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Red Bear Haraldsson

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Everything posted by Red Bear Haraldsson

  1. I think it would depend entirely on what you had in mind. If you are looking for a really low-slung holster, buscadero is the way to go. If you are looking for one holster on each side, like in Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS), then a straight belt is fine. If you /want/ a curved belt for your holster to sit on, the holster just would not sit as low as the holster would hang from the top of the belt (since, on a buscadero, the same holster hangs from a slot on the bottom of the belt).
  2. Oooh, pretty pouch is pretty! I needed another excuse to get more garment leather... really... I did... sort of...
  3. Pit, I still cannot figure out how to cut and paste any sites in here, but... http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=18101 Hidepounder's edge finishing tutorial is great.
  4. Pictures always help, show us what you made, then we can mark up the picture and point out areas to adjust. I have Will Ghormley's Johnny Ringo rig. I tried to adjust it in a little bit to make the pistol more snug, and had to add a bolster because I went too far in my adjustment. Maybe you can cut the stitching, add a bolster (just along the bottom at the slide) and save the holsters?
  5. That I am sir, that I am. Thank you very much for the additional pictures you posted. Now, of course, I am dying of curiosity to know what that rivet is for, poking out near the barrel end of the holster. I was thinking of making mine a bit deeper to cover the trigger guard and use that 'web' between the guard and the barrel to put in a retention screw, but the rivet in your picture has me flummoxed.
  6. I'll add your name to the growing list of people to measure my work against. Great work, great pictures. Well done!
  7. Ah, there they are. I knew if I poked around long enough, I would find good pictures of these holsters! Much obliged, Red Cent!
  8. Lordy, Shooter, that is a right Purdy set up. <Sigh!> I'm going to end up with another 1911, I just know it...
  9. Ugh, Deuce makes me sick with envy! RVM45 - Make it like the customer's want. Have a standard spiel ready, "It is just my opinion, but... having an exposed trigger is not very safe, but I'll make it however you want... if you're sure." Myself, I am just starting in SASS. I make all my own gear. My holsters are based off Will Ghormley's Johnny Ringo rig. (You'll have to google it, I don't know how to paste websites in here yet. )
  10. I may have stumbled across the source of those pictures... www.johan-potgieter.com/II/?cat=7 Google Block dyeing leather, 3rd link down. If nothing else, there is a nice basketweave there, too.
  11. It is local club rules, I just ran through a huge set of posts on it on the SASS Wire. As I discovered, there are no "cart rules" and it is left to the local clubs to deal with it as they will. My club is a good one and everyone following the same set of 'muzzle up' rules does make it easier for all involved. I only really mentioned the cart because I loved the one in the picture. But that is one top notch scabbard, and I would love a chance to make my pale imitation of it. I have plans in the works for a WWII Garand scabbard and I have Roys29 (Eight Bits) zip file from up above with the rifle scabbard (Thanks again Camano!). I've also gobbled up any files that you, Jim, have linked on here. Many thanks for that, too! Red Cent is the other name that I was thinking of for my list of thank you's. I have found all your (collective) posts very informative and helpful and I am glad I found this place. Thank you so much!
  12. Red, would you be willing to take a picture of that holster from the backside please? That things looks awfully interesting.
  13. Thank you sir! Between you (Camano), Hidepounder, Jim (Brazos Jack), Tboyce, and Roys29 (Eight Bits), I now have more projects than I can shake a stick at, AND my skill at them has improved! There is another name in there I wanted to add, but I am at work and it is escaping me as I duck the boss. I'll have pictures up of my work soon!
  14. Resurrecting another really old post.... Jim, do you still have the pattern for the shotgun scabbard? I'm real interested in it... even though we have to keep the guns muzzle up in the carts for cowboy action shooting.
  15. Well, let me just jump onto this huge post and say, "Me, too! Pleaseandthankyou!" gougdt@students.fscj.edu
  16. I thought I would resurrect this thread with my two cents. I had a friend who had permission to carry a sap because his fingers were double-jointed and couldn't hit anyone effectively with a balled up fist (the story I was told anyways). When he left the department he was no longer allowed to carry a sap, so he made the next best thing, a sap-shaped coin purse. Carried about $20 in half dollars and Susan B's. Suede body, latigo thong at the head, just big enough through the throat that the coins can come out. Officer, "What did you hit the mugger with, citizen?" Citizen, "A coin purse." Officer, "Nice swing you've got there."
  17. Okay, time to make one of these. Had never heard of a Dopp kit (always called it a toiletries kit) before today. Read about it in a novel this morning and this post is the first one I looked at since it had Dopp in the name. We'll see if I can get it finished before the wife's birthday trip in May to see the grandkids.
  18. http://www.phillipsengraving.com/ Sorry, meant to mention this earlier. Saw the link was wrong when it was posted the first time.
  19. Ah, so he did. My mistake. I was just excited over the one that I got. Now I need to improve my game to make something worthy of using it!
  20. I got mine from www.greyghostgraphics.com Ordered it on Black Friday at 6 in the morning, approved the proof at 10:30 that morning and would have had it on the Monday following, but I forgot to put in my apartment number!
  21. Excellent work. Very nicely done. I've tinkered with leather off and on for 30 years. I can make just about anything I have a mind to, but it will take me a good bit of practice to make my gun rig look as good as you did on this!
  22. I'm going to stick my nose in and say that I've been wanting to try hemp. All the posts that mention it mention waxing it real good.
  23. Based on that post right there, I'd buy from you. And because of the responses to your original post, I will not ever bone inside the trigger guard now. It may look pretty, but safety is no accident. If someone yammers at you about 'retention', offer to put in a retention screw. All else aside, good looking holster!
  24. Go to Will's website. He's got a few pages on the Hand of God rig. He shows how to do the end plug on the second page. I do not think I will be doing an end plug anytime soon, but he makes it look (fairly) easy. www.willghormley-maker.com/index.html I love his site, lots of good information there. Like here, I love that people are willing to share what they know.
  25. Weird, when I looked through bunkhouse's site, I never did find anything other than the dummy gun molds for holster making. Thanks also for the press info, Camano. I really like the Bikini with the Indian motif, I just don't think I could do a bikini without a retention screw. Maybe when I pick up that pack I'll change my mind. Will makes some beautiful patterns. Love the way your mexican loop came out, color me green with envy!
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