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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hello, om ni brukar kika in på Tradera mellan varven har jag just nu en massa tidningar/mönster, verktyg och annat till salu som oxo skickas från/inom Sverige/Skandinavien. Jag säljer ut mina dubletter och annat lädermaterial:-) http://www.tradera.com/auktioner/LethalWeapon Tack för titten//Tina
  2. Thanks a million girls'n'guys:-) I'm just happy to be "back in the saddle" again and finally getting the tools out of storage.
  3. First off, Thank you All for your very nice comments and taking your time visiting my posts:-) I'll try not to move again...The intension is that "they" have to carry me out from here...Feet first :-) You're right, this is a wee bit different from another one I made more than a year ago and this one do not have any text. There's also some other small differences. I have to say, I'm impressed with your memory:-)
  4. Headstone Uhhhhhh....RIP :-) ...and here I am thinking my slab is heavy.
  5. Ohh yeah :-) I have to guess know but around 4-5 lb (?), it's made out of a birch tree root. I use it to my makers mark, to bigger hole/oblong punches etc, it's great :-)
  6. Thanks a million all for your nice comments, I'll be sure to tell dauhgter too:-) Well, I'm not that clean usually, just for the pictures *LOL* I like to call it my leather den (Läderlya) it smells great down there:-) ps. Having a huge bin (waste basket) helps a lot too.
  7. *LOL* No, that is "tapping to quickly on the keyboard name" Possible bag/pouch should be the right one. It was fun at the fair, different and I'm going next year again. This time I know what to exspect and what to do better:-)
  8. Thanks:-) Some of the designs are mine, some my daughters, some is alterations from stuff "out there" Just your averege mix and blend:-)
  9. Thanks a million Ben :-) I like to see what could be made, if all the ideas work out....Just having fun experimenting, I just whish I had access to the biggest leatherstore ever (as I guess we all)
  10. I'm glad you like them:-) The collar was the last thing I ever tooled in the US and I finally painted and put it together the last week. I like the idea and might do some more versions of this one. Thanks a million for your nice comment about my work:-) I mostly use Angelus spirit dyes but the metallic is just that, metallic paint from JoAnns around $1 each. No cellphone cases but belt pouches (some with rings at the sides to connect a strap to become a small purse) They're all 2 inch deep and mostly around 6-8 inch high. About the creativity I have too much of it and yes, it can be a problem. I sometimes have too manny ideas in my head maing me confuse of what to do next, it can take sometime to sort things out... I know it might be a delicate problem but it does make things harder for sure (ie: messy brain )
  11. I have to separate the pictures not to get them to image heavy...
  12. So I have a few things to finally show. It tock me a while to come up with something after the move from USA and eventually finding a "forever home" Here's some things that has been made by me or my daughter, yeah, I did "force" here into help me a short while back to a Viking fair our stuff attended :-)
  13. Absolut :-) Jag formligen älskar mitt nya "Space" Love you comment, it totally cracked me up :-) (My Norwegian neighbor was just saying "It looked as if it's going to be good there in Skåne" -Skåne, the most south region of Sweden)
  14. I have sooo waited for the hobby room to take shape...And finally "my own" (sure I share it with my husband *S*) hobby room is done. I don't call this the leathershop cuz by heart I'm an artist and a leatherworker by love. I paint and I love my sewing machine, all has it's place down here in the basement. The thing needed now is a new toolrack, the old one had to stay in the US. I'm happy with how this room came out, I have a big slab of granite on the very sturdy table and the floor is rock hard with tiles (and lovely floorheat). To me this is more than luxery, all 263 square foot of it. Some tables are going to get swapped eventually but for now this is more than I had ever hoped for. Feel free to comment, come up with clever solutions or what ever :-)
  15. I agree with everyone else here...Beautiful Your stuff is special Kevin and this bracelet is no exception:clapping:
  16. Beautiful work Kate I have to say, the best looking coaster I have seen, keep it coming :-)
  17. How about using another supplier? I sometimes use this supplier in Denmark, I think the prices are fair and they're easy to deal with. I always call them and I do use English then :-) http://www.laederiet.dk/produkter/Visprodukter_engelsk.asp?id=27
  18. My best advice is...Take your time, you're most likely going to have to live it it for some time and hopefully be happy with the logo too. As an example, I was working on mine for more than 6 months (and I do have some artistic talent) now after using it for a while, I'm more than happy and thinking with horror on the first few attempts. Usually the stamp is around an inch square, there is some small details that can fit within but as others have stated, make the text as simple as possible ie; Easy to read. Good luck//Tina
  19. Hej Skald, jag har skickat dig en bild i mailen här på LW, kolla den, det bör reda ut begreppen :-)
  20. I bought quite a bit of stuff from them when living in Michigan. Everything from tools to leather, chonchos etc and sure the tools is from Taiwan but craftools is from China, both from Asia I have a few " of the same tools" from both places and I prefer the ones from Taiwan any day of the week, more crisp impressions, if that is just the ones I have or in general I have no idea. I ordered the last time in Sep. of last year (I moved to Sweden the next month) and the last price of tools was 3.39 each when buying more than 10 of them. The people is very nice to work with but use the phone. They say that they have been around for more than 40 years
  21. I'm more than happy with my metal stamp and their service that I got from: http://www.phillipsengraving.com/Leather_Stamps.html
  22. I whish I had a good idea to help you out here... But for the sake of argument, should the glue be applied directly to the leather or to the plexiglass (then dry up a wee bit) before mounting the leather and glass together? I have always wondered this???
  23. Beautiful work I love you eye for the details and the fine finished egdes...I would love to see more of your work:clapping:
  24. If nowone here has one for sale, keep an eye on Ebay...This pattern shows up there from time to time. //Tina
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