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Everything posted by Tina

  1. I'm with Clay on Pauls blade (I have never tried BB's) If I'm not totally wrong I think Paul can adapt the blade to fit other brands too. This is by far the best blade/knife I have tried and I'm a proud owner of one too...Just my 2 cents:-)
  2. Thanks everyone:-) I can not wait to get some permanent living arrangement. It will most likely be sometime later next year and until then I have to just drool over all you guys' work and dream. There is no space for my little shop in this one bedroom appartment but I do have a wonderful view and only a 5 minute walk down to the sea. I have to grab my camera and get some pictures of this town when the weather is nice again. All my tools and such is right now somewhere on the Atlantic ocean, I hope it will do good and come back to me unharmed...I did keep some with me on the flight though, my swivelknife from Paul, my mauls from Ed and the unique craftools that is out of production and some work from you fellow leatherworkers, I didn't want to take a chanse on any of them *S* Have a wonderful day all//Tina
  3. Tina

    Xolotl - Aztec God

    Absolutly a decorative piece...Gotta love the colors:-)
  4. I Looove my pen and paper and would not change it for the world. To me this way I have full control and not the computer program (or the limit of the same?) "Back to basic" sound like a very good idea and good luck to you John:-)
  5. Hi there everyone and Thanks for the kind words:-) I just got my hands on a puter and have time to log in here...Everything is still up-side-down, loads of paper work and stuff needed to be delt with. I'm hoping to get my driver licens back again next week or soo. If I'm lucky we'll have our own internet next week too... Right now life is anything but leather...Loocking for a car, trying to found ourselfs around in an area that is anything but familiar to me. I have to say though it's fun and interesting and I can smell the sea every where:-) We have around 55-60 degrees F and the sun always seams to found it's way here sometime during the day as in most costal towns. This is one (if not thee) most southern town in Sweden, Trelleborg. I did find an old Viking village/ruin here and at the museum I had a nice long talk with a person inviting me to the Viking fair next year, seams like I just might have something to do after all *S* Talk more to you all later on//Tina
  6. This will be my last post from this continent....My computer is on the way to get packed tonight and all is going down to the shipper tomorrow and it might take a wee bit more than a month until I get it back again It has been a hellish month with all the packing and planing but it looks right now as if it's all OK, moving from one continent to another isn't easy. Anyways, I just want to say, Thank you America for the opportunity to learn about leather carving, I'll take it with me and hopefully there will be some people that will be interested to learn from me, I would love the spread this wonderful craft. I have really treassured my time here and I have learnd alot in general...I will always miss the generousity and the hospitality of the people here, I have loved every minute of it and it will stay in my heart and mind forever:-) So, when all is set over in Sweden I'll be back again...This forum is simply the best and I can't stay away for too long Have a great day each and everyone//Tina
  7. Quickly jumping in and agreeing with King'sX, You absolutly Rock BearMan :-) I'm moooore than happy with my mauls and I highly recomend your work to anyone...Yihaaaa
  8. Tina

    Hello from sweden

    Hej Ulf och varmt Välkommen:-) I don't make saddles (yet) but hoping to try it out in the future.
  9. Just use a sealer and "problem" solved. There's not an aqurelle painting in the world that can stand the sun, needs protection in form of UV filtered glass...Any oil painting will last for centuries with propper sealer. Any fabric will get destoid from the sun without protection and so on... Now, I was talking about the lack of life in EC, it's more like a mix between dye and paint...I do have a few objects at home with this medium and I can see first hand, not just from these photos. Still, I understand this is a matter of taste and preferences and maybe even the ability to use the product but my vote will go to the vivid colored spirit dyes any day of the week and I will still think EF is a secondary quallity "dye", end of my 2 cents!
  10. Well people, I stand by my oppinion about EF:-) There is a whole bunch of nice stuff here but...I still think the product is not a total dye quallity... Why? Most of the colors (blues/reds/purples/greens) is still looking more like acryllic paint, not dye that penetrate and leaves the wonderful natural texture, veins and such of leather, it hides it. The product is way to opac like paint than transparant as dye. Still my 2 cents :-)
  11. The only thing that comes to mind is Angelus acryllic finisher, comes in Matte too...I don't know if this is the kind of product you want? http://turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/mis...s-products.html scroll down on the page and you'll find it.
  12. Way cool idea...Opends up a whole bunch of creations in the brain
  13. It works just fine:-) When I paint oil paintings I use Rembrandt oil paint and I did have a try at it on leather....Works beautifully:-) I used Angelus finisher ontop (after + a month of drying time) and this piece have been laying around for over a year now, still super: Ohh, I forgot something. I agree with a lot of Kates words but...We're talking here about taste and preferences and that will always be different from person to person (we have a saying in Sweden: "The taste is like the buttocks-Devided!"). I stated my oppinion which does not mean that others have the same, I would think that the world would be a way poor place if we all think/do/like the same things:-)
  14. Just a wee bit of a twist from an artist mind... As an artist and a leather artist I can only say that I want the best on the market to work with. Sure I can learn to work with anything but why? Why would I want to use second/third kind of material in the first place? I invest loads of time making patterns, loads of time carving and tooling and now for the rest of the project I want it to shine...So I'm looking for that number one product that can help me as an artist to put the item "over the top", not to make it mediocre. I have not seen one item in person (leather shows) that "shines" with EF, my oppinion. Some items is actually rather good but the product itself does not seams to have that right "starlook" for my use, to "dull/not vibrant enough" in lack of better description. Just my 2 cents...
  15. Tina

    new tool

    Just Lovely:-) I have a couple from Ed too...Maybe it's time to start an "Ed fan club" ...I'll sign up any day, just love the mauls
  16. Naw, skip the growing up part and have some fun Welcome to LW and I'm sure you're going to enjoy yourself//Tina
  17. Or try Angelus dyes, I Love'm...They also have a line with 4 finisher too, ust scroll down on the linked page: http://turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/dye.html
  18. Tina

    Maker Stamps

    I just got my metal, lasercut maker stamp last week from this place: http://www.phillipsengraving.com/Leather_Stamps.html Very easy to work with, I did have my own logo and the stamp is perfect (very detailed as I wanted it) and I had it mounted on a backer plate too...Price $38, can't beat that:-) I have to get a picture when it's unpacked again....
  19. I got one of these sets a whileback...I will replace each and everyone of them, Chinese j..k metal.
  20. I do know of a place with the runes: http://www.laederiet.dk/produkter/vistyper...d=27&Uid=43
  21. Now, this is a great pattern...I Love it:-)
  22. Cool, I like it I wote for colors....But no acryllics on the roses/leaves, dye so that the natural look of the leather will still be there:-)
  23. Tina

    Last item "Made in USA"

    Hi Rayban:-) As Johanna says, they will be back again. I'm in the process of 1. moving 2. changing names on my stuff & 3. changing my web address...When all is set and done the pictures will all come back. (the copyright issue just made it happend quicker, that's all *S*)
  24. Tina


    Might this help you??? http://www.kingsmerecrafts.com/page100.html
  25. It sounds like Billy 2-shews method would fit you perfectly:-) I think this is the link to use... http://www.leatherworker.net/whois.htm
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