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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Like it Roo, broken chains have a special mening for me (have used it a lot in my paintings as symbols) so this one gets my vote:-)
  2. Great idea Spider, getting it to into the idea box:-) And I agree with Tom, it does look like som eof the berries back home, Mountain Asche tree berries (Rönn) The Cedar Waxving birds love'em.
  3. Very nice Scouter, I like the coloring and the lacing is beautiful:-)
  4. Welcome sodapop you'll meet a whole bunch of really friendy and helpful people here:-)
  5. I like your words plenty Wolvie, don't listen to Beaver, his just shy (maybe?):-) So, I'm getting something from KK, that is sooo cool:-)
  6. Abaolutly LOVE your dragon, naughty one:-)
  7. Oh my... Love your crisp clean tooling and the pattern is lovely:-)
  8. This is great Traditional with a twist, me like!
  9. Really cool ide ArtS,and i love the way it turned out, your work is awesome...Very useful as a pressie:-)Really cool ide ArtS,and i love the way it turned out, your wotk is awesome...Very useful as a pressie:-)
  10. Roo, There is loads of useful information about "How to do" in situations like this...Go to eBay forums and look around, it might save you som heartace. Good luck to you and your friend//Tina
  11. I do not not if we're to comment this picture but...(Johanna, feel free to take this away if we're not to comment these) That is a happy smile if ever I saw one:-)
  12. Your welcome and I'm soooo Happy wife is pleased:-)
  13. Absolutly beautiful work. I like the whole set, makes it all complete:-)
  14. Hi all:-) Is there a way of making sense of this thread-chinese? I bought a Myers awl and got some thread with it on a reel, super I loved the thickness and the durability to that thread, never broke on me. Now, I have tried to figure out how to get a big spole of that one (not buying this small reels that seams to be all over the place) but whatever I buy/see seams to be the wrong one :-( So, I know it is a 3 ply one, got a spool from one suplyer, 3 ply but it's thinner, scwimpy and brakes all the time and getting me just MAD!!! Ok, I get the 7 ply one from the same supplier...to thick, can't get it thru the needle *grrr* Does anyone know where to get the myers thread in a big spool and what I should be looking for? Greatful for any translation of this thread code that make absolutly no sense to me//Tina
  15. Well, I've alreaddy sent mine out to tazzman as I promissed to do...Without the pattern, cuz I only have small bits and pieces of it, the rest is drawn directly onto the leather
  16. That seat is really fab...Well done and I love the coloring:-)
  17. Absolutlu really nice:-) Very cool idea for a stirup.
  18. Jumpimg in adding some names to the list... Just a little note wildrose...By not doing the list, telling what you like etc there is a bigger chanse one might learn something, go outside the comfort zone. If we all get things that we alreaddy are doing then it would be a huge missed opportunity to broaden the horizon...My humble oppinion:-) Here's an added list: tazzman* wildrose* Cecil Johanna SCOUTER Myriam Froghunter Kani Rayban Bob Regis$ Wood? Clay (M) Banwell Hoyden jammon ferret$ Beaverslayer CitizenKate ETW Grumpy broncobuster rdb Oscar B wolfenstien ShirleyZ ClayB $ leatheroo$ superchute Hilly JLD
  19. Johanna, To me personally...Feel free to organize (I'm not an orginazor at all *S*) I just "Had an idea" :-) Wolf...Lets see what the moderators comes up with, but yes, that was the idea. Did try my best though Clay:-)
  20. Hi everyone, and specially ClayB at this point:-) Welcome and very nice seeing you here, in a huge way you're generousity is to "blame" for all this:-) Wishing each and everyone a wonderful Easter holiday//Tina
  21. I just got a mail with a great request...If you are willing to send things overseas (Europe, Australia and more), put an $ after your name:-) To make this work this first time, lets go after the list, it makes things so much easier. Then if we want to go a second turn we can all decide "how to"...OK? I'm just trying to make things easy this time around. As far as "what to send"...I guess it's up to the sender :scared: For me personally this was a super oportunity to gain some knollage, to see what I can improve and where, even to dare doing somethig completly out of the comfort zone, educational if you like. I hope this answers a lot of questions... tazzman* wildrose* Cecil Johanna SCOUTER Myriam Froghunter Kani Rayban Bob Regis Wood? Clay (M) Banwell Hoyden jammon ferret Beaverslayer CitizenKate ETW Grumpy broncobuster rdb Oscar B wolfenstien ShirleyZ
  22. I hope i haven't mised anyone, if so just copy this list and ad your name in an answer here. (*= this person is "taken") I have the memory of a peanut but I'll try to get on the chat on monday:-) Lets see if wee together can decide "how too" then:-) tazzman* wildrose Cecil Johanna SCOUTER Myriam Froghunter Kani Rayban Bob Regis Wood? Clay (M) Banwell Hoyden jammon ferret Beaverslayer CitizenKate ETW Grumpy
  23. Thanks beaver;-) Oh, yes I made the lining in black plonge leather, my favourite leather for anything nice and soft.
  24. Really nice Roo, it must feel good when a challenge turns up this good:-) I know how you feel about the black, I almost closed my eyes putting it on my piece but "no pain, no gain":-) IF you have a vision in your head, go with it (but have in mind, it might turn up as a boo boo)...I only used metalic colors ontop, very few actually, just mixed and blended them as I whent along. Have great day "Down Under"
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