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About micktx

  • Birthday 11/10/1956

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lytle, Texas
  • Interests
    Leather craft, archery, fishing, play guitar, hunting.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Belt Bags, Holsters, Moccasins, Purses
  • Interested in learning about
    Leather work as a whole.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Searching the Web.

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  1. I complained about the "store location" indicating the El Paso, TX and not being able to change it to the Mobud San Antonio, TX location. Hear is what "Jeff" wrote back: "Thank you for your email. A lot of our store locations have been removed from our site during this time as they are closed and not able to process orders or converse with customers. El Paso is the store answering their store phone at this time. All other store calls are being transferred to Fort Worth while stores are close." Just one more tidbit in fueling the closure rumor.
  2. I have one and love it. More than my Techsew. I've had mine for a couple of years. It sews smooth now after doing the modifications mentioned by Silver Forge. One thing Silver didn't mention is the presser foot leaving marks. To help alleviate those take the foot off and take a flat file and give it a few strokes on the bottom to flatten down the ridges. Then play with the presser foot tension screw until you get the desired effect. As for the stitch length you can raise and lower the stitch length screw for the desired length. Just a warning, most of these machines come rough and need to be filed on some areas, oiled, and then run the machine without needle and thread to get it operating smoothly. After all that practice, practice, practice with it. I truly feel you won't go wrong for the money. There a quite few more youtube videos out now than when I started with mine that cover pretty much any issue you may come across. And you have this forum. Take care and stay safe, Mickey Arrowhead H Ranch
  3. So why did you ask if you already knew how to do it? Playing the game of Stump the Dummy huh. I see how you are ya little whipper snapper. You'll get yours. I've used glue and just the leather. Haven't had an issue either way. It looks like you need to cut the hole smaller by about 1/8 inch or so. Looks good.
  4. I use a leather piece and cut a hole in the leather smaller than the stone. Then sew the piece to your project. here's an example because I know I didn't explain this very well.
  5. try this www.pfaff.com/SiteMedia/PFAFF/Products/.../pfaff_1245_1246-manual-EN.PDF I just googled Pfaff 1245 Mick
  6. That looks like it would do.
  7. D2G try wax paper. here in the U.S. there are some paper thin enough to see an image fairly good. just can't remember the name of it, sorry.
  8. Recieved a 10 pound box full of hair on hide pieces from Mike Barton of NStarLeather. Wow! Some very nice size pieces. For I got enough to make a good many projects. Love the assortment. Thanx Mike.
  9. Well that sucks. Wonder why there's not much info for the 196K205. Just thinking out loud.
  10. Try ISMACS.com under Research. There is a hyperlink for "Let Singer Date Your Machine." I looked around and from what I can gather it was made in Clydbank, Scotland. No more the that. Hope this helps.
  11. Thanx AJ. I think you will find experimenting with what others do and your ideas will result in fit and finish you want. Will be very interested to see what you come up with.
  12. Hey AJ. I use 5-7 ounce for my butt stock covers. Mostly made of remnants I have hanging around. Will be very interested in getting you pattern. Here's a sample of what I do.
  13. Cool Beaners! Hey, I just noticed, where are you at in Alaska? I spent 35 years up there before moving here to San Antonio, TX. 2 years in North Pole, 20 years in Anchorage, and 13 years in Wasilla.
  14. Nice collection you made. Question thought,.......what's the make and model of that yellow grip jobber?
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