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Everything posted by Skipknives

  1. i'll chime in too,very nice work
  2. those look like they smell good,,cool bean,,er,,flowers
  3. nice work,edge looks great.
  4. Help,,i'm not complaining,,just wondering,,,what happened,, should i rebuild my page or am i jumping the gun and we havn't got that far,, also did we loose some of the past talks?? i'm happy we're back,,whee haw what thread do i go to to follow whats been going on,,guess somthing fried.
  5. someday i would like to try covering a book with leather,,copied your picture as a good example of the right way to make it look. thanks for posting.
  6. that's a smokin idea,,love seeing what folks come up with in their shops,,cool beans.
  7. That looks like "Did-knee-land" to me. :biggrin:
  8. Wear rubber gloves a week before the show never wear your new shirt out to the shop Exact-o knives on the bench will roll off never wear flip-flops by the bench never use a plasma cutter near your vacuum table somthing flamable is always under your bench compleated projects should never be displayed near leather dyeing area Grandsons will repeat what they hear in your shop at the wrong time.
  9. whee haw,,thanks guys,,and thank you for the pdf,,that helped too
  10. that looks tough as nails,,some cowboy gonna love that on his/her belt
  11. Hay Kevin,,,that is some nice wallet,,,ku-dowes-2-u
  12. oh,,i'm sorry Dag-,, i never thought of that,,i guess it would be hard to hold a helmet still while smacking it with a hammer. i bought my copper rivets from tandy/ the leather factory,,,i guess saddle makers use them a bunch,,but i'm just guessing. most of my work is on the back of a sheath holding the belt loop closed and that is flat work,,, oh,,wait,,a bowling ball,,a bowling ball on a stick then you could whack the snott out of it and not chaise it across the room,,,maybe-maybe.
  13. "Yautah-Hay" or "Gooten-Howdie" welcome aboard
  14. i just added that picture to my picture file on the right way to make stuff,,thank you for posting
  15. Howdie George,,Phoenix here,,welcome
  16. my 2 cents,,i work with the copper rivets all the time (one per sheath) on that style set the rivet and washer,,snip off the extra but leave a "scunch" longer then 1/8",,then use the standard set to cone the end that you snipped. then switch to a concave set tool,,it will round it nicely,,if you snip it too short then the second set tool will strike the washer and leave yucky marks
  17. yes Pete,,i do like using a razor strap then flip it over and repeat on the smooth side for a final dressing PS: i found out that a scrap of Elk hyde will clean the left over "Gum/grease" from rouge off your swivel blade or any other blade quicker and easier then paper towel or cloth.
  18. Qt-twister,,try the Zam on gold or stabilized wood and bone/antler or ironwoods,,then let me know,, I'll bet you come over to the dark-side,,let me know (the blade is ATS-34 the bolsters are 416 stainless handle is stabilized redwood
  19. I can't answer about ceramic blades,,,but as a knife maker I love a compound called "ZAM" it is a green blend (not greasy like other greens),,after I a make the cutting edge I switch to a 700 grit belt to dress the edge,,this leaves a fine "wire" on the very edge. then i load a soft buffing wheel with ZAM and strop the edge. (Not trying to blow my own horn) after this is done the cutting edge i achieve is better then a new razor blade. the soft buff has as much to do with the final edge as the compound does. ZAM also polishes the "Clouds" out of stainless steel better then any other compound i have ever used,,including pink-no scratch, white diamonds, and Red PS; when polishing blades on a belt sander,,the 1,200 grits and 2,000 grits use to burn the steel quickly,,,now with ZAM in the belt i can push harder and hold the blade longer to the belts before cooling them. Harbor fraight sells a small buff already on an arbor that can be chucked in a drill for stropping. just my 2 cents
  20. a friend of mine wanted some copper rivets that looked "old" so he found some copper wire(heavy gage),,, heat a length of the stripped wire with a gas torch to soften it,,then used a brake-line flareing jaws to hold the wire and pean the ends into the clasic "dome-head look. PS: they make copper "Golf-tee looking rivets,,,if they were heated the flat head that they have in the package could be peaned into a dome,,then the washers that come with them could go on the inside of the next helm.
  21. Thanks for the heads up Jordan,,I'll keep an eye out for that one at the store. Thank you for the link "Hairy or should i say braider"
  22. totaly trip-en-dic-uler we like it
  23. I'm here twice a day to read and learn,,,You posted your fine work and I said nothing. Please don't be insulted by this silence, as a newbie not saying a word isn't a dig. And others ask a question and I still kept silent,,,cuz I don't know the answer. As a grandpa when someone asks for help it grinds my nerves not to respond. and to the folks that do respond Thank You for teaching us. I just want to say keep up the great posts and Merry Christmas (apply other name here as needed). Be safe when traveling.
  24. thanks guys ,,i learned more new stuff,,old stuff,,you know what i mean,,lol
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