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Everything posted by Tina

  1. I'm finally unpacking my leather workshop. I can't seam to find all the tools *grrrr*. Where could they have gone, I only moved "across the pond"???

  2. I'm also using Mauls from "BearMan" for the tooling, one 16oz for the overall tooling and one 9oz for all the intricate details (plus it's a joy to work with functional and beautiful tools *S*). I also have a huge wood-root maul I found online from some old cobblers place. The wood maul is somewheere between 3-4 pounds in weight and great for hole punches, 3D stamps and Makers Mark stamp. I'm just adding a picture of the "BearMan" mauls :-)
  3. Well, I got it too...Someone at Tandy needs some history lessons of the inventory:-) Here's the scan I just made and the pattern number is printed on it.
  4. The stains just makes it more realistic :-) Whish I could pick your brain about making one of these bottles, and where in the world do I get "molten pitch" and what it it really?
  5. I'm also a fan...Beautiful work Bobo
  6. Tina

    Maker Stamp..

    Looking good... I hope you're going to have use for it now for many years to come:thumbsup:
  7. To tell the truth, I don't think I have ever seen any other oaktree here ever...I even have a big one on my lot at the new house we just moved in to :-D
  8. Beautiful work One fishermen that walks proudly to his favourite fishing spot :-)
  9. Hi Holly, Just a small note...The oak leaves looks different here in Sweden from the ones I have seen in the US, it might be the same in Germany? if you do an image search on google with this word: eklöv (oak leaf) you'll see what I mean, then it's just to pick up penn and paper and I wish you all the best of luck :-)
  10. Up to September last year when I was still living in USA I ordered most of my things from them too. Always over the phone and I got the package very quickly (as in most places in the US). I would recommend them for sure:-)
  11. Hej Lasse och Varmt välkommen till forumet :-) Detta är det trevligaste och mest hjälpsamma forum i cyberspace, vi är ett växande antal svenskar här fast jag tror du är den första "braidern"? (kanske någon hoppar in och rättar mig *LOL*)
  12. Håller med om att det är alldeles för dyrt i Sverige...Ebay var mitt "Mecka" när jag bodde i USA, tyvärr skickar ju inte alla varor utanför landet :-( Jag skriver en rad när jag lagt upp på Tradden, det finns en del bakgrunder med i det som kommer upp där men jag har för tillfället inte i huvudet storlekarna. Vissa av de minsta bakgrunderna har jag själv dubletter av och har gjort ännu mindre, ibland behövs de verkligen så jag förstår mer än väl ditt dilemma där. Ha en go kväll//Tina
  13. Hej Skald, välkommen till detta underbara forum...Jag gör det enkelt och tar detta på svenska. Jag håller som bäst på att packa upp allt mitt lädermaterial (inkl. böcker) efter åren i USA och jag har en dublett av Al Stohlmans bok "How to carve leather) som jag kan sälja. . Detta är bara en av alla hans böcker men detta är starten på detta hantverk som berättar det du frågar efter. Den är använd och vikt på mitten (som många) om/när du ser storleken kommer du förstå varför. Jag kommer oxo ha en del präglingsverktyg (mina dubbleter) och andra läder/skinnverktyg, dessa kommer jag "kasta upp" på Tradera. Skriv en rad om detta lockar :-) Tina
  14. Beautiful work Anyone would be proud to own this strap.
  15. Thanks a million, I just had to make them "mine":-)
  16. Here's mine made in metal from www.phillipsengraving.com If I translate the name it would be: "Wild Ravens Leatherden"
  17. I got my metal stamp from this pace: http://www.phillipsengraving.com/Leather_Stamps.html Very helpful, quick and easy to work with (plus the price is super)
  18. I think you want to know what Paint to use:-) The only options with white is acrylic (or oil based paint) Both of these do not penetrate the leather, just putting themselvs on the surface, that means that in due time they both will wear of. I have made some experiments with artist oil paint, diluted it with oil and terpentine, it works fine on veg.tan leather, it does penetrate more than other kinds of paint (but way less than dye) and hold up better than most other paints I have used. The downside is that it has to dry properly before adding the sealer, it can take weeks (and more). I hope this help you a bit along the way :-) //Tina
  19. I have used both antiques and the sheen stuff :-) I always apply 2 layers of the waterbased finish (Tandys super/satin sheen or Angelus waterbased finishers) Then the most important thing...Put it away and let it set for 24 hours before using the antique (Tandys or Fiebing's). This works out great for me. Good Luck//Tina
  20. Störtgillar dina armband lil'bro...Du har verkligen lyckats hitta din egen stil, Skitläckert
  21. The Keen Edge Beveler IS concave, I have one and this is my favourite edger by far when it comes to style. Mine is an old from Tandy but I know Osborne still have them.
  22. I have a pair of magnifying glasses I wear (See pictures below) and I think it's the best thing since slized bread :-) (I think some makers have them with a light too ?) I have tried the lamp too at my daughters but I think it's to big and just in your way plus...Of course you have to move it all the time so that it has the right distance to where on your work you're looking at. This little head gadjet have for sure made the carving sooooo much easier
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