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Everything posted by venator

  1. Well, another drunk monkey attempt at a wallet. The stitching was perfect on the side I could see and somehow totally missed the interior of the wallet. . .depsite them being perfectly lined up and secured. hell, they were still perfectly aligned when I finished. I hate wallets hate hate hate. however if I ever want to make money at this it seems there a great way to go. I appreciate the advice but I've tried every template, watched every video and as soon as it comes to that final assembly it goes completely to hell. http://vkleathers.com/2017/03/21/project-80-bifold-wallet/
  2. it sounds like this is a drop in lining. depending on whether you're hand or machine sewing and how you feel about finishing edges it's one of the two options. The other is a turned lining. This video gives a great explanation how to do both. Because she's using fabric she turns the top edges of both bag and lining to ensure no raw edges are visible, with leather you don't have to do that (as seen in this gorgeous bag we're all so taken with). If you do turn them a turned lining is a lot easier as it's less thickness to sew through, a drop in requires a heavier machine. I did my tote (look at my thread here in show off) with a turned lining.
  3. I realized I forgot to post this here! It's one of the projects I've done recently that I'm most proud of, it really turned out well. It was also quite a few firsts for me, first try using my new singer (home machine for the fabric), first try combining fabric and leather, first try at a turned lining, first try at folded handles. And oddly enough everything went wonderfully.
  4. Am I the only person here with a nemesis? For me it's wallets. For the life of me I cannot make a workable bi-fold wallet that I'd be happy to sell and I don't get why i have such issues. Today I tried again to make one and it wasn't perfect but it was going really well. . .right up until I had to stitch the outside on then the leather slipped (despite glue and basting tape), stuff moved, stitching went to hell and didn't catch all the layers and I'm almost ready to just quit leather working when this happens. It's killing my business too since I have lots of orders for wallets. . .if I could make one that I'd be willing to sell. If I make them out of vegetan (5oz outside and 2/3 for pockets) they're way too thick for people to want. When I try something thin like calf skin this happens (since I have to fold edges etc). Gah!!!!! Sorry, just venting. The wallet today was doing super well . . .until the last bloody step and then bam. . .no more wallet. Sigh. You can see the horrific failure here: http://vkleathers.com/2017/03/09/project-68-wallet-redux/
  5. So to go along with the double fuel bottle holder I made a single bottle holder. This would easily attach to virtually any fork, passenger backrest, frame member etc.
  6. I had a client request a fuel bottle holder to hold two 30oz bottles and attach to his sissy bar. Here's the result.
  7. The rear straps (one top one bottom) with the two buckles actually double as tensioners in the whole setup as my very crudely drawn diagram (viewed from on top) demonstrates. The tighter you do up the straps the tighter it holds to the bike but also the tighter it holds the bottles. The theory being you're not pulling them out often so you don't mind slacking things off a bit if you need to get them in/out.
  8. I'm happy with how it turned out, especially since it was the first one. I'm also happy my machine had no issues sewing pieces of 9/10 wickett and craig bridle together.
  9. Had a fellow order this holder for his motorcycle. He has a tiny tank and routinely carries bottles and the only holder he could find is for 1 bottle, he wants to carry two.
  10. They look great! I've wanted to try some shoes or boots but honestly have no idea where to start.
  11. I've never made a biker style wallet before so I decided to try a fairly simple design. I still have to rivet on a chain loop but since I don't currently have a chain for it that's not a huge concern. Any recommendations on places to buy chains? or on the wallet itself?
  12. Thanks guys, I'll be happy to use it. It really does reinforce that we need to get a cylinder arm machine though, that would have made it so much easier to stitch than wrestling it through our flat bed. On the upside I've sold a few to friends and family already.
  13. I've been wanted to start adding some motorcycle stuff to my online store since I have a lot of contacts in that area so I decided to make a tool bag for my bike. Not the best stitching I've ever done but certainly good enough for the prototype and I'm quite happy with how it turned out overall.
  14. Oh Lord. Belts aren't even fun or challenging they just take ages. . . I've done them but ew, not voluntarily again.
  15. Yeah, the stitching got pretty close on that one top corner, I was lazy and didnt' mark out a stitch line to follow. . .that's the result. yes, it's all machine stitched. I try to avoid hand stitching if I can, the investment of time is rarely returned vs machine stitching.
  16. This was my first try at a classic style bi-fold, definitely not my best work. Tried lots of new things, some worked and some didn't. Overall not unhappy with the results, curious how it ages.
  17. We've committed to a cool project for 2017, 365 unique items in 365 days. Feel free to offer suggestions for items, I'd love to hear them. Http://vkleathers.com
  18. Honestly since I've started airbrushing the dye on I've had zero issues and I've been using the eco-flo water based dyes. I've used the alcohol and oil ones too and defintiely find it's easier to get even coverage with the waterstains while using the airbrush. Plus now I airbrush on the resoline afterward and again, zero issues any more.
  19. I'm more of a cappuccino man myself but if I had a lathe I'd definitely make one of these up.
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