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Everything posted by rickeyfro

  1. Is there something special about the paints sold for leathercraft or can I use any Acrylic crafts paints?
  2. I remember that innocent curiosity, the excitement of going to the mailbox in hopes that today would be the day that my newest addition would be arriving. The amazement at how much easier a given task was with the mastering of every new contraption that found its place hanging above my bench. When did it all change? Where did it go so horribly wrong? Was it after I realized that I'd finally aquired one of each, or the panic that followed that realization, wondering what would I spend all my hard earned money on now, or was it the blissful calm that followed the panic when shining through the dark came that word "upgrade"
  3. I'd buy some Kevin, havent been able to find them myself
  4. Thanks Pancho, I'll try it like that
  5. Has anyone tried dyeing ostrich black after its already been dyed?
  6. you can also trace onto paper and put the paper into a clear page protector, cheap at office depot, especially in bulk
  7. Has anyone had any luck using this coupon when ordering online?? I tried this last time too and when I enter the coupon code during checkout it says that code doesnt exist, last time I sent a couple of emails to ask about the proble,. seeing as how this was a great opportunity to get a bunch of Barry King stamps, but no one bothered responding to anything I sent. I work offshore so I dont really get a chance to talk on the phone during business hours and most of my ordering is done online.
  8. Thanks for the thumbs up, it was alot more fun than repairing the jacket woulda been
  9. So I had this old biker jacket laying around, zipers all screwed up, all the pocket liners ripped out, seams all coming apart, etc etc etc. And since I had another in way better shape, I couldnt see investing the time to repair it. And not being able to throw anything leather out I figured Id tear it down and see if I could get inspired. The leather, heavy and soft, scratched and scuffed really begged to be used on a seat, something for a daily rider, then the inspred part came, looking at what was left of the jacket draped over a box, I couldnt help but notice how much the collar looked like the skirt on the last skirted solo I did. Anyway, waste not want not.
  10. Im in need of a Robert Beard Tri Weave for a project Im working on, and from what Im hearing it will take about a year to get one, so I thought Id ask if anyone has one theyd like to sell.
  11. K Man what color are the double cap rivets? Rick
  12. Roo, I get mine from www. foam by mail.com I get free shipping on orders of $75 & more. Thats in the U.S. though. but it may be worth checking it out. Rick
  13. Does anyone make a Colt Single Action Army Dummy Gun??
  14. Thanks Tim, for the info and the compliment
  15. And what about this would it be considered illegal also? Im just asking outta curiosity really, not like Im gonna mass produce these or anything, but I wouldnt wanna get in any trouble just selling a motorcycle seat. I know theres alot of law enforcment, both active and retired on this forum, anyone wanna shed some light on this please do. I actually bought these online from a sight that sells nothing but these in numerouse styles. Im figuring they arent concealed, I do know they are illegal in Ca,Mass,Mich,Ill & N.Y from what I can google
  16. Thing is they are sold everywhere, online, army surplus store, etc etc etc. Im gonna have to to some research on the legalities
  17. Thanks Storm, yeah I love brass with anything
  18. O.K. Im not sure if this ones gonna be legal to sell in all states, but Ive been working on it in my head for a while now so I figured Id spend the weekend making it happen.
  19. Anyone know of a more easily found substitute for Barge contact cement thinner? Somethin carried by home dept or lowes? Hazardous Material fee kinda scares me away from ordering through the mail.
  20. Thanks Kevin, Im gonna try the side to side
  21. Can you guys tell me first if you use a swivel knife blade jig to sharpen, and if so can you recomend one. I use a Barry King Knife and a Chuck Smith mostly. Thanks Rick
  22. Is it still possible to get Chaylor Fenelli Wallet liners? If so where?
  23. Thanks Max, that was an hourglass serpentine Thanks storm, yeah I changed the wings up a little to better fit the shape of the seat
  24. This weeks seats, finished and ready to ship
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