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Everything posted by Hilly

  1. Congratulations on the new addition! Nice looking kids you have there. Merry Christmas!
  2. There are a lot of people here who can tell you the proper way to do it, but what it really takes is practice. Sometimes it takes LOTS of practice to get it right. Practice on lots of scraps, and make sure you keep your knife wicked sharp. It can help to skive with the edge of the leather almost hanging off the edge of something, such as a plastic cutting board, so the tip of your knife can dip a bit lower. It also helps keep your blade sharp if you can run the tip of your knife on a piece of plate glass as you skive. Glass will not grab at the blade and dull it like plastic cutting board. Here are some videos that may help you out. Good luck, and please post some photos of your work when you can!
  3. Wow, those sure are some big'uns! What do those weigh? I have a big skillet that might fit a filet or two...
  4. Just got an email from Tandy. Thought I'd share the info with everyone. Tutorials are here.
  5. I'm throwing my tools away.
  6. Stohlman did a lot of good books. Check out your local Tandy dealer or just go here.
  7. Welcome! This is the right place if you want to learn! I think a lot of us dream about giving up our day jobs! Wood and leather furniture, huh? If you feel like having a good drool, go here. I've about dehydrated from drooling over it. Anyway, enjoy the addiction hobby, and please do post photos of your work!
  8. Nope! Not you. I can't open them, either.
  9. Never mind. I experimented on a bit of scrap and got my answer. Tan Kote is shiny on top of Super Sheen, but does seem to get along with it okay. I really hate shiny finishes because IMO they make the leather look like plastic. Guess I'm going to have to travel 3 hours to get some caranuba cream w/atom wax. Better yet, I think I will try some Kiwi neutral shoe polish.
  10. I can't seem to view anything except text, and boxes with little red X's where there should be photos or avitars. Is it just MY computer, or is everyone else experiencing the same thing?
  11. Does Tan Kote "get along" with Super Sheen and Tandy antique liquid? I finished carving and tooling an album cover, and put a natural suntan on it. Then I used Super Sheen as a resist, followed by Tandy antique liquid. I love the rich color... Now I want to use Tan Kote followed by Aussie leather finish with beeswax as a final finish because I HATE the shiny plastic look of Super Sheen! Thoughts? Advice? Thanks.
  12. Hope it's a good one!
  13. Hello, and welcome! This is a fantastic place to learn leatherwork! Everyone here is so helpful and friendly . I have seen people who start out with some pretty advanced first projects and do great work. My absolute best advice would be to take your time, and thoroughly think things through as you get to them. Measure fifty times and cut once! And THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A STUPID QUESTION!!!! Please never be afraid to ask about anything you don't understand, or would like to learn! May I suggest a couple of books to get you started? "The Art of Hand Sewing Leather" by Al Stohlman is a must! It will guide you through the steps of how to do a proper saddle stitch. I also recommend "The Art of Making Leather Cases" series by Al Stohlman. This book will show you all the different ways to construct almost anything you could ever want to make out of leather! These books are worth every penny! I know others here are going to chime in now, and help you off to a great start! Please do post photos of your work! Hilly
  14. I'd like a really good head knife! One that holds a sharp edge more than 5 minutes. I'd also like a sharpening fairy to visit, and sharpen all my dull tools!
  15. Jeez Bobby, if you had a quarter for every time someone asked for your permission to use that design, you'd be rich! Don't ask me how I knew that
  16. C. S. Osborne has some in 6,7 or 8 spi. Should cost around $50-$60. You will need to contact Osborne, and find a distributer in your area. Might ask them for a catalog and price guide while you're at it. They sometimes come in handy. Here's the contact info: 125 JERSEY STREET HARRISON, N.J. 07029 - U.S.A. (973) 483-3232 phone (973) 484-3621 fax e-mail:cso@csosborne.com Hope this helps.
  17. Those old card catalog's are really nice, aren't they? I've had a couple for years, and there's no end to the kinds of stuff they work for.
  18. That is adorable! I love it! Thanks for sharing.
  19. I hear you on that, Luke! Me too!
  20. I also like the idea of the lucky 7 set. Also, tell him that if he wants to learn, he should become a member of this site, ask questions, post photos, and learn the same way you did. Tell him to buy leatherworking videos and books. Make him waste a 55 gallon barrel of leather like we all have, learning by our screwups. Just a question... have you told him how you feel about him stealing your ideas? Maybe you need to tell him in no uncertain terms to STOP DOING IT!
  21. Could you use some veg tanned calf? I belive petite tooling calf is around 2 - 2.5oz or, tooling kip sides are around 2.5 - 3oz.
  22. What about trying your hand at making some rawhide?
  23. If you don't like how overwaxed the prewaxed thread is, try taking a piece of heavy brown paper, fold it over the tread, and rub back and forth very briskly. It melts the wax with the friction, allowing it to penetrate deeper into the thread while removing the excess at the same time. Makes prewaxed thread much easier to work with.
  24. I just put some neatsfoot oil (a light coat) on it, then lay it out in full sun for a few days till I get the color I want. Just make sure that it isn't a "target" for birds I take it in at night so it doesn't get dewy or wet. Veg tan leather sun tans just like your own skin does. "Beat it up" a bit to distress it. You can also apply a resist, then antiquing gels/pastes to add a bit of patina. Afterwards you might want to put a small scuff or two on it to make it look very well used?
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