  4. Hi Bella I too am located south of grand rapids by about 45 miles. I have pick up leather crafting again after a 30+ year break lol. Without a bit of further info I am not sure if I would be able to help you, but please feel free to pm me and we can see if there is a possibility of working together. Regards, Scott
  5. I agree with moving the snap up a bit, and rounding corners. As far as sanding it is a must for a professional look but I sand then stitch, I never can seem to sand evenly to an existing stitch line lol. Regards, Scott
  6. I have a 1/4 inch set from harbor freight. Works great shouldn't stain your leather if cased properly. I don't remember what I paid but it was a fraction of what tandy or Springfield wanted. Good luck, Scott
  7. Ok no laughing, Google what ever you may want to tool coloring pages an example would be skull coloring page you will be amazed what you find. Regards, Scott
  8. Alex, I know I am coming to the ballgame extremely late here. I just wanted you to know I found the pattern on the bracelet to be very interesting and a creative way to used the camouflage tool for a uniqUe border idea,I believe my girlfriend would love it so if you don't mind I may steal it c fit a project inn the near future she loves fiebings ox blood dye with black antiqueing paste to highlight the tooling so again thanks for the idea one Christmas present down so many more to go lol Regards, Scott
  9. If you liked the Leodis videos, then I wood suggest checking out Nigel Armitage he is amazing at explaining the art of saddle stitching and as a bonus for you he is left handed. Your projects thus far look good Scott
  10. Well for what it's worth I have the opposite problem, i'm not a fan of whiney brass. I like a nice antique finish. That being said from my readings here, there and everywhere most brass hardware I have been reading about is lacquer finished so it won't tarnish. Don't take my word for it the best thing is to call Springfield and ask them. On a personal note I have been following your work and hope I can do as well when I grow up Scott And that should be shiny brass stupid kindle lol Scott
  11. Your very talented, the originality and creativity is outstanding. Welcome.to lw Scott
  12. Hmmm heat gun hair dryer maybe I made a sheath from the video and I did harden nicely with the forced drying, and with that I am out of.ideas lol Scott
  13. Ion Atkins has a video on making a spider friction sheath in that video he dries the leather in the oven after molding. Take a look at the youtube video maybe it will help. Scott
  14. I want to say I saw one in passing on Springfield's site. I could be wrong it's happened before. Scott
  15. Thanks for posting the pattern much appreciated
  16. I don't know if this will help or if I can even explain it adequately, as I just started saddle stitching myself. But here goes take it for what it's worth, the thing unlocked most from nigel's video was how the thread goes into the hole the right up and to the front the left thread down and to the back following the slant of the diamond all hole. That's how I remember it. I was doing a fairly thick project the other day and was having simular issues. As I watched nigel for the hundredth time to figure out what I was doing wrong I noticed that when he puts the left needle in he pull that needle through a long with the thread already in the hole I did that just like he did and what I discovered was sometimes I crossed the thread inside the hole and if I pulled back the thread with the needle I was better able to tell if the thread was laying correctly as it should. Anyway that's my two cents and a different way to visualize, perhaps some one else who knows more will have better help. And nigel if you read this post and I have it all wrong my sincerest apologies. Scott
  17. Outstanding one of the best skulls I have seen
  18. never stupid to know what you want for a project. I am the same sometimes that one little part makes the whole thing. A snap isn't always just a snap. Mark twain once said the difference between a word and the right word is really a rather large matter. Much like the lightening is to the lightening bug. I get the feeling the same applies here good luck with your project i'll keep my eyes open one never knows what they may stumble across Scott
  19. Thanks for the kind words bigfoot. Funny you should say textured leveling as I was goofing around with some leather today and thought I wonder what those textured revelers are all about. I did use the pear shader around the temples and brows, I would very much like to hear your thoughts on other places to use it. I was pleased with how the project turned out given my knowledge base, that being said I would love the next one to have a little "more" in terms of detail 3-D effect something if you have the time I would like to hear your thoughts. Thanks, Scott
  20. Good luck with the repair I have no idea how to help with that, but we must be neighbors we live in the same place those of us from the super sticks have to keep together you have my understanding and best wishes on this lol
  21. Well here it is gang such as it is 35 years since I last picked up a piece of leather in 4-H. I thank all of you who unknowingly helped me along as I have been lurking and reading, and to Mr. Armitage for your invaluable stitching videos (yes I cheated and used the drill press but I do understand the stitching now). Let me know what you guys think. The good bad and ugly I know most of them but feel free lol. Now my 20 yr old so says a doctor who themed wallet would be cool hmm inherent been compliance he was 10. So until next time all. Scott
  22. Thanks leatheroo I have a friend coming from perth in a few weeks I just emailed her and asked her to bring some. Bet she will be wondering what the hell for my youngest is 14 lol Scott
  23. Amazing now I have to add braiding to my list of skills to acquire before I die at this rate I better live to about 178 very nice Brian
  24. Looks great the carving is outstanding am I the only one that sees a face starring back at them in the second picture my girl friend has been after me for some new cuffs I will definatelybkeep these in mind as I look around. Nice work
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