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Everything posted by Erystawi

  1. Hello, I've quit in the past using nicotine gum, and other nicotine replacement (no el-cig) but started again. This time now soon 1,5 years free from smoking, I quit with the help of snus. Yes, snus is nicotine, but no more inhaling and damaging the lungs! Snus is common in Norway, Sweden, Finland. Breathing freely is why I wantet quit smoking. Have a nice day! Eva from Norway.
  2. Thank you so much for filling in, I am a newby, plus I don't always understand all the english terms, but now I know what plug is I did'n realy understand what plug was (sorry, I am from Norway, long time since I have used english in writing). But now you helped me break it down for me to understand Thank you all!
  3. A monster trap, great idea! :D LOL Yes, soft leather, forming and using maybe glass eyes, but what to put under for the mouth and eyebrow? What kind of glue? Thank you all for the information!
  4. I've been googling around, and I found some really fun deck card cases! I am now wondering -how do they do that! It looks like a lot of fun making, anyone have any ideas?
  5. Hello, and thanks for all the help. Yes, they are Jack Russells, my own kennel -I did look in my old stuff from when I took "the Norwegian horse school": of "saddle-and harness-making-coars" (hard to translate correctly) and there I found backpack pattern/template for dogs! YES :D
  6. Hello, I have been working with english bridle leather, or bridle leather in Norway, english type. We use something called "R.O.C kantfarg" for colouring and sealing the edges before burnishing the leather edge. The ROC kantfarg is like a lacker, colour and binder. We burnish with bone burnisher. Hopes this helps. And pardon my english
  7. Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has made a saddlepack, backpack, for dogs? I'm not sure how to translate it from Norwegian: "kløv", or "hundekløv" (dog backpack/ dog saddlepack?) Anyway, it's a bag almost looking like a saddlepack, but for dogs carrying it. Anyone here made this ting? Thank you. Eva from northern Norway. ps, coudn't find picture of leather "kløv".. -some picture of my dogs with nylon backpack/kløv.
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