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Everything posted by grmnsplx

  1. I think you'll probably be just fine with your thin(ish) leather.
  2. Just FYI, 9 spi = 10 tpi (stitches vs teeth)
  3. Just a matter of taste, but I would have gone with a black thread. The stingray is flashy so there is not need for a highlight. I think the white thread kind of takes away from the stingray in that sense. Stitching looks pretty good though. I've heard quite difficult to sew that stuff.
  4. I am also interested. taobao.com is almost entirely Chinese so searching it is a problem (for me). Have you got a contact for the seller? perhaps they also have an Alibaba store?
  5. Yes, there are some timelines around that stuff. But in general, if a name or brand is no longer in use, you give up your rights to it. As to the original post, sell the shop with or without the name and work out whatever arrangement works best for you. Be prepared to accept the fact that what happens afterwards is almost entirely out of your control (which is as it should be).
  6. Actually, if you stop using a trademark (i.e. you close Lewis Saddle Shop) then you give up your trademark rights to the name.
  7. What about just cutting the front panel to fit the gusset? I mean, cut the top off at an angle or swoop. Make it part of the design. You may want to be more aggressive than just half an inch, though. Snip the gusset and front panel off at 3 inches on the right side. I'd keep the back panel and back side of the gusset the original intended length though.
  8. I would try gluing the liner while the binder is half closed. If it's fully open and you glue it like that, then when you go to close the binder the liner which is on the inside of the curve is being compressed. Now, if you were to glue the liner while the binder is closed, the opposite would happen. if you open the binder, then the liner will be stretched taught, while the outside is compress and gets wrinkled up. Both, the liner have some give in terms of stretch and compression which is why I suggest trying something in-between. The result may still be undesirable though. you'll just have to try. Another approach is to not glue the middle bit at all. It will lay down flat when open and then (hopefully) make a little bump when closed. open: === = === closed: ==== |) ====
  9. Leather sounds like it should be fine. Definitely use a smaller awl or stitching chisel. I would put my stitching at 3mm or so from the edge (1/8 inch). You could try rolling your edges. That might help. But I have never tried it.
  10. Wow. My experience with Tandy - here in Calgary - has been quite good. The manager is quite knowledgeable as are the staff. And the staff are encouraged (required) to make the items in the kits and display them and they often have their own items there as well. I will say that I have not been impressed with the quality of the craftsman oak and oak leaf tooling leathers. That said, my first double shoulder that I bought there was excellent. I don't recall what it was though...
  11. In Nigel Armitage's walletvideo he splits down some leather. http://youtu.be/PMzj3a9nL4Q?t=11m54s What type of splitter is he using? I was considering buying an inexpensive pull through splitter like the cowboy for the same purpose. Do you guys think this would work? Thanks!
  12. So I am full of shit. After I read this last response on Wednesday, I went looking on the Tandy website and saw that they had some 2-3 oz Oak leaf (middle tier) side on sale. I went by that day for some mezza double shoulders (also on sale) and they did have some of that 2-3 oz ion stock so I bought a side. Time to start making some wallets. Regarding the OP. Inspiring stuff.
  13. The Tandy here in Calgary never has it. They have 3-4oz but not 2-3oz. Maybe they'll get some some time...
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