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Everything posted by Tina

  1. My tip of the day metal stamps... http://www.phillipsengraving.com/Leather_Stamps.html Very helpful, super price and short turnaround:-)
  2. This link is the best I can think of for the moment:-) http://www.saroftreve.com/wwl/floggers.shtml
  3. It's not only the streets that is way narrower, the parking lots too *Grrrrrr* (but I'm happy not to have to fill a truck up at the pump again ) I would think the gas prices is around the same in EU, around $1.80-2 / liter...1 gallon=3.8 liter. We have that vehical test once a year here in Sweden too....You have to pass to get the sticker.
  4. To another level for sure...Beautiful work Clay:-) This is my favo up tp date and I have to comment on the eyes...Soo good, you really captured the "bear look" in them and they have loads of life in them
  5. Here's just one tutorial of making wathermarks, there's a million of them out there if you think this is tricky...Just make some searches until you'll find one that makes sense to you. When you have it all down it will only take you an extra minute on a picture to make it happend: http://graphicssoft.about.com/cs/photoshop/ht/apswatermark.htm
  6. Oh yes they do:-) If you scroll down on the link you'll find it ... http://turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/dye.html the purple color on the page does not make it justice. These people has the whole colorchart that Angelus makes.
  7. Tina

    Maker Stamp..

    Hej Trox oxh Bob (Trox...jag missade din fråga häromdagen, såg den inte förräns nu) Jag kan bara säga att jag själv använde kortet över telefonen (Visa) möjligen är dom så små att dom inte har tillgång till säkerhetsprylen online? För mig fungerade det alldeles utmärkt. UPS är mycket dyrare i frakt, försök få honom att använda USPS (posten) I USA är det mycket vanligare att använda kortet för köp via internet till höger och vänster, jag har nog blivit lite Amerikaniserad där och min oro är inte så stor längre. Klart är att man ska använda sitt sunda förnuft:-) Jag fick oxo layouten skickad som PDF och jag gjorde lite ändringar som han fixade till. I mitt tycke var firman mer än helt OK.
  8. I have a super nice one in steel for $35 from this place, a very helpful and friendly place: http://www.phillipsengraving.com/Leather_Stamps.html
  9. Tina

    Maker Stamp..

    Lite fusk, vi bodde i USA tills i höstas så jag köpte den innan vi kom över hit till Sverige igen... Skriv en rad och fråga, han var mycket enkel att ha att göra med. Med "First-Class Mail® International Package" (USPS=Amerikanska posten), ca $10 till Sverige enligt postens hemsida (www.usps.com) Lycka till:-)
  10. Tina

    Maker Stamp..

    Hej Bob, Jag har skaffat min i metall från denna sida och är supernöjd med service och resultat: (Har inte hört om någon "maker" i Europa hitintills) http://www.phillipsengraving.com/Leather_Stamps.html
  11. Me toooooo (one day late) Millions of to you Clay :-)
  12. Tina


    Beautiful work:-) I Love the time you have taken to all the very fine details, a gift to treassure for sure
  13. This is true in some countries (mine included) Here I don't have to apply for my art, I have the soul copyright from the minute it's created by law. I know there is more countries like this, maybe Canada too where the above website owner lives? I remeber reading something about copyright and ancient symbols some time ago...Someone lost a copyright battle due to that old symbols is too old to get a new copyright on and/or belongs to everyone??? I will have to try and find this one again to be real sure but it was something to that effect.
  14. I Love my mauls, Why not contact "The Bearman" here on LW, he makes the most beautiful and useful Mauls on the face of the earth:-) This is my set from Ed (The Bearman) One 9oz and one 16oz.
  15. Mama might know something about the pattern:-) It comes from the Hylestad church in Norway, dated around 1175 AD. I have used several of the patterns on that church, more pictures is coming shortly.
  16. Tina

    Hi From Sweden

    Hej Ulf och varmt välkommen till LW:-) Jag är bara en av en bunt svenskar som lurkar runt här på forumet, jag är säker på att du kommer hitta fler och du kommer gilla denna vänliga plats i cyberrymden:-)
  17. Hi Clay:-) To keep sanity I just HAD to get something going, I had leatherbug withdrawls BigTime and I was getting grumphier by the minute *LOL* I do like to teach, it's very satisfying when you see someone "get's it" and I'm soo happy that you like her tooling, I guess somethings does run in the family:-)
  18. yeah...I'm alreaddy seeing my tools "walking" down the stairs *LOL* (for the time being we do live in the same building) I'm just a proud mom, she's doing so great and with just little hints from me and all the tools she could need, I wish I had it all when I started out *LOL* The number one tip is: Use the modeling tool the most:-) True about the time, it's been soooo boring not being able to create, I neeeeed it. Anyways now we're working in team and hopefully we have enough stuff to attend a viking fair in August, all dressed up. Storm, to me your translations did not look as the ones my hubby makes with the google translater, they where "to much right" and it felt like you actually did this yourself:-) Jag har haft engelska språket runt om mig större delen av mitt liv och förstår kanske 99%, bara min gramatik är hemsk men det är den på svenska med, speciellt i skrift. Så, om jag är mer bekväm i svenska? Jag vet inte, jag kan till och med gräla riktigt bra på engelska med *LMAO*
  19. Ladys and adges you know *S* lets just say under 30 :-) I HAVE to ask...How many languages do you speak??? I have seen you use several??? (=Impressed!) The idea have come to mind, maybe the nem webpage (coming shortly) ends up being a family hobby page
  20. Millions of Thanks all, I will for sure show her this:-)...I'm going to try convince her to become a member here herself.
  21. Of course I could not stop totally to have some leather sround me, a few weeks ago I did get some leather and tools out of the storage and made me a small workspace (very small indead) Anyways, some of my family members started to get real nosy and eventually my daughter Jannicke said she just had to try it out. So after some guidance (and I did do all the swivelcarving, she ain't there yet *S* she made a small trial bookmark...I thought she did good enough so I decided to challenge her with this maple pattern. Just some words, hints and small tips and this is what came out: (I do have other family members standing inline to learn, this is loads of fun *S*)
  22. http://turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/miscellaneous-products.html Scroll down about half the page and you'll find the Acryllic finisher...Comes in 4 types (and 3 sizes), Matte being one of them (I like the matte one loads :-)
  23. Acrylics works but under the sealer...Ontop of it? I have no idea
  24. Here's where I bought mine, I'm more than impressed with the service and the stamp itself, all metal and $35, hard to beat :-) http://www.phillipsengraving.com/Leather_Stamps.html
  25. Angelus have their own sealer as well, comes in 4 different "glosses" and 3 different sizes...Matte, satin, gloss and high gloss. Scroll down about half the way on the link page: http://turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/miscellaneous-products.html
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